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Fair Vs. Equal

Fair Vs. Equal. Fair Vs. Equal Defined. Equal -Everyone gets the same. In education equal would eliminate any accommodations students with disabilities receive Every student would have same amount of time and number of questions, it wouldn’t be fair but it would be equal.

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Fair Vs. Equal

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Fair Vs. Equal

  2. Fair Vs. Equal Defined • Equal -Everyone gets the same. • In education equal would eliminate any accommodations students with disabilities receive • Every student would have same amount of time and number of questions, it wouldn’t be fair but it would be equal. • Fair is giving students what they need in order to succeed. • Levels the playing field for students with different needs

  3. Example of Fair vs. Equal • Equal would be 100 lb. St. Bernard Dog and my 17 lb. Pomeranian getting a ½ cup of food. Doesn’t make good sense, but it is equal. • Fair is giving 100 lb. St. Bernard 2 cups of food while my little Pomeranian gets ½ cup.

  4. Example of Fair vs. Equal • Equal would be two people going to the hospital, one person has broken arm & one has headache but doctor gives them both Tylenol • Fair is putting a caste on the person’s broken arm and giving the person with a headache Tylenol

  5. Other Examples • Glasses, contacts are examples of accommodations for vision deficiencies • Wheelchairs are accommodations for physical impairments • Insulin is for diabetics (nutritional need) • Inhaler for a person with asthma (breathing need) • Giving people what they need is no different than giving a student with learning disabilities extra time for a test or help with reading. Special education does not make it easier for a student with disabilities, it makes it equal, and that is fair.

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