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Presentation Overview. IntroductionDHHS overviewCDC initiativesCMS role in HAI reductionAHRQ HAI portfolioDiscussion. Participants. Don Wright, MD, MPHPrincipal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health, Office of Public Health
1. ReducingHealthcare-Associated Infections
2. Presentation Overview Introduction
DHHS overview
CDC initiatives
CMS role in HAI reduction
AHRQ HAI portfolio
3. Participants Don Wright, MD, MPH
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health, Office of Public Health & Science
L Clifford McDonald, MD
Chief, Prevention and Response Branch, Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion, CDC Barry M Straube, MD
CMS Chief Medical Officer, & Director, Office of Clinical Standards & Quality, CMS
William B Munier, MD, MBA
Director, Center for Quality Improvement & Patient Safety, AHRQ
4. DHHS Overview
5. HHS Efforts to PreventHealthcare-Associated Infections
Don Wright, M.D. M.P.H.
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary
for Health
AHRQ Annual Conference
Rockville, MD
Monday, September 14, 2009
6. Presentation Overview HHS Action Plan: Development and Implementation
State Action Plans: States Adopt National Plan
Recovery Act Funds: Targeting HAIs
Future Direction in Reducing HAIs: Tier 2
Healthy People 2020
7. Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs) What are they?
Bloodstream infections, urinary tract infections, pneumonia, surgical site infections
The Problem
1.7 million HAIs in hospitals—unknown burden in other healthcare settings
99,000 deaths per year
$28-33 billion in added healthcare costs
HAI Prevention
Implementing what we know for prevention can lead to up to a 70% or more reduction in HAIs
8. HHS Action Plan to Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections Development and Implementation
10. GAO Report:Recommendations for HHS Improve central coordination of HHS-supported prevention and surveillance strategies
Identify priorities among CDC guidelines to:
Promote implementation of high priority practices
Establish greater consistency and compatibility of HAI-related data across HHS systems to:
Increase reliable national estimates of HAIs
11. HHS Steering Committee for the Prevention of HAI Charge:
Develop an Action Plan to reduce, prevent, and ultimately eliminate HAIs
Plan will:
Establish national goals for reducing HAIs
Include short- and long-term benchmarks
Outline opportunities for collaboration with external stakeholders
Coordinate and leverage HHS resources to accelerate and maximize impact
12. Tier One Priorities HAI Priority Areas
Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection
Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infection
Surgical Site Infection
Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia
Clostridium difficile Implementation Focus
13. Steering Committee Working Group Structure
14. Stakeholder & Public Engagement Hold five stakeholder/public engagement meetings
Washington, DC – Tuesday, June 30 (National Level)
Denver, CO – Saturday, July 25 (Regional/State Level)
Chicago, IL – Thursday, July 30 (Regional/State Level)
Seattle, WA – Thursday, Aug 27 (Regional/State Level)
Chicago, IL – Tuesday, Sept 22 (Regional/State Level)
Engage professional and public stakeholders in the HHS Action Plan
Request input on priorities and strategies
15. State Action Plans
16. State Action Plans State plans will:
Be consistent with the HHS Action Plan
Contain measurable 5-year goals and interim milestones for preventing HAIs
17. State Action Plans Fiscal Year 2009 Omnibus Appropriations Act:
Requires states receiving Preventive Health and Health Services (PHHS) Block Grant funds to certify that they will submit a plan to the Secretary of HHS not later than January 1, 2010
Authorizes CDC to withhold 25% of states allocated funds until this certification is submitted
All states have submitted a certification
Be reviewed by the Secretary of HHS with a report submitted to Congress by June 1, 2010
Technical assistance sessions and calls will be planned to assist states in plan development
CDC has created a template to assist states in plan development
18. American Reinvestment and Recovery Act Funds Preventing Healthcare-Associated Infections
19. Building State Programsto Prevent HAIs Project Description:
Create and expand state-based HAI prevention collaboratives
Build a public health HAI workforce in states
Enhance states abilities to assess where HAIs are occurring
Agency Lead: CDC
Collaborating Agencies: AHRQ and CMS
