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army awards

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    1. Army Awards Introduction / Comments by Briefer. Introduction / Comments by Briefer.

    3. Submission Timelines Service Awards (service Members and civilians) should be submitted 60 days prior to departure or TOA date. Achievement awards will be submitted within 30 days after the occurrence of the event that merits the award. Purple Hearts will be submitted no more than 7 days after the occurrence of the incident that merits the awards. Unit Awards will be submitted 45 days prior to TOA

    4. Achievement vs. Service Personnel cannot receive two awards for the same period of service and achievement. (service awards will not include acts of achievement or valor already recognized by an achievement award IAW AR 600-8-22 para 1-18 ) Service awards are based on accomplishments during an entire tour of duty supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom. Anything less generally is considered an achievement award. (only one service award per rotation )

    5. BSM / AM / MSM The BSM, AM and MSM are the same level of award. ** Difference: BSM- can be recommended only for combat operations not including aerial operations. AM- can be recommended for combat operations including aerial operations. MSM- recommended for service not including combat operations.

    6. IAW AR 600-8-22 para 3-15c the Air Medal award for �meritorious service may be made for sustained distinction in the performance of duties involving regular or frequent participation in aerial flight for a period of at least 6 months. Accumulation of a specified number of hours and mission will not serve as the basis for award of the Air medal.� This award can also be awarded for meritorious achievement and for act of heroism in connection with military operations against or engaged with opposing armed forces. Note: all heroism and valor awards require witness statements IAW 600-8-22 para 3-18s. BSM / AM / MSM

    7. Wartime awards are ARCOM, ARCOM V, BSM, BSM V, AM, DFC, SS, LOM Peacetime awards are AAM, MSM. Anything mentioning combat operations needs to be recommended for a wartime award. * AHRC Exception to policy dated 15 OCT 04 reference 1p, the MSM and AAM may be awarded during OIF, but not for service directly involving combat operations. Wartime vs. Peacetime Awards

    8. A wartime award will not be downgraded to a peace time award. BSM can be downgraded to ARCOM, Not to an MSM; Award must be rewritten to meet the criteria of an MSM. MSM can be downgraded to ARCOM Wartime ARCOM cannot be downgraded to AAM. Peacetime ARCOM can be downgraded to AAM. Wartime vs. Peacetime Awards

    9. Process of DA Form 638 Block 1- to agency approving the award Block 2-from agency initiating the award Blocks 3-8 self explanatory Block 9- if SM is US Army leave blank. Reserve and National Guard annotate for reporting purposes. Block 10- Type of award being recommended to include number of award/oak leave cluster. Blocks 11-19 self explanatory

    10. Process of DA Form 638

    12. NARRATIVE (1 inch margins all around) NARRATIVE TO ACCOMPANY THE AWARD OF TYPE OF AWARD (BSM AND ABOVE) (1 Space) TO (1 Space) COL ANTHONY J. JONES (2 space) MANDATORY OPENING SENTENCE: Colonel Anthony J. Jones, (United States [Army/Navy/Air Force/Marine Corps]) or (country from if coalition member), distinguished himself by exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service to the United States (or country if coalition member) as (duty position), (organization), (duty station), from (to date) to (ending date) during OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM. NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION: Colonel Jones' demonstrated outstanding professional skill, knowledge, and interservice leadership in organizing, developing and reforming the administrative requirements for the Department of Defense Variable Housing Allowance Study Group. Continue to describe achievements. ��

    13. NARRATIVE MANDATORY CLOSING SENTENCE: His actions are in keeping with the finest traditions of military service and reflect distinct credit upon himself, this Command, (United States [Army/Navy/Air Force/Marine Corps]) or (country from if coalition member). For Valor use the following opening and closing sentences. MANDATORY OPENING SENTENCE: Colonel Anthony J. Jones, (United States [Army/Navy/Air Force/Marine Corps]) or (country from if coalition member), heroically distinguished himself by exceptionally valorous conduct in the face of the enemy of the United States (or country if coalition member) as (duty position), (organization), (duty station), from (to date) to (ending date) during OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM. MANDATORY CLOSING SENTENCE: His actions are in keeping with the finest traditions of military heroism and reflect distinct credit upon himself, this Command, (United States [Army/Navy/Air Force/Marine Corps]) or (country from if coalition member). *** Limited to one page single spaced or 2 pages double spaced, except Distinguished Service Medal and above. Use Times New Roman 12 font.

    14. FOREIGN PERSONNEL Foreign personnel are recommended the same way as a regular Army Soldier by using a DA Form 638. In addition to the recommendation a biographical sketch must be attached. Note: it requires signature of a O-6 or higher in order to request concurrence. Processing of awards to foreign personnel can take up to 6 months to attain approval based on concurrences required. Forwarding address and a POC is required with the recommendation.

