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Setting Directions 2-22-2013

Galveston Bay Area Chapter Texas Master Naturalists 2013. Setting Directions 2-22-2013. GBAC - TMN 3-5 Year Vision.

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Setting Directions 2-22-2013

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  1. Galveston Bay Area Chapter Texas Master Naturalists 2013 Setting Directions2-22-2013

  2. GBAC - TMN 3-5 Year Vision “Galveston Bay Area Chapter-Texas Master Naturalists is a cohesive team of well trained, highly motivated and fun loving volunteers dedicated to providing education, outreach and stewardship of our Galveston Bay area natural resources.”

  3. Goals Chapter Goals Long Term Present a regular newsletter column, Midden article and one presentation/year to increase awareness of implications to the Galveston Bay Area of changes, trends, issues (laws, regulations, demographics, climate) Chapter participation in implementing the Galveston Bay Plan - serve on committees, be a force in driving accomplishments and direction

  4. Goals Chapter Goals Short Term Conduct training class in 2013 in the Spring Continue to enhance scholarship program Provide one presentation/workshop on local current trends/issues Provide articles on trends, issues, etc

  5. Goals Stewardship Outreach (Conservation, Preservation, Restoration, Monitoring) Long Term Goals Continue to identify acreage impacted and increase acreage Short Term Conduct Projects of the Month Continue existing monitoring (i.e., Water, transects, butterflies, hawks, bats, sea turtles, invasive species) Conduct Red Tide Monitoring training

  6. Goals Education Outreach Long Term Goal Work with the State to develop a Jr. Naturalist program Short Term Provide one Treasure of Bay Teachers workshop in the Galveston Bay Area Continue education programs for adults, public and schools when asked Partner with Master Gardeners for a program Conduct Child Protection Training for those working with minors

  7. Goals Communication Long Term Maintain and enhance publication of “The Midden” Maintain and enhance the web site Short Term Publish bi-monthly newsletter Continue with enhancements of the web site and our chapter communications

  8. Goals Chapter Outreach Long Term Goals Have 75% trainee retention rate (year end to year end) In 5 years have 200 active MN volunteers Short Term Goals Semi-annual outreach to volunteers (those not involved)

  9. Goals Spirit/Incentives Long Term Continue to look for ways to promote the social bonds of the chapter Short Term Host a Volunteer Opportunities Fair and invite all partners to participate

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