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Chapter 14. Institutional Programs. Institutional Programs. Managing Constraints of Security The Principle of Least Eligibility Classification The Classification Process Objective Classification Systems Rehabilitative Programs Psychological Programs Behavior Therapy Social Therapy
Chapter 14 Institutional Programs
Institutional Programs • Managing • Constraints of Security • The Principle of Least Eligibility • Classification • The Classification Process • Objective Classification Systems • Rehabilitative Programs • Psychological Programs • Behavior Therapy • Social Therapy • Educational and Vocational Programs • Substance Abuse Programs • Religious Programs • The Rediscovery of Correctional Rehabilitation
Institutional Programs Cont. • Prison Medical Services • Prison Industry • The Contract labor, Piece Price, and Lease Systems • The Public Account System • The State-Use System • The Public Works and Ways System • Prison Industry Today • Prison Maintenance Programs • Prison Recreational Programs • Prison Programming Reconsidered
“Prison program” • any formal, structured activity that takes prisoners out of their cells and sets them to instrumental tasks
“Principle of least eligibility” • the doctrine that prisoners ought to receive no goods or services in excess of those available to people who have lived within the law
Benefits of institutional programs • help manage time • improve inmates’ lives • improve likelihood of parole • reduce inmate boredom, tension, hostility • maintain safety and security of prison • produce goods & services • keep prison functional and operating • offer incentives for good inmate behavior • keep prison time from becoming ‘deadtime’
5 types of prison programs rehabilitative programs increase likelihood inmates will lead a crime-free life upon release recreational programs provide organized social, physical, & intellectual leisure activities medical programs provide medical services to inmates industrial programs production of sellable goods & services outside prison, in “free” market maintenance programs provide services essential to upkeep & operation of prison
Factors limiting potential prison programs • security • need to minimize ability of inmates to obtain weapons or contraband • also limits potential effectiveness of some programs (e.g., group therapy) which require meaningful inmate interaction • principle ofleast eligibility • prisoners can’t have it ‘better’ than citizens • e.g., elimination of inmate Pell grants (college) • classification • risk of escape, violence, future criminality
“classification” • a process by which prisoners are assigned to types of custody (i.e., specific prisons, as well as the level of supervisionwithin a prison), and treatment programs • classification determines: • which prison inmate is sent to • housing assignment • work assignment • availability of treatment programs • amount of goodtime available (e.g., Colorado)
conflicting concerns in classification process offender RISK offender NEEDS testing & diagnostics to determine factors: 1.) Age 2.) Offense severity 3.) Prior prison record dangerousness factors: batteries of tests psychiatric eval’s counseling = Management tool to ‘group’ inmates appropriately = Diagnostic tool to identify inmate treatment needs
new “objective” classification systems predictive models use statistical techniques to identify classification factors alternative systems which seek to remove subjective judgments by classifier equity-based models use explicitly defined legal variables as classification factors • risk of escape • risk of misconduct • risk of future crime • offense • various criminal characteristics 1. each factor is assigned points. 2. total points defines security level
rehabilitative programs psychological religious to reform offender’s behavior behavioral substance abuse social educational & vocational
“psychotherapy” • in general terms, all forms of “treatment of the mind,” i.e., in which therapy address the individual’s thoughts and emotions; in the prison setting, these therapies are coercive in nature. • most experts agree that mental abnormalities play an insignificant role in criminality of most offenders.
Myths in Corrections • The Myth: Judges should send people to prison to get rehabilitation programs. • The Reality: Rehabilitation programs offered in the community are twice as effective at reducing recidivism as those same programs offered in prison. (See Figure 14.1: Programs in Prison vs. the Community)
“coercive therapy” • treatment in which the therapist determines the need for (and the goals of) treatment processes, whether or not the client agrees
“group treatment” • therapy for which the setting is a group of individuals who are seen as having the same or similar problems or needs; designed to be highly interactive, often confrontational, as members of the group comprise essential elements of the therapy
types of group therapy used in prison reality therapy transactional analysis therapies focusing on thought processes confrontational therapy (a technique) cognitive skill building
“reality therapy” • treatment emphasizing an offender’s personal responsibility for actionsand the very real consequences of their actions - for themselves and others • aim: get individual to behave more responsibly
“confrontational therapy” • a treatment technique, usually used in a group, that vividly brings offender face to face with consequences of the crimes for victim & society • group members encouraged to confront each other’s rationalizations and manipulations • aim: get offenders to give upmanipulative rationalizations and accept responsibility for harms they caused
“transactional analysis” • treatment focusing on how a person interacts with others, focusing on patterns that indicate personal problems • focus is on roles people play; 3 ego states • parent: judging and controlling • adult: mature, realistic, and ethical • child: playful, dependent, naughty • aim: help offenders realize their problems stem from approaching world as an angry parent or weak child, rather than as a responsible adult
“cognitive skill building” • a form of behavior therapy focusing on changing thethinking & reasoning patterns that accompany criminal behavior • also called “cognitive restructuring” • belief is that offenders develop antisocial patterns of reasoning that make them believe criminal behavior makes sense • aim: to teach offenders new ways to think about themselves and their actions
