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SPS YETS 2017/2018 Planning meeting (No.4) 25/10/17

SPS YETS 2017/2018 Planning meeting (No.4) 25/10/17. David Mcfarlane. Topics. YETS 2017/2018 dates. Key Dates & Schedule for week 1. Access system Tests Planning YETS AUG test draft dates. North Area Beam Lines (New facility in IMPACT) IMPACTs

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SPS YETS 2017/2018 Planning meeting (No.4) 25/10/17

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  1. SPS YETS 2017/2018Planning meeting (No.4)25/10/17 David Mcfarlane EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

  2. Topics • YETS 2017/2018 dates. • Key Dates & Schedule for week 1. • Access system Tests Planning • YETS AUG test draft dates. • North Area Beam Lines (New facility in IMPACT) • IMPACTs • COORDINATION SECURITE PENDANT LES ARRETS DU SPS. • ECRs. • What information I now need from you. • Future meetings & presentation of group planning's. • External visitors. • Access rights and safety equipment. • Important group and project contacts. • A.O.B. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

  3. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane • Year-End Technical Stop 2017-2018 References: • 15 weeks beam to beam stop for the LHC • Xenon physics for the North Area • 5 weeks for commissioning (hardware tests + cold check-out + beam commissioning) in the injectors (PSB, PS, SPS) before beam ready for the LHC • 2 to 3 days of diagnostic tests in the injectors with machine closed

  4. Key dates • Beam off at 06:00 on Monday the 18th December • Access into BA7, TI2, TAG41, TAG42 & TI8: • Monday the 18th December until Friday the 23rd February 2018. • 8 weeks of access. • Access into BA3,4,5 & 6: • Thursday the 21st December until Friday the 23rd February 2018. • 7.4 weeks of access. • NO works are currently planned in the tunnel during the 2 week Xmas vacation. • XMAS holidays: Saturday the 23rd December to Sunday the 7th January inclusive • Access into BA1 & BA2: • Monday the 8th January until Friday the 23rd February 2018. • 7 weeks of access. • 3weeks foreseen for EPC tests and cold-checkout by OP. • SPS will take beam from the PS on Monday the 19th March 2018, followed by 1 week for beam setup. • SPS ready to give beam to the LHC on Monday the 26th March 2018! EN/ACE/OSS BE/OP EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

  5. Current schedule for week 1(18th to 22nd December) • Monday 18th December • Beam off 06:00Hrs • Access possible in BA7, TI2, TAG41, TAG42, TI8. • All water and power to remain on (Machine is in standby) • SPS ring closed to everyone except: • RP: will survey the tunnel • Magnet team: to remove covers on the magnets. • Crab Cavity works in BA6 • Tuesday 19th December • Magnet team conduct tests • All water and power to remain on (Machine is in standby) • SPS closed (to everyone except Magnet team) • Wednesday 20th December • Magnet team conduct tests • All water and power to remain on (Machine is in standby) • SPS closed (to everyone except Magnet team) • Thursday 21st December • Water can be cut and the machine electrically isolated • BA1 and BA2 remain closed for RP cool down • BA3, BA4, BA5, BA6, BA7 are open for general access • Friday the 22nd December • BA1 and BA2 remain closed for RP cool down • BA3, BA4, BA5, BA6, BA7 are open for general The SPS is effectively still in run mode. General access into the SPS begins. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

  6. YETS 2017/2018Access system Tests Planning EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

  7. YETS 2017/2018AUG Tests Planning BA6 date has changed due to date restrictions in SM18 EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

  8. North Area Beam Lines(New Facility) • As of last week BA80 is no longer part of the SPS facility. • Within IMPACT there is a NEW facility called “North Area Beam Line” • The following areas are part of this Facility: EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

  9. North Area Beam Lines EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

  10. IMPACTS Please fill out your IMPACTs correctly!!!!! • Correct intervention period: DO NOT LEAVE IT BLANK!!!!!!! • (YETS-SPS-2017/2018) • Do not leave proposed schedule Blank!!!! • I am not psychic!!! • If you clone an IMPACT: • Check the dates are correct • Check the location is correct • Check the description is correct (not just the title) • Basically, CHECK EVERYTHING!!!! • If you have already completed your IMPACT them please check that the dates in IMPACT match that of your planning and are also correct in the master schedule planning. • If they are not then please contact me so that we can rectify the problem. • WHEN YOU HAVE COMPLETED YOU WORKS DO NOT FORGET TO CLOSE YOUR IMPACT!!!!!!! EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

  11. RESUME DU FONCTIONNEMENT DE LA COORDINATION SECURITE PENDANT LES ARRETS DU SPS(Reference HSE / GSI – WS-1) Coordination sécurité pour les travaux dans les complexes (PS, SPS et LHC) • Assurée par l’unité organique responsable de la coordination de l’arrêt (EN/ACE/OSS-COS) • Réalisée via • la planification, • la validation des interventions (IMPACT) • la présentation à chaque réunion de coordination d’un tableau de suivi des VIC VIC (visite d’inspection commune) • Organisée par le superviseur de travaux, sur sa propre initiative ou sur demande de l’unité organique en charge de la coordination • Présence obligatoire du superviseur de travaux et de l’intervenant – Présence sur demande d’un représentant d’une fonction de sécurité du CERN (EROS ou expert HSE) • Rédaction d’un compte-rendu de VIC via IMPACT Suivi des travaux • Assuré par le superviseur de travaux. • Retour d’information à l’unité organique, au minimum chaque semaine lors de la réunion de coordination. • Par les représentants de l’unité organique EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