Funds Source & Amount: American Reinvestment and Recovery Act Funds ($40 million)
CDC HAI Recovery Act Website
20. New Ambulatory Surgery Center Infection Instrument Project Description:
Nationwide application of a new infection control survey instrument (designed by CMS & CDC)
Use of new tracer methodology
Use of multiple-person teams for ASCs over a certain size or complexity
Greater inspection frequency than the current 10-year average inspection frequency (Goal = 3 years)
Funds Source & Amount: 2-year funding with ARRA grant dollars of $1 million in FY09 and the remaining
$9 million in FY10
21. Future Direction
22. HHS Commitment to Reducing Healthcare-Associated Infections Tier 2
23. Tier Two Priorities Ambulatory Surgical Centers
Dialysis Centers
24. Growth in Outpatient Care Shift in healthcare delivery from acute care settings to ambulatory care, long term care and free standing specialty care sites
Infection control oversight often lacking
Approximately 1.2 billion outpatient visits / year
Number of Dialysis Centers
2008: 4,950 (72% increase since 1996)
Number of Ambulatory Surgical Centers
2008: 5,100 (240% increase since 1996)
2007: more that 6 million surgeries performed in ASC and paid by Medicare
25. Surgical Procedures Movingto Outpatient Setting
26. Healthy People 2020:Defining the Nation’s Health Objectives
27. Healthy People:What is it Now? A comprehensive set of national ten-year health objectives
A framework for public health priorities and actions
Guided health policy decisions for 3 decades
28. Healthy People 2020 – Phase IINew Topic Areas Access to Health Services
Adolescent Health
Children’s Health
Global Health
Older Adults
Healthcare-Associated Infections Quality of Life
Social Determinants of Health
Blood Disorders and Blood Safety
Healthy Places
29. Points of Contact & Links HHS Action Plan to
Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections &
Stakeholder Meeting Information
30. CDC Initiatives
31. CDC Approach to Eliminating Healthcare-associated Infections L. Clifford McDonald, MD, FACP
Chief, Prevention and Response Branch
Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
32. Patient Safety within CDC’s Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion (DHQP)
33. CDC’s Role in HAI Elimination Provide technical support to states, local health agencies, and healthcare facilities
Field investigations, consultations, training
Define the scope of the problem and impact of interventions
National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN)
Population-based surveillance systems
Identify best practices
Work with partners to promote prevention
Complement other HHS agencies and support state/local health departments
35. DHQP Field Investigations of Healthcare Associated Outbreaks, United States, 2004-2009
36. Epidemic Clostridium difficile Infections:Detection, Understanding, Surveillance, and Prevention
38. 33 outbreaks in 15 states
Outpatient clinics, n=12
Dialysis centers, n=6
Long term care, n=15
Tip of the iceberg?Tip of the iceberg?
40. Injection Safety Campaign
41. Collaboration with CMS Improve infection control in survey and certification process for ASCs
Advise on the adoption of infectious “Hospital Acquired Conditions” for reduced reimbursement
Part of the Deficit Reduction Act (DRA)
Collaborate on HAI reduction through QIOs
MRSA in the 9th Scope of Work
Pilot for the 10th Scope of Work
Hospital Compare
Role for NHSN
42. Surveillance
43. National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Voluntary, secure, internet-based surveillance system
Includes information about infections, microorganisms, and practices for HAI prevention
Over 2200 hospitals from 50 States currently report to NHSN; 21 States mandate the use of NHSN for HAI reporting
44. States Mandating NHSN for Reporting (as of August 2009)
45. NHSN eSurveillance Moving Towards the Future
46. NHSN Data for Action Data for local action
Outcomes, adherence, analysis
Compare trends and benchmark
Data for regional/state action
Data for national metrics from HHS plan
47. HICPACThe Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee Guideline production
Revised, systematic rapid-cycle evidence analysis
Urgent infection prevention recommendations for emerging threats (e.g., SARS)
June 2008, HHS Charge to HICPAC in response to findings of the GAO investigation:
Prioritization of recommendations from HICPAC guidelines
Identification of major infection prevention strategies for Department-wide promotion
48. From Guidelines to Checklist