“behavior therapy” • treatment that induces new behaviors through reinforcements (rewards & punishments), rolemodeling, etc. • belief: crime is not so much a product of the makeup of the individual as it is his/her responses to problems in the environment • belief: behavior is learned • aim: change person’sbehavior (not person’s mind or emotions) by manipulating payoffs • target of behavior change: not criminality, but problem behaviors surrounding criminal lifestyle--verbal manipulation, rationalization, anger control, frustration, deficient social skills
“token economy” • a type of behavior therapy that usespayments (such as tokens) to reinforcedesirable behaviors in an institutional environment • certain benefits (e.g., TV, privileges, free time) must be “purchased” with tokens • offender receives tokens as rewards for appropriate behavior and task completion
“social therapy”“milieu therapy” / “positive peer culture” • treatment that attempts to make the institutional environment supportive of prosocial attitudes & behaviors • beliefs: • offenders learn lawbreaking values & behaviors in social settings from peers to whom they attach importance • true change occurs when offenders take responsibility for social climate in which they live • aims: • develop prosocial environment within prison to help offender develop noncriminal ways of coping • make prison operations more democratic • develop inmate culture that promotes law-abiding lifestyle
social therapy (cont’d) • requirements: • institutional practices = democratic, ≠ bureaucratic • programs must focus on treatment, not custody • humanitarian concerns > institutional routines • flexibility > rigidity
“vocationalrehabilitation” • prison programming designed to teach inmates cognitive & vocationalskills to help them find & keep employment on release • education • >200,000 inmates participate • ABE (Adult Basic Education) • GED (General Equivalency Diploma) • college: Pell grants no longer available to prisoners • vocational training • irrelevant skills; obsolete equipment • inmates lack skills to get & keep job • punctuality, accountability, deference to supervisors, cordiality to co-workers, how to find a job, do interview
“civil disabilities” • legal restrictions that prevent released felons from voting, holding elective office, engaging in certain professions & occupations, & associating with known offenders • 6,000 occupations are licensed in 1 states • barred occupations include (in some states): • nurse, barber, beautician, real estate, chauffeur, cashier, insurance salesman, stenographer, worker where alcoholic beverages are sold
prison industry programs public works & ways system contract labor system teach job skills; produce goods & services lease system piece price public account system state use system
“contract labor” system • the type of system under which inmates’ labor was sold on a contractual basis to private employers, who provided the machinery and raw materials, with which inmates made salable products, either inside or outside of the institution, to be sold on the open market
“piece price system” • a contract labor system under which a contractor provided raw materials and agreed to purchase goods (made by prison inmates) at a pre-established price • tended to be extremely exploitative, as inmates often worked in sweatshops, returning to prison at night
“lease system” • another contract labor system which is a variation on the piece price system in which the contractor maintained the prisoners (often outside of the institution), providing them with food and clothing, in addition to providing the raw materials for the work performed. • inmates were often required to work 12 to 16 hours at a stretch. • In some southern states, prisoners were leased to agricultural producers to perform field labor.
“public account system” • a labor system under which a prison bought machinery and raw materials with which prison inmates manufactured a salable product • 1909: Oklahoma led the way, in twine industry • Minnesota, Wisconsin followed • Okla. defrayed 2/3 cost of prison operations • corruption ended the practice
“state use system” • a labor system under which goods and services produced by prison labor inside the institution are purchased exclusively by state agencies and tax-supported institutions; such goods never enter the ‘free market’ • currently, the most common form of prison industry • e.g., California
“public works & ways system” • a labor system under which prison inmates work onpublic construction and maintenance projects (e.g., filling potholes, building & repairing buildings & bridges, working in the community on various projects), for which the institution receives a fee
evolution of prison industry • private use of inmate labor vanishes: 1885-1940 • exploitative • reminiscent of plantation slavery • labor movement: laws restrict sale of prison goods • 1929: Hawes-Cooper Act • bans prison-made goods from interstate commerce • by 1940: all states ban imports of prison goods • WWII: FDR demands prison goods for war effort • Truman revokes FDR order • 1973 report: few inmates have productive work- National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals
prison industry (cont’d) • 1979: support for prison labor returns • Congress lifts restrictions on sale of prison goods • Free Venture program (LEAA)- funds 7 states develop industries with following requirements: • full work week for inmates • wages based on productivity • productivity standards from private sector • industry-not prison-staff to hire & fire inmates • self-sufficient or profitable operations • postrelease job placement mechanism • 1994: 16 states in Free Venture program
substance abuse programs • crime-drug abuse link is strong! • 50-80% arrestees test positive for drugs • 50-75% of them need drug treatment • 1993: 1.1 mill. offenders in drug/alcoh trtmt • treatment difficult; high “failure” rate • elements of successful treatment programs • occur in phases (residential phase = 6-12 mo.) • participants earn privileges in therapeutic setting • use multiple treatment modalities • residential staff & community officials closely coordinate plans for release • treatment continues after release (group therapy, drug testing)
‘Prison Blues®’ sportswear: Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution • produced by inmates for the general public • inmates earn prevailing industry wage • Prison Blues® managed by Unigroup Corp. • 85% of wage deducted for: • victim restitution • child support • incarceration costs • court costs • taxes • 15% of wage available for: • canteen • voluntary family support • savings (available at release) “MADE ON THE INSIDE TO BE WORN ON THE OUTSIDE” logo of Prison Blues® http://prisonblues.com
Prison maintenance programs fire dept. clerical, records electrical mail Maintain & operate prison plumbing janitorial food service laundry
prison recreation programs sports hobby shop reform offender behavior weight training journalism music drama