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School Background. 850 11-16 co-ed comp. LBH
5. Student Voice - Aims
Aims :
To provide a method of encouraging students, irrespective of their gender, ability, background, or ethnicity to become actively involved in decisions about their own learning and empowering them with appropriate ways to do so.
To ensure that the learners themselves are involved in decisions about how, what and when they learn, with whom and the type of environment in which this occurs. Wendy
Aim of student voice – empowering them Wendy
Aim of student voice – empowering them
6. First Steps It was recognised that we wanted a consistent approach to teaching, learning and the learning environment.
Students to be involved in school improvement strategies and co-construction of policy making with teachers.
Organisation based around existing good practice – where students and staff were already successfully involved in school improvement together.
7. Organisation of Student Voice Wendy
The organisation of SV all with a focus – how / what / whereWendy
The organisation of SV all with a focus – how / what / where
8. Student Training If students are to have such a real impact and direct involvement in policy making, then they need to be properly prepared and trained.
A student voice of 92 students must be truly representative of the 840 diverse student population. They therefore needed to be trained in research skills as well as other generic transferable skills. These skills are useful across the whole curriculum and for lifelong learning.
Links to UEL – training neededWendy
Links to UEL – training needed
9. University of East London 92 students from Abbs Cross visited UEL for the day.
Introductory session on research and ethics.
3 voices linked with 3 different UEL tutors to listen to students’ experiences.
The Best Learning Experience – environment, behaviour, teaching and learning.
How can the students discover what is needed and what is going on in their own school?
What do the students want to achieve out of this?
10. Blue Voice – Claire / EmmaBlue Voice – Claire / Emma
11. Lesson CharterIn lessons at Abbs Cross, teachers will aim to: Build a relationship with the students in the school that is based on mutual trust and respect.
Include a variety of creative and practical activities.
Challenge students according to their individual needs.
Use the unexpected to the lessons advantage; be prepared to be flexible and use humour where appropriate.
Keep teacher talk to a minimum. Break up long explanations with opportunities for students to contribute.
12. Lesson CharterIn lesson in Abbs Cross, teachers aim to: Make a considered judgement about seating arrangements and group dynamics.
Share the point of the lesson and the assessment criteria with the students.
Start with an activity that encourages students to think.
Provide students with a variety of learning techniques in order to cater for different learning styles.
Involve everyone in the lesson and speak to them by name.
13. Skills we used How to think critically about what makes a good lesson.
Reflect on the range of views of both students and teachers.
Interpretations of our own lesson experiences to identify good teaching strategies.
Develop empathy skills – views of teachers.
To see issues from the teachers’ perspectives.
To engage in informed discussion and debate.
14. WendyWendy
15. Learning Environments CharterWe work best in an environment that: Has interesting displays - Posters, pictures, notices and student work that are freshly updated, colourful, relevant, fun and helpful.
Has fresh cool air – We feel comfortable when not too hot or too cold. Classrooms that smell can make us feel uncomfortable.
Has blinds on the windows – Blinds should work so that we can see the interactive whiteboard, monitors and televisions.
Is free from clutter – A tidy, well organised classroom, where we can find the resources we need to have space to work.
Has fresh, brightly coloured walls – We like a variety of colours around the school and clean classrooms.
16. Learning Environments CharterWe work best in an environment that: Has modern, comfortable furniture – Classroom layouts that can be changed, and chairs and stools that are comfortable.
Has ICT facilities – Interactive whiteboards that can be seen and computers for our own use.
Has a clock – An accurate clock that we can see helps us pace our work.
Is free from interruptions – We can be disturbed by noise from corridors or on the fields or from other staff coming into our lessons.
Has clear lighting – If natural sunlight isn’t available, then artificial light should be bright and bulbs should work.
17. Skills we used How to think critically about what makes a good lesson.
Interpretations of our own lesson experiences to identify elements of the learning environment that help our learning.
To examine issues of bias and opinion.
To learn that compromise is sometimes needed.
How to carry out an investigation using a questionnaire.
How to make sense of data.
How to disseminate information to others.
How to formulate proposals for action.
18. WendyWendy
19. Behaviour CharterAt Abbs Cross, students will aim to: Build a relationship with the adults in the school that is based on mutual trust and respect.
Treat each other in the way that they would wish to be treated themselves.
Accept responsibility for their conduct, contribution and response to learning.
Listen carefully.
Follow the instructions of the teacher.
20. Behaviour CharterAt Abbs Cross, students will aim to: Ask questions at an appropriate time and in an appropriate manner to aid their understanding.
Make a positive contribution in every lesson.
Help other students where possible and if it is appropriate.
Use time effectively – make every moment count.
Avoid causing or being influenced by any distractions.
21. Skills we used How to think critically about what makes a good lesson.
Interpretations of our own lesson experiences to identify elements of student behaviour that help our learning.
To examine issues of bias and opinion.
How to listen to others.
How to relate to other students.
Issues connected with the ethics involved in discussing other students’ behaviour.
How to disseminate information to others.
How to formulate proposals for action.
22. The Debrief Meeting with Head Master, Leadership Team, Chairman of Governors, School Bursar, UEL
Other students are kept updated through assemblies and form times. WendyWendy
23. SUCCESS!! – Our Student voice has already made a difference. Our former School Council was unpopular; few students wanted to be a member. However Student Voice has really changed this. Our forms are really interested in what we do.
We now understand about different styles of teaching and learning; we recognise what a fully personalised school will mean.
We feel our teachers respect our suggestions and ideas.
We feel we can work co-operatively with everyone throughout the school.
24. We have become closer to our peers of different age groups.
We have interacted and shared views with the school governors and the bursar.
We have had a more important role in the decision-making around the school.We have composed three Charters which will be in our pupil diaries and visible in every classroom, as well as on the school website. SUCCESS!! – Our Student voice has already made a difference. WendyWendy
25. Where the school goes now Charters displayed around school, diaries, web site. Staff meeting and letters home. Student Voice to monitor and evaluate the success of their implementation.
Blue – School lesson observation form changed. T&L group continue their work.
Red – e-behaviour introduced. Student behaviour judged against red charter, then recorded and monitored electronically. Student suggested rewards and sanctions.
Green – All school maintenance and new building works decided with reference to green charter. Classroom paint colours, blinds, air conditioning, location of stock cupboards, clocks, furniture and even colour of patio bricks!