49. Following CDC Guidelines Reduces Healthcare-associated Infections in States-Examples of Success: Pennsylvania, Michigan
50. Hospitals Participating in NHSN are Preventing MRSA Bloodstream Infections
51. Prevent Infection
52. Prevent Transmission
54. CDC’s MRSA Prevention Initiatives
55. CDC and AHRQ collaborating to prevent MRSA/HAIs AHRQ receiving supplemental funds for MRSA/HAI research
CDC and AHRQ are collaborating on MRSA/HAI prevention research in a healthcare system, including acute care hospitals and long-term facilities
CDC provides technical expertise into what research questions need answering
CDC will put research results into action, and use results to:
Update existing recommendations as appropriate
Advise prevention implementation campaigns on how best to prevent HAIs
56. CDC Works with Healthcare Facilities and States Technical and direct support (e.g. field investigations and consultation)
Data for action (e.g., NHSN, emerging infections program)
Training and tools
Funding with accountability (e.g., epidemiology and laboratory capacity)
57. CDC Successfully Collaborates with States to Prevent Healthcare-associated Infections Focused on incrementally building infrastructure needed for BSI and other future prevention initiatives (e.g. C. difficile)
Communications to share best practices
Culture of accountability
CEO to support staff levels involved
Site visits, monthly reporting
Adopted bundles of practices New York: CDC guidelines basis for prevention implementation initiatives
Greater New York Hospital Association prevention initiative
Collaborative partnership with 46 hospitals
58. Preventing Healthcare-associated Infections… the Time is NOW Problem is critical and costly but preventable
Interventions can have an immediate national impact
Interventions can be cost savings
Ongoing efforts are needed to address changes in healthcare
59. Keys for the Elimination of Healthcare-associated Infections Collect data and disseminate results
Communication with consumers
Evaluate how we’re doing
Full adherence to best practices
Recognize excellence
Identify and respond to emerging threats
Improve science for prevention through research
60. Public Health Continuum
61. Increasing Needs for Public Health Approach Across the Continuum of Care
63. Save the DateFifth DecennialInternational Conference onHealthcare AssociatedInfectionsMarch 18-22, 2010Hyatt Regency AtlantaAtlanta, Georgiahttp://www.decennial2010.com
64. CMS Role in HAI Reduction
65. Healthcare Acquired Infections:CMS Driving Improvement Barry M. Straube, M.D.
CMS Chief Medical Officer
Director, Office of Clinical Standards & Quality
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
66. Ensuring Quality & Value:CMS Strategies “Traditional Quality Improvement”
Transparency: Public Reporting & Data Sharing
Financial: Value-Based Purchasing
Regulatory vehicles
Demonstrations, pilots, research
Leveraging efforts with other HHS components, state/federal agencies & private sector
67. Traditional QI Prioritization of potential topics
Evidence-based metrics and interventions
Accountability: Administrative & financial
Attribution of interventions to outcomes
Scientific evaluation of outcomes as well as cost-benefit analysis of each initiative
Continue, build, retire or new direction?
68. Traditional QI QIO Program: 9th SOW
August 1, 2008 – July 31, 2011
Four themes:
Patient Safety
Care Transitions
Beneficiary Protection
Cross-cutting issues
HIT adoption and use
Health Disparities
Value in Healthcare
69. Traditional QI QIO Program 9th SOW
HAIs under patient safety theme
Reduction of MRSA infections in 440 hospitals nationwide
CDC National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN)
AHRQ TeamSTEPPS methodology
Pilot programs: ? 10th SOW inclusion
C. difficile infection reduction
Urinary tract catheter infection reduction
70. Traditional QI ESRD Network Program QI activities
Individual ESRD Networks have included activities to address infections in vascular access as well as other infection control issues, including facility-acquired infections (dialysis facilities and some hospitals)
Collaboration with other HHS agencies, other state/federal agencies, private sector organizations
71. Transparency Hospital Compare Website as prototype
27 quality process measures (all patients)
6 quality outcomes measures (Medicare only)
HCAHPS survey for experience of care (all)
Medicare payment and volume (Medicare only)
Several infection-related quality measures
Influenza and pneumonia vaccinations
Therapeutic and prophylactic antibiotics
Pre-op hair removal, blood cultures, etc.
