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Midas® Certified Applicator Training January 2008. Commitment to Stewardship.
Midas® Certified Applicator Training January 2008
Commitment to Stewardship • MIDAS® Soil Fumigant was developed by Arysta LifeScience North America Corporation to fulfill its deep commitment to innovative problem-solving and crop protection chemistry that provides un-paralleled value to the customer
MIDAS Safety& Use Training • Today’s training provides an overview of safety/use guidelines and is in no way a substitute for carefully reading the MIDAS label and safety manual • In all cases the US EPA approved MIDAS label is the most current for approved use requirements and restrictions • Always read and follow label directions • Always use the official MIDAS label and refer to the MIDAS Stewardship Manual for label support guidelines on use and application of MIDAS Soil Fumigant
MIDAS Product Description • Broad spectrum control – weed seeds, nematodes, insects, and soil borne pathogens • True fumigant qualities based on vapor pressure and boiling point • Targets economically important soil borne diseases and pests • Moves as a gas in the soil to achieve optimum performance
MIDAS Product Description • A true fumigant, MIDAS offers many benefits including: • Low application volumes per acre compared to other fumigants. • Application via conventional equipment • Bed shank, Flat/broadcast or drip fumigation • Breaks down rapidly in the sunlight, and UV light • Application of the product does not impact groundwater quality • Accepted as a non-ozone depleting compound by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) • Does not leave a detectable residue in the soil and is not transmitted to plants or food products
MIDAS® Registration • Arysta LifeScience submitted a data package to US EPA in January 2002 and received registration of MIDAS® soil fumigant on Oct 4, 2007 • First soil fumigant to receive US EPA approval in over 20 years • Approved uses include pre-plant bare ground treatment: • Strawberries • Tomatoes • Peppers • Field grown Ornamentals including turf • Tree fruit, nuts and vines • Nursery crops
MIDAS Product Description • EPA Registered formulations • (iodomethane : chloropicrin) • Shank Application • MIDAS 98:2 • MIDAS 50:50 • MIDAS 33:67 • Drip Irrigation Application • MIDAS Bronze EC-50:45 with 5 % emulsifier • MIDAS Gold EC – 33:62 with 5 % emulsifier
MIDAS Emergency Contacts • In case of personal exposure or potential exposure call: • Product Safety Resources (PROSAR) at 1-866-303-6952 (United States) or 1-651-632-8946 (International).
MIDAS Spills • In case of product spills not involving personal exposure or potential exposures call: • CHEMTREC at 1-800-424-9300 or 1-703-527-3887. CHEMTREC will forward all calls to Arysta LifeScience for further follow-up.
MIDAS-Spills continued • Spills above the Reportable Quantity (RQ) are required to be reported to the National Response Center at 1-800-424-8802. • The RQ for Iodomethane (methyl iodide), the active ingredient in MIDAS, is 100 pounds • For the MIDAS formulations, the RQ for methyl iodide is met when the following amount of product is spilled: • MIDAS Technical100 pounds • MIDAS 98:2 102 pounds • MIDAS 50:50 200 pounds • MIDAS 33:67 300 pounds • MIDAS GOLD EC 300 pounds • MIDAS BRONZE EC 200 pounds
MIDAS Soil Fumigant Shipping Restrictions • MIDAS is regulated by the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) as a material poisonous by inhalation under 49CFR172.101. • DOT regulations, 49CFR173.227, set the requirements for combination packaging, non-bulk packaging, and cylinders. (Hazard Class 6.1; Packaging Group I; Hazard Zone B). • Refer to the appropriate section in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) for specific packaging requirements. • It is forbidden to transport MIDAS Soil Fumigant by air.
Required Placards • All MIDAS products are classified as Class 6.1, POISON INHALATIONS HAZARDS • Bulk packaging, freight container, unit load device, transport vehicle or rail car containing any quantity of this hazardous material must be placarded on each side and each end with the following placard:
Placards-continued • MIDAS 50:50 and 33:67 have a subsidiary hazard of Class 8, CORROSIVE. • The following subsidiary hazard placard may be displayed for these products:
Required Placards-continued • Placard for inhalation hazard material are required: • Even if transport vehicle or freight container contains less than 454 kg (1,000 lb) of this material. • For empty non-bulk packages containing only residue of this hazardous material.
