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Cold Fusion Hosting The 5 “S”s for Success

Cold Fusion Hosting The 5 “S”s for Success July 29, 2000 Presentation by Christine Pascarella Virtualscape S#1 Starting out Who hosts CF? How do you find a CF Host? What to look for? Getting your site live! Server Management Technical Support Questions to ask yourself….

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Cold Fusion Hosting The 5 “S”s for Success

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  1. Cold Fusion HostingThe 5 “S”s for Success July 29, 2000 Presentation by Christine Pascarella Virtualscape

  2. S#1 Starting out Who hosts CF? How do you find a CF Host? What to look for? • Getting your site live! • Server Management • Technical Support

  3. Questions to ask yourself…. What is the role Cold Fusion on your site? Do you require special Cold Fusion tags, features, etc. What type of assistance do you need? (programming, design, management) Is your site mission critical? Identifying a CF Hosting Company(What to ask your host & yourself) Questions to ask your provider • What type of technical support do they offer? • What is their experience with Cold Fusion? • What version of CF are they running? • What databases do they support? • Do they perform keyword monitoring?

  4. S#2 - Statistics • What are they? • Web server logs, Cold Fusion logs • What tools are available? • Webtrends, Live Stats • How logs tie into scalability.

  5. How to use Statistics In a Shared Environment • The importance of raw log files. • Looking at log reports. • Knowing your traffic flow. Dedicated Environment • CF log analysis. • Performance Monitoring. • # of Concurrent Connections. • The importance of testing remotely. • Keyword monitoring.

  6. S #3 - Scalability How Scaleable is your application? • Database issues • Session Management • Sending Email (CFMail) • Load Balancing & Failover

  7. Database Scalability • When is the right time to make a change? • Moving from one database to another. • Is the database slowing you down or is it your code? • Optimizing your database queries to increase performance.

  8. Session Management NT Servers - Where to store your variables? 1) Registry 2) ODBC connection to SQL Server 3) Session management independent of Cold Fusion.

  9. CFMail • How much mail are you sending out? • Sharing vs. dedicated mail servers. • Benefits of queuing. • The SPAM test (formatting properly).

  10. Server Clusters - Web Farms Advanced Server Hosting • Multi-server environment • Insurance that site will always be available • Load balancing and redundancy • Failover options • Higher cost of entry and maintenance

  11. S #4 - Security • How Secure is your application? • SSL, PGP • Identifying Security Holes, security scans • Firewalls, VPNs and Point-to-Point

  12. SSL & PGP • SSL - just for e-commerce? • PGP - how to implement it. • Using CF to encrypt your pages.

  13. Finding Security Holes • BugTraq (popular mailing lists) • Security Scans • Realtime security monitoring • Security Officers (staff)

  14. Firewalls Firewall functions: • Packet filtering • Port lockdowns • Screening policies • Secure remote server administration

  15. S #5 Speaking to your Host Make sure you have a good relationship. Let your host know your plans. Get advice on your approach.

  16. Summary The 5 S’s of Success • Starting Out • Statistics • Scalability • Speaking to your host • Security

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