72. Transparency Additional reporting of HAI measures
Considering for future Hospital Compare updates
Requires NQF endorsement and Hospital Quality Alliance and other stakeholder input
Expand to other provider sites, starting with:
Ambulatory surgery centers
Dialysis facilities
Link to transitions of care and episodes of care
73. Transparency The White House, the Secretary and HHS have prioritized the concept of HHS making its data available to all healthcare stakeholders
http://www.data.gov development and expansion
CMS has now added the concept that as part of its public health agency role, collecting, reporting and making healthcare data available is a core competency/mission
74. Incentives Value-based Purchasing (VBP)
Hospital VBP Report to Congress (Nov 2007)
Physician VBP RTC due May 2010
ESRD Quality Incentive Program to be implemented by January 1, 2012
All other settings with plans
Healthcare Reform debate may define better
HAI focus may be included in all
75. Incentives: Hospital Acquired Conditions DRA Section 5001(c) authorized this approach
Beginning October 1, 2007, IPPS hospitals were required to submit data on their claims for payment indicating whether diagnoses were present on admission (POA)
Beginning October 1, 2008, CMS stopped assigning a case to a higher DRG based on the occurrence of one of the selected conditions, if that condition was acquired during the hospitalization
76. Incentives: HACs By statute CMS had to select conditions that are:
High cost, high volume, or both
Assigned to a higher paying DRG when present as a secondary diagnosis
Reasonably preventable through the application of evidence-based guidelines
CMS and CDC convened an internal workgroup to select the HACs
77. Incentives: HACs Almost all HACs might have indirect relationship to potential HAIs
HACs clearly linked to HAIs
Catheter-associated UTI
Vascular catheter associated infection
Surgical site infections
Mediastinitis after CABG
Certain orthopedic surgeries
Bariatric surgery for obesity
78. Incentives: HACs HAC payment policies currently relate to outlier payments under Medicare Part A
Could consider expansion of payment to more than the outlier portion
In some cases can supplement payment policy restrictions with Coverage Policy via National Coverage Decisions (NCDs)
Affects not only Part A (hospitals), but Part B (physicians, clinicians, suppliers, etc.)
79. Conditions of Participation COPs are minimum health and safety standards set by CMS for facilities that may receive Medicare payments
Current Infection Control COPs generally address reduction of HAIs
Expansion possibilities for COPs
Require facilities to incorporate specific standards of practice or guidelines set by the Secretary
Require that infection control be part of the QAPI program
80. Conditions of Participation Infection control regulations already strengthened
Conditions for Coverage for ESRD facilities (April 15, 2008)
CfC for Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs) (November 18, 2008)
Other current considerations
Omnibus COP/CfC Rule for HAIs
Individual setting strengthening of current regs
81. Survey & Certification All U.S. healthcare facilities certified by Medicare are expected to be in compliance with all current regulations, as well as applicable state laws
S&C process uses interpretive guidelines to assess compliance with regulations
Focus on HAIs can be prioritized
Surveyor training has included HAI emphasis
Web-based training & surveyor tools being developed
Interpretive guidelines for 2010 to include QAPI opportunities for hospitals
82. Other Demonstrations, pilots, research
ARRA funding and other funding sources should also focus on HAIs as they fall under:
Comparative Effectiveness Research
Prevention, Wellness, Patient Safety
CMS will incorporate HAI topics into its demos, when appropriate
Cross Agency HHS collaboration (a priority for all issues from the Secretary), as well as with other federal/state agencies, private sector
83. Contact Information Barry M. Straube, M.D.
CMS Chief Medical Officer, &
Director, Office of Clinical Standards & Quality
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21244
Email: Barry.Straube@cms.hhs.gov
Phone: (410) 786-6841
84. AHRQ HAI Portfolio
85. Overview Background
Current Initiatives
Future Directions
86. Background General AHRQ approach
Keystone ICU Project – 2003
First major AHRQ HAI project: $454,000
Enormously successful in reducing central line infections in ICUs in Michigan
Barriers and Challenges for Preventing HAIs in 34 Hospitals Initiative – 2007
5 ACTION networks: $2 million
87. MRSA – 2008 $5 million in appropriated funds
Coordinated with CDC & CMS
Funded 7 projects, e.g.,
Implementation of MRSA-reducing practices
Contribution of community & LTC to rising occurrence of MRSA in hospital patients
Rapid-cycle state and national estimates
Understanding MRSA reservoirs
88. MRSA & CUSP – 2009 $17 million in appropriated funds
$8 million for MRSA => 7 MRSA projects
$9 million for CUSP => 6 CUSP projects
Included projects also directed at:
C. difficile
KPC-producing organisms
Urinary tract infections
Surgical site infections
Antibiotic usage
89. AHRQ HAI Investments
90. Current Efforts Roll-out of CLABSI initiative in all 50 states, in cooperation with private sector
Commencement of numerous new projects addressing effective implementation of known techniques & research on better methods of prevention of HAIs by organism & by infection site
91. Future Plans Maintain alignment with DHHS
Continue rollout of CLABSI nationwide
Promote best practices & research findings via proven techniques
Align HAI efforts with those of Patient Safety Organizations (PSOs), which are collecting data on adverse events using AHRQ’s “Common Formats”
93. Your questions?