MIDAS Storage and Handling Pesticide Storage • Store in a dry, cool, well-ventilated area under lock and key. Post as a pesticide storage area. Handling: • Cylinders shall not be subjected to rough handling or mechanical shock such as dropping, bumping, dragging or sliding. • Do not use rope slings, hooks, tongs, or similar devices to unload cylinders. Transport cylinders using hand truck, fork truck or other device to which the cylinder can be firmly secured. • Do not remove valve protection bonnet and safety cap until immediately before use. When cylinder is not in use, close valve by turning clockwise until hand tight, screw safety cap onto valve outlet, and replace protection bonnet. Return of Containers: • Pesticide container, whether full or partially used, is the property of the manufacturer or distributor where it was purchased and must be returned to the distributor of origin. • Do not ship containers without safety caps or valve protection bonnets.
Physical/Chemical Characteristics of MIDAS Soil Fumigant • MIDAS always consists of two chemicals – Iodomethane and Chloropicrin. • Iodomethane is always listed first in the formulation ratio • MIDAS 98:2 Chloropicrin is used as an odorant to aid in the detection of Iodomethane vapors • In all other formulations Chloropicrin provides both odorant properties and soil-borne fungus disease control.
Physical/Chemical Characteristics of Iodomethane • Non-flammable • Boiling point is 108°F • Vapors are 4.5 times heavier than air • does not make its own pressure (The only pressure in the cylinders is what is added as a nitrogen pad)
PHYSICAL HAZARDS PHYSICAL OR CHEMICAL HAZARDS • Do not use or store near heat, open flames, or sparking electrical equipment. • Do not use application devices containing natural rubber, aluminum, magnesium or their alloys. • Use only plumbing materials made of brass, stainless steel, Teflon, viton , Nylon or polyethylene.
Symptoms of Exposure • Early symptoms of overexposure to MIDAS soil fumigant • Irritation to eyes, skin and respiratory system, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, weakness and collapse. • Exposure can result in • blurred vision, staggering gait, slurred speech, drowsiness and mental imbalance. Recovery is probable after period of non-exposure.
FIRST AID If in eyes • Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. • Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, and then continue rinsing • Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice. If on skin (dermal) or clothing • Take off contaminated clothing. • Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes. • Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice. If inhaled • Move person to fresh air. • If person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance, and then give artificial respiration, preferably mouth-to-mouth if possible. • Call a poison control center or doctor for further treatment advice. If swallowed (ingested) • Call a poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. • Have person sip a glass of water if able to swallow. • Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by a poison control center or doctor. • Do not give anything to an unconscious person.
PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) Applicators and other handlers (to include tractor drivers, co-pilots, shovelers, and tarp monitors) must wear: • Loose fitting or well ventilated long-sleeved shirt and long pants. • Shoes plus socks. • Full face shield or safety glasses with brow, temple and side protection is required. DO NOT wear goggles. • An air-purifying respirator with a 3M Brand No. 60928 cartridge filter, or equivalent (MSHA/NIOSH approved number prefix TC-23C). • Note: If chloropicrin air concentrations exceed 4 ppm, (or 5 PPM Iodomethane) use an air supplied/SCBA
PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) • For tractor drivers and co-pilots the following can be used in lieu of an air-purifying respirator: • A tractor equipped with a working-area air-fan dilution system consisting of a ducted fan/blower which provides air flow to the breathing zone of the tractor driver and co-pilot. • The fan/blower must be mounted so that the fan/blower intake is at least 126 inches from the ground • Fan/blower must be capable of operating at a minimum of 1,600 revolutions per minute • Must produce a minimum flow rate of 3,000 cubic feet of air per minute
PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) • Other handlers (to include planters, hole punchers, tarp cutters, tarp removers, and tarp remover drivers) must wear: • Loose fitting or well ventilated long-sleeved shirt and long pants. • Shoes plus socks. • Full face shield or safety glasses with brow, temple and side protection is required. DO NOT wear goggles.
