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AppViewXS™ Installation Infrastructure Overview. Web Server Application Server. Overview. AppViewXS™ consists of a series of servlets (java applications running on an application server such as Tomcat or servlet_jsp )
AppViewXS™ Installation Infrastructure Overview Web Server Application Server
Overview • AppViewXS™ consists of a series of servlets (java applications running on an application server such as Tomcat or servlet_jsp) • Users use their browser to access a web server such as tomcat or iTP that connects to the servlets on the application server • The servlets conduct host sessions, and send resulting screen images to clients as HTML pages
AppViewXS Installation Overview • AppViewXS Installation creates a sub-directory in the Web Application Directory • Sub-directory uses name of .WAR file, i.e. AVXSIntegrationAppWeb (rename if you like) • Contains web directory (Public Internet Directory) • AppViewXS Start-up.html files • Sub-directories • Images - .GIFs & JPGs used during the session • js - Scripts used by AppViewXS • User Help - AppViewXS user Help documentation
AppViewXS Installation Overview • Servlet Root Directory • Sub-directory is named (by default) appviewxs (AVXSIntegrationAppWeb\WEB-INF\appviewxs), and contains other sub-directories: • AT2CUSTOM • Default AppViewXS customization directory • Additional customization sub-directories, if any, will reside on the same level as AT2CUSTOM directory • COM • Java classes required to run AppViewXS • TNMANAGER • AppViewXS Applications (A/K/A Profiles) • LOGS • AppViewXS generated logs
Installation of AppViewXS We have found Tomcat to be an excellent environment for quickly evaluating AppViewXS, and therefore provide instructions for that environment, and its close equivalent NonStop iTP with JSP. If aid is needed for installing into other environments, please just ask.
Installing AppViewXS (Tomcat/iTP) • In the file tree of the unzipped AppViewXS™ product, navigate to the appviewxs_struts directory • Stop Tomcat/iTP • (Rename war file if you like, then) Copy the AVXSIntegrationAppWeb.war file into the webapps directory of Tomcat/iTP Examples; C:\Program Files\Apache Group\tomcat\webapps\AVXSIntegrationAppWeb /usr/tandem/webserver/servlet_jsp/webapps/AVXS/WEB-INF/appviewxs
Installing AppViewXS (Tomcat/iTP) • Start Tomcat/iTP • AVXSIntegrationAppWeb.war file will automatically create a new folder and unpackage AppViewXS
Installing AppViewXS • Open your browser, go to http://your_server_name/AVXSIntegrationAppWeb to see this screen;
Installing AppViewXS • At the top left side of the blue panel, click on “AppViewXS Config Screen” to see; User ID is rqs, Password is zx11
Installing AppViewXS Review settings, then click on Install AppViewXS
AppViewXS • Example Web Application Directory Paths • C:\Program Files\tomcat6\webapps\AVXSIntegrationAppWeb OR • /usr/tandem/webserver/servlet_jsp/webapps/AVXS/WEB-INF/appviewxs • Example URL to the AppViewXS servlet • For example • http://AVXS.crystalpoint.com:8080/AVXSIntegrationAppWeb OR • http://nonstop.crystalpoint.com/servlet_jsp/AVXSIntegrationAppWeb
Installing AppViewXS • As a result you'll see the following screen
Installing AppViewXS • Copy registration files into your Web Application • For example • C:\Program Files\Apache Group\jakarta-tomcat\webapps\AVXSIntegrationAppWeb\WEB-INF\appviewxs OR • /usr/tandem/webserver/servlet_jsp/webapps/AVXSIntegrationAppWeb/WEB-INF/appviewxs • Stop/Start or Restart Tomcat/iTP