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Negotiation. What is the purpose of the negotiation?Who will negotiate?What is the basis for the negotiation?The technical negotiationThe financial negotiationIn practice
1. Info Day – 31/05/2010
2. Negotiation
What is the purpose of the negotiation?
Who will negotiate?
What is the basis for the negotiation?
The technical negotiation
The financial negotiation
In practice …
Reasons for delay
Consortium agreement
3. Where do we stand?
4. What is the purpose of the negotiation?
5. Who will negotiate?
Project officers
Legal officers
6. Project officers
William BIRD
Alexandra GURAU
Michal KLIMA
Patrycja KULESZA
Ludger ROGGE
7. Legal officers
8. Coordinators
Lead the negotiation
Represent the consortium
Only one applicant can be the coordinator
One single person will represent the coordinator
This person is responsible for all the contacts with the Commission
This person attends all the meetings
9. What is the basis for the negotiation?
10. Negotiation mandate
11. Rules for participation
12. FP7 Grant Agreement – Annex II
13. Guidance documents
14. Technical negotiations
Objective: To agree on the final content of Annex I
Description of work adapted to meet recommendations and comply with the General Conditions of the Grant Agreement
Work described in sufficient details and proportionate to resources
Identification of the work to be carried out by each beneficiary
List of deliverables (content, timing, needed resources, dissemination level), milestones (+ assessment criteria)
Indicative time schedule for reviews to be established (mainly for large projects)
15. Financial and legal negotiations
Objective: To agree on budgetary and legal matters
Total costs and budget breakdown to be agreed upon
Start date and duration of the project
Timing of the reporting periods
Amount of pre-financing
Special clauses
Identification of sub-contractors and third parties
Financial capacity of coordinator and of any other participant with EC contribution > EUR 500.000
16. In practice: Supporting IT tool
NEF is used for:
Preparation of the Description of Work
GPFs (Grant Agreement preparation forms)
17. In practice: Description of work (1)
1st step: Convert your proposal into Annex I using NEF
Please: DO NOT implement the recommendations yet,
DO NOT introduce changes
Part A:
Budget breakdown (GPF A3.2)
Project summary (GPF A1)
List of beneficiaries
Workplan tables (WT1 – WT8): list of WPs, list of deliverables, WP description, list of milestones, tentative schedule for reviews, project efforts (PM) per WP and per beneficiary, project efforts and costs.
Part B:
B1: Concepts and objectives, progress beyond the state of the art, S/T methodology and work plan
B2: Implementation (management structure, beneficiaries, consortium as a whole, resources to be commited)
B3: Impact
B4: Ethical issues (if applicable)
B5: Gender aspects (optional)
18. In practice: Description of work (2)
2nd step: Revise the 1st draft according to the recommendations in the negotiation mandate and the comments of the project officer during the negotiation meeting or by bilateral contacts.
Please pay attention to the following:
Type of activity: RTD, DEM, OTHER, MGT and COOR (only applicable to coordination actions), SUPP (only applicable to support actions)
Number of deliverables (and timing)
19. In practice: Costs details
Provide the costs details in NEF with the (revised) description of work
Provide the costs without decimals (e.g. EUR 500.000,00)
Check the cost models, activity type
Tip: Check carefully the management costs – These shall NOT include the technical coordination costs (Ref: General conditions, Guide to Financial issues)
20. Reasons for delay
Slow or unclear response from consortium
Changes in the description of work not properly identified or justified
Discussions over the budget
Reduction of budget
coordination/management costs
“Unnecessary” changes in budget breakdown
Insufficient cost justification, in particular for “other major costs”
Beneficiaries not validated
Documents (e.g. signed GPFs, ) not submitted
21. Consortium agreement
Prerequisite for the signature of the Grant Agreement
Model of consortium agreement to be found on Cordis
Agreement itself not checked by the Commission’s services
22. More information ?
Do not hesitate to contact the project officer!
Guidance documents on Cordis (http://cordis.europa.eu)
Participants portal (http://ec.europa.eu.research/participants/portal)
General conditions of the Grant Agreement
23. Thank you
for your attention