User Safety Requirements • Do not wear jewelry, gloves, goggles, tight clothing or any rubber protective clothing/boots that can trap iodomethane or chloropicrin vapors against your skin. Iodomethane and chloropicrin vapors are heavier than air consequently; can be trapped inside clothing and cause skin injury. • Remove all clothing that comes in contact with liquid material at once. • Aerate all affected clothing thoroughly outdoors prior to washing with hot water and detergent. • Discard any clothing or absorbent materials (e.g. leather), that have been drenched or heavily contaminated with this product. Do not reuse them.
User Safety Requirements • Respirator Requirements: • When a respirator is required for use with this product, the following criteria must be met consistent with the Worker Protection Standard: • (a) Cartridges or canisters must be replaced daily or when odor or irritation from this product becomes apparent, whichever is sooner • (b) Respirators must be fit-tested and fit-checked using a program that conforms to OSHA’s requirements (described in 29 CFR Part 1910.134) • (c) Respirator users must be trained using a program that conforms to OSHA’s requirements (described in 29 CFR Part 1910.134) • (d) Respirator users must be examined by a qualified medical practitioner to ensure physical ability to safely wear the style of respirator to be worn. • Follow PPE manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning/maintaining protective eyewear and respirators
Medical Practitioner Statement: • Workers required to wear a respirator during application of MIDAS® can be approved by a medical practitioner in the following ways: 1. Visit the 3M web site at http://solutions.3m.com/wps/portal/3M/en_US/Health/Safety/Products/One/ On-Line Respirator Medical Evaluations This easy-to-use questionnaire helps establish the worker’s clearance level for using a specific respirator in your work conditions. It can be completed in 15-20 minutes using any computer with internet access, and is available every day, any time, to fit your employees’ schedules. Any respirator brand can be used. You’ll receive immediate notification of clearance as well as on-line recordkeeping to track employee status. Available in English and Spanish. Respirator Medical Evaluation Flyer [PDF 80 KB] Who Reviews the Medical Evaluation Document
Medical Practitioner Statement: • Workers required to wear a respirator during application of MIDAS® can be approved by a medical practitioner in the following ways: 2. On-Site Respirator Fit Testing Services This service can help save valuable staff time and help reduce the cost of compliance. 3M technicians will come to your site and can perform both qualitative and quantitative testing that is effective for all brands of respirators. Schedules can be set up to accommodate your multiple shifts and crews. Technicians will document results and provide summary reports.
Medical Practitioner Statement: • Workers required to wear a respirator during application of MIDAS® can be approved by a medical practitioner in the following ways: 3. Grower / distributor provided fit - test Growers and or distributors can set – up and provide respirator fit testing and approval of their own choice provided that testing follows OSHA requirements and written documentation is provided by a medical practitioner and that these records are kept in accordance with Worker Protection Standards
USER SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS User should: • Wash hands before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco, or using the toilet. • Remove clothing immediately if pesticide gets inside, then wash skin thoroughly and put on clean clothing. • Remove PPE immediately after handling this product. As soon as possible, wash thoroughly and change into clean clothing.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE • Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. • Only Certified Applicators (certified by both the state and Arysta) trained in the proper handling, worker protection, and application of MIDAS 50:50 soil fumigant and workers under their direct supervision may be present in the treatment area during application. • An Arysta and state Certified Applicator must be on site and within the line of sight to observe handlers during the application. Handling tasks to be performed under the direct supervision of a Certified Applicator include, but are not limited to the tractor driver, co-pilot, tarp dispenser and shoveler. All such handlers must have appropriate protective equipment, as described in the PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT section. For any requirements specific to your state or tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation
Buffer Zone • The area adjacent to the treated area is referred to as the buffer zone. The buffer zone shall extend from the edge of the treated area in all directions. See Buffer Zone Table. The minimum buffer zone distance shall be 25 feet. • The Certified Applicator supervising the soil fumigation is responsible for the following: 1) Calculating the appropriate size of the buffer zone 2) Establishing and maintaining the buffer zone 3) Ensuring that unprotected workers and bystanders do not enter the buffer zone 4) Ensuring application site has a distinctive buffer zone. 5) The Certified Applicator supervising the soil fumigation must document: • How the buffer zone was determined • Location of unoccupied sensitive sites within ¼ mile of the fumigated area • How persons in occupied structures located within the buffer zone were protected
Certified Applicator • The Certified Applicator supervising the soil fumigation is responsible for the following: 1) Calculating the appropriate size of the buffer zone that must be maintained during the first 48 hours following the end of the application 2) Establishing and maintaining the buffer zone during the 48 hours following the end of the application; 3) Ensuring that unprotected workers and bystanders do not enter the buffer zone during the 48 hours following the end of the application. Exception: Unprotected workers and bystanders may travel through (but not engage in any activity in) the buffer zone during the 48-hour period, provided their total exposure time in any 24-hour period is 15 minutes or less. However, travel by unprotected workers or bystanders through the fumigated area itself is prohibited during the entire 5-day Entry-Restricted period. Handlers protected with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required for early entry into a treated area may work in buffer zones.