  12. SRRs and ECRs for the SPS SPS planning and coordination meeting for YETS 2017-2018 No Change from last meeting Sonia Bartolomé Jiménez EN-ACE-CL – 11th October 2017

  13. Outline • SPS ECRs for YETS 2017-2018: status • All known activities needing ECRs • ECRs received • ECRs expected -drafts not yet submitted to EN-ACE-CL- • SRRs and ECRs: reminder • Roadmap • Tips No Change from last meeting Sonia Bartolomé Jiménez EN-ACE-CL – 11th October 2017

  14. SPS ECRs for YETS 2017-2018: status All known activities needing ECRs No Change from last meeting *The Modification of the SPS sectorization was described in SPS-V-EC-0005 (v.1.0 Released). The sectorisation in BA3 will be performed during the YETS  a different ECR not needed. Sonia Bartolomé Jiménez EN-ACE-CL – 11th October 2017

  15. SPS ECRs for YETS 2017-2018: status ECRs received No Change from last meeting • New ECRs circulating under approval: SPS-VF-EC-0003, SPS-VC-EC-0002 and SPS-LJ-EC-0008. Sonia Bartolomé Jiménez EN-ACE-CL – 11th October 2017

  16. SPS ECRs for YETS 2017-2018: status ECRs expected -drafts not yet submitted to EN-ACE-CL- 10 6 ECRs not yet received!! No Change from last meeting *This modification will be in fact included in another ECR. Sonia Bartolomé Jiménez EN-ACE-CL – 11th October 2017

  17. SRRs and ECRs: reminder Roadmap No Change from last meeting ECRs submission to configuration team (EN-ACE-CL) 2 months beforethe approval deadline! Sonia Bartolomé Jiménez EN-ACE-CL – 11th October 2017

  18. SRRs and ECRs: reminder Tips • All changes to the machine that will impact the beam shall be documented by SRRs/ECRs: • SRR: Space Reservation Request (“light ECR”) • ECR: Engineering Change Request • Templates available on: • https://quality.web.cern.ch/templates-requests • To be sent to the SPS configuration manager: • Sonia.Bartolome@cern.ch or • ecr-configuration@cern.ch Sonia Bartolomé Jiménez EN-ACE-CL – 11th October 2017

  19. What I need from you. • I need your planning! • not simply a list of works. • Identify the location of the works • Surface, Underground, which sector (eg, 3-, LSS4 etc.) • Any works under the false floors in the suface BA’s MUST be highlighted! • Identify the duration of the works (in days or weeks) • Try to plan nothing for the final week of the shutdown! • Your target is to complete your works by February 16th! • Identify any impact of your works. • Access blocked, no transport through the zone, must work alone, etc. • Identify what you need. • Power, water, vacuum/transport support etc. • Identify what type of works it is. • LIU, Maintenance, Consolidation. • If you need some information from any other group, explain what you want and WHEN you need this information by. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

  20. Future meetings It has been requested by the group leaders for each group to present their planned works to the coordinators of each machine. Therefore the table below will show which group will present at what SPS planning meeting. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

  21. Other presentations EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

  22. External Visitors • If you have any external personnel needing to access the SPS for visits before starting works then you need to read the following document: "Etapes à suivre pour organiser des visites professionnelles dans les installations du CERN" by CHRISTELLE GAIGNANT • Link: https://edms.cern.ch/document/1281098/4.1 EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

  23. Access rights and safety equipment EVERYONE who enters the SPS MUST have the following: • Completed the correct courses. (sir.cern.ch) • CERN Safety Introduction. • Electrical Safety Awareness. (19 choices) • Self Rescue Mask Training. (4 choices) • CERN – Beam Facilities. • SPS – Machine. • The correct access authorisation (via EDH).CHECK YOUR ACCESS RIGHTS HAVE NOT EXPIRED!!!! • Zone Code “SPS” for access into the SPS • Zone Code “NA_TARG” for access into BA80 • Zone Code “TAG41 - AWAKE (ex-CNGS) (TAG41)” for access into the old CNGS areas • Zone Code “SPS-KN-000” for “AutorisationconduiteRTL” • Zone Code “SPS-KN-001” for “SPS Shutdown Padlock” (only used during Long Shutdowns) • Safety shoes. • Biocell. • Electronic dosimetre. • Passive dosimetre. (All contractors must have an additional company passive dosimetre!!) • Helmet plus Light. • A valid approved IMPACT. (with their name included on this IMPACT) • They must know the number of this IMPACT. Please note that personnel are not allowed to work in the tunnel alone!! EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

  24. Important Contacts • Useful Contact Numbers • SPS Coordination Team • David MCFARLANE- 164247 • Franck BAIS – 165467 • Aurelio Berjillos BARRANCO - 167850 • Control Room • SPS CCC – 77500 • TI CCC – 72201 • CSA - 62511 • RP • Christophe Tromel – 163199 • Angelito Herve – 163168 • Nadine Conan (BA1) – 160641 • Kurt Weiss (BA7) -160759 • EROS Engineering Referent for Operational Safety • Emmanuel Paulat – 163870 • John Etheridge - 164647 EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

  25. Group contact persons. (1) EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

  26. Group contact persons. (2) EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

  27. Group contact persons. (3) EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

  28. A.O.B. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

  29. Useful websites Link to SPS planning meetings on INDICO https://indico.cern.ch/category/9557/ Link to the SPS planning https://pwa.cern.ch/Projects-Accelerator-Complex-Schedules/Projects.aspx Next meeting 08/11/2016 30-7-010 EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

  30. EN-ACE D. Mcfarlane

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