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Short-Cycle Higher Education in Bulgaria and the Experience of International University College

Short-Cycle Higher Education in Bulgaria and the Experience of International University College. Assoc. Prof. Todor Radev, PhD President International University College Dobrich, Bulgaria 15 th October 2009, Toledo, Ohio, USA.

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Short-Cycle Higher Education in Bulgaria and the Experience of International University College

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  1. Short-Cycle Higher Education in Bulgaria and the Experience of International University College Assoc. Prof. Todor Radev, PhD President International University College Dobrich, Bulgaria 15th October 2009, Toledo, Ohio, USA

  2. Short-Cycle Higher Education in Bulgaria and the Experience of IUC • Overview of Bulgarian System of Secondary and Higher Education • Some problems in Bulgarian System of Higher Education • Benefits from the Introduction of Short-Cycle Higher Education in Bulgaria • The Experience of IUC in Short-Cycle Higher Education Assoc. Prof. Todor Radev, PhD 15th October 2009, Toledo International University College, Bulgaria

  3. Overview of Bulgarian System of Secondary and Higher Education • Secondary education – 1 compulsory pre-school year + 12 school grades • 0-7 grades – basic education • 8-12 grades – secondary education • Professional high schools (gymnasium) • Language high schools • General high schools • 1-2 year post-secondary professional colleges • Higher education • Independent colleges – 3 to 4 years (Professional Bachelor) • Specialized universities (medical, technical, agrarian, etc.) • Classical universities Assoc. Prof. Todor Radev, PhD 15th October 2009, Toledo International University College, Bulgaria

  4. Some Problems in Bulgarian System of Higher Education (1) • The financing of the State Universities is entirely dependant on the Ministry of Education • The State does not support financially the private higher education institutions (HEI) • The establishment of a new private HEI is almost impossible due to the unclear procedures allowing endless postponement and prolonging • Some of the requirements and preconditions for opening a new HEI do not seem to be reasonable Assoc. Prof. Todor Radev, PhD 15th October 2009, Toledo International University College, Bulgaria

  5. Some Problems in Bulgarian System of Higher Education (2) • Some of the requirements and preconditions for opening a new HEI do not seem to be reasonable • The National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency has monopoly of the process of accreditation • Young faculty members are excluded from the management of higher education institutions (75% legal requirement for a representation of Assoc. and Full Professors in the university’s governing body) • The professional development of young scientists and university lecturers is slow, centralized and does not stimulate the competitiveness Assoc. Prof. Todor Radev, PhD 15th October 2009, Toledo International University College, Bulgaria

  6. Some Problems in Bulgarian System of Higher Education (3) • The System of Higher Education is closed and does not encourage students’ mobility • It might be assumed the Public HEI will probably oppose to the introduction of SCHE because: shortening of the study periods leads to the decrease of State subsidies • The Bulgarian Law of Higher Education does not regulates any legal provisions for SCHE Assoc. Prof. Todor Radev, PhD 15th October 2009, Toledo International University College, Bulgaria

  7. Benefits from the Introduction of SCHE in Bulgaria • Improved access to higher education • The business welcomes the introduction of SCHE • Easier access to higher degree levels • Support to hold back more students in Bulgarian universities • Increased student mobility • Opportunity to reform the traditional educational system in Bulgaria • Students will hold further flexibility and larger options to change their educational pathways and professional orientation Assoc. Prof. Todor Radev, PhD 15th October 2009, Toledo International University College, Bulgaria

  8. The Experience of IUC in SCHE (1) • IUC not only supports SCHE but makes its implementation real… • The Example of HRC Culinary Academy – 2-year programme • Graduates from HRC Culinary Academy continue 2 more years at IUC to get a Bachelor’s degree in Hospitality Management Assoc. Prof. Todor Radev, PhD 15th October 2009, Toledo International University College, Bulgaria

  9. The Experience of IUC in SCHE (2)Educational paths after graduation from IUC Assoc. Prof. Todor Radev, PhD 15th October 2009, Toledo International University College, Bulgaria

  10. The Experience of IUC in SCHE (3)Educational Pathways 2-3 years studies at IUC Bachelor’s Degree in 1-2 years studies Hotel Management Hospitality Management (UWIC, UK) Advanced Marketing (Harstad University College, Norway) International Hospitality Management (Stenden University, Netherlands) IBM International Business Management (UWIC, UK) International Business Management, Logistics or HRQM (Arnhem Business School, Netherlands ) Assoc. Prof. Todor Radev, PhD 15th October 2009, Toledo International University College, Bulgaria

  11. To visit… http://atlantis.vumk.eu The Bulgarian website of the Project “Short-Cycle Higher Education in the US and Europe: Addressing Social and Economic Needs” Assoc. Prof. Todor Radev, PhD 15th October 2009, Toledo International University College, Bulgaria

  12. Thank you for your attention! Assoc. Prof. Todor Radev, PhD President International University College 3,Bulgaria Str. 9300 Dobrich, BULGARIA Tel.: +359 58 / 655620, 655626 Fax: +359 58/ 605760 E-mail: todoradev@vumk.eu

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