Buffer Zone • The Certified Applicator supervising the soil fumigation is responsible for the following: 4) Ensuring application site has a distinctive buffer zone. The buffer zone of the field to be treated cannot overlap the buffer zone of another field treated within the last 48 hours. 5) The Certified Applicator supervising the soil fumigation must document: • How the buffer zone was determined • Location of unoccupied sensitive sites within ¼ mile of the fumigated area • How persons in occupied structures located within the buffer zone were protected • These records must be maintained by the Certified Applicator and by the owner/operator of the fumigated site for at least two years following the fumigation and must be made available, upon request to Federal, State, Tribal, and local enforcement personnel.
Certified Applicators and certified applicators Duties Include:
Certified Applicators and certified applicators Duties Include:
MIDAS® Certified Applicator Documentation Worksheet Certified Applicator_______________ Address of Location where Original Documents Maintained for 2 years_______________________________ Farm Name/ID_______________________________________________ • Indicate date of application. • Document MIDAS® Formulation (example: MIDAS® 98:2, MIDAS® 50:50, MIDAS® 33:67) • 3) Indicate the total number of acres treated on a contiguous farm. • 4) Note application rate • 5) Document any of the Buffer Zone Credit Reductions utilized. 1)Use of flat fume/broadcast 2) Use of High Barrier films 3) Soils having >3% organic matter • 6) Calculate the Buffer Zone as indicted on the Midas label. (Take the number of field acres treated and pounds of MIDAS applied/treated acre utilize the Buffer zone table on the Midas label then reduce by 10, 20 or 30% if any of the Buffer Zone Reduction Credits apply) • 7) Document whether the buffer zone was established and maintained. • 8) If occupied structure located in buffer zone then also document how persons in occupied structures were protected. • 9) Document (Yes or No) if sensitive site(s) are located within ¼ mile of treated area. • 10) If a sensitive site is documented within ¼ mile of treated area then a) attach map indicating location and distance from edge of treated area b) Document if occupied or unoccupied sensitive site.
Entry Restrictions • Entry into the treated area by any person, other than a correctly trained and equipped handler who is performing a task that is permitted is PROHIBITED from the start of the application until 5 days after application and the air concentration of chloropicrin is measured to be less than 0.1 ppm. • Early entry under the WPS is limited to tarp inspection and repair. Non-handler entry is prohibited while tarps are being removed.
Notification at Entrances to Treated Areas • Notify all workers of the fumigation verbally and by posting warning signs at all likely entrances to the treated area for no less than 5 days after application. The signs must bear the skull and crossbones symbol and state: • “DANGER/PELIGRO” • “Areas under fumigation, DO NOT ENTER/NO ENTRE” • Iodomethane and Chloropicrin Fumigants In Use • Date and time of fumigation • MIDAS XX:XX • Name, address, and telephone number of the Certified Applicator in charge of the application.