    15. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH NAME: CDR JOE P. NATIONAL SERVICE: British Royal Engineers DATE/PLACE OF BIRTH: 10/14/69 London, England NATIONALITY: British EDUCATION: CDR National holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from Nottingham Trent University. A Masters of Science in Defense Technology from Cranfield University and a Masters of Arts in Defense Studies from King College, London. MILITARY SERVICE: Enlisted in 1987. Graduated from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in 1988 and was commissioned into the Royal Engineers. OUTLINE OF SERVICE HISTORY: CDR National is a Royal Engineer Officer who has served as a Troop Commander, Squadron Operations Officer, and Adjutant in Combat Engineer Regiments and as an instructor at The Royal School of Military Engineering. He also served as a G3 Staff Officer in an Army Headquarters in Cyprus and as a J5 planner at the Permanent Joint Headquarters (UK) in London. He is a graduate of the Royal Military College of Science and The Joint Service Command and Staff College. He has passed the Advanced Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) course and in his last appointment commanded an EOD squadron with operational commitments worldwide. He has served overseas in Germany, Cyprus, Kenya, and the Falklands and has seen operational service in Northern Ireland, the Gulf War and Bosnia. US SERVICE: None SERVICE AWARDS: None US AWARDS: None PERSONAL: CDR National is married and he and his wife Michelle have a two year old daughter, Grace FOREIGN PERSONNEL

    16. SISTER SERVICES Sister Services Awards are recommended as a regular Army Soldier by using a DA Form 638. Note: it requires the approval of the first GO in the chain of command to request concurrence. Processing of awards to Sister Services can take up to 4 months to attain approval based on concurrences required. Forwarding address and a POC is required with the recommendation.

    17. CAMPAIGN MEDALS Global War on Terrorism Service Medal Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal Iraqi Campaign Medal Army Good Conduct Medal (NG and USAR) Armed Forces Reserve Medal �M� ( USAR) **Cut off for the GWOTEM 30 April 2005 **Only one campaign medal for period of service authorized for the �same act, achievement or period of service.�

    18. STATEMENT OF SERVICE The statement of service is not required but highly recommended for each Soldier departing Theater in Support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The memorandum will assist the Soldier and Personnel Support Battalions in updating records. This will ensure Soldiers� receive there entitled service awards and service time for personal records update and historical data. Memorandum is signed by a 0-5 or above Commander.

    19. SAMPLE STATEMENT OF SERVICE Unit Letterhead FICI-PA 08 March 2005 MEMORANDUM FOR SEE DISTRIBUTION SUBJECT: Statement of Service This certifies the period of service for the following soldier. The duty was in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom: NAME RANK SSN UNIT Doe, Johnny COL 000-00-0000 DISCOM PERIOD COVERED SUPPORTED UNIT CITY&COUNTRY 25 Sep 04 � 03 Nov 04 Dragon Brigade Kuwait 04 Nov 04 � 05 Feb 05 Dragon Brigade Baghdad, Iraq 2. IAW AR 670-1, Appendix F, the soldier listed above is entitled to wear the (Unit Name) Shoulder Sleeve Insignia-Former Wartime Service (SSI-FWTS). 3. This soldier is entitled to wear the following IAW AR 670-1 and AR 600-8-22 for wartime service: a. The Overseas Service Bar (1) for service in CENTCOM Area of Operation from 25 September 2005 � 25 April 2005. b. Iraqi Campaign Medal (ICM). c. Global War on Terrorism Service Medal (GWOTSM) 4. Officer/Soldier was granted R &R Leave for 15 days from 1 September 2005 to 14 September 2005 5. Point of contact is the CW2 Henriquez at DSN: (312) 822-2450 or email at aner.henriquez@us.army.mil. DISTRIBUTION JOHN A. SMITH LTC, AV Commanding

    20. Unit Awards Unit Awards: - Presidential Unit Citation (PUC) - Meritorious Unit Commendation (MUC) - Valorous Unit Award (VUA) Campaign Participation Credit: - required memo at the end of tour will include: . Unit Designation, UIC ( including derivatives), Authorize Strength, Assigned Strength and Dates of Participation,

    21. Example Campaign Credit Request

    22. PERSONNEL ACTIONS Release From Active Duty (REFRADS) - Active Duty � Off & Enlisted - packets sent back to home station for approval and processing - NG/ USAR � Off & Enlisted - first GO in chain of command endorsement thru HRC for approval Request for Retirements - back to home station for processing and approval Skill Badges Exception to Policies Officer Candidate Selection Boards

    23. RECOMMENDATIONS Use the Policy and references provided to submit the award. Write the award with the intent to get the recommended award approved. Turn in the award IAW with the timelines established. When in doubt email or call the Awards Section.

    24. POINT OF CONTACT CHIEF, CJ1 PERSONNEL ACTIONS & AWARDS CW3 CLARENCE RIVERS DSN: 318-822-2450 NIPR: clarence.rivers@iraq.centcom.mil SIPR: clarence.rivers@iraq.centcom.smil.mil CENTRIX: clarence.rivers@centcom.mcfi.cmil.mil NCOIC, CJ1 PERSONNEL ACTIONS & AWARDS SGT(P) PATRICIA A. THOMAS DSN: 318-822-2431 NIPR: patricia.thomas@iraq.centcom.mil

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