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CSE 1111. Introduction to Computer Science and Engineering. Who? What? When?. CSE 1111 Introduction to CSE Section 001 Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:00 – 7:20pm 100 Nedderman Hall Dr. Carter Tiernan 330 Nedderman Hall (817) 272-3588 Dr. T’s e-mail address: tiernan@cse.uta.edu
CSE 1111 Introduction to Computer Science and Engineering CSE 1111 Week 1
Who? What? When? CSE 1111 Introduction to CSE Section 001 Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:00 – 7:20pm 100 Nedderman Hall Dr. Carter Tiernan 330 Nedderman Hall (817) 272-3588 Dr. T’s e-mail address: tiernan@cse.uta.edu Class web site links from Dr. T’s home page: ranger.uta.edu/~tiernan/ CSE 1111 Week 1
Course Description CSE 1111, 1 hour credit. Topics include problem solving, ethics, and contemporary issues in computer science and engineering. Students will demonstrate competence in word processing, spreadsheets, research and library skills. Emphasis is placed on team building, oral and written communication skills. Primarily for students pursuing a degree in the Computer Science and Engineering Department. CSE 1111 Week 1
Course Objectives #1 To make students aware of ethical and other contemporary issues in computer science and engineering (CSE), in an environment in which they are asked to think about the issues, form opinions backed up by reasons, and discuss / defend those opinions. CSE 1111 Week 1
Course Objectives #2 To allow students to work with problem solving (critical thinking) techniques, and the application of those techniques to a variety of problems. CSE 1111 Week 1
Course Objectives #3 To give students the opportunity to demonstrate competence in word processing, spreadsheets, research and library skills. • These topics are not taught in the course, but materials are provided so that students who are not already proficient in these areas can work to gain the required competence. • Successful demonstration of these competencies is necessary to complete this course, but these topics will not enter into computation of the course grade. CSE 1111 Week 1
Course Objectives #4 To give students the opportunity to gain experience in working in teams as well as preparing individual portions of required work. The intention is to allow entering students an opportunity to work with groups of CSE students whom they will meet in other courses. CSE 1111 Week 1
Course Outcomes • Ability to analyze ethical situations related to computer science and make informed decisions. • Competence in basic computer literacy skills. • Experience giving presentations and communicating effectively in a team setting and in writing. CSE 1111 Week 1
Grading Grades - letter grades ‘A’ through ‘F. The course grade is made up as follows: Homework / workshops: 25% Oral presentation(s) 20% Group work: 10% Attendance 15% (1 free absence then 2 abs = -15%) Midterm exam: 15% Final exam: 15% Note: Failure to complete the computer use competencies will result in a grade of ‘F’ regardless of other work. CSE 1111 Week 1
Computer Use Proficiency (CUP) CUP, as required by the University, is demonstrated for CSE majors in CSE 1111. So, demonstration of proficiency in (1) word processing, (2) spreadsheets, (3) library skills, (4) use of the internet and (5) email are required for satisfactory completion of the course, but measurement of these skills will not enter into the computation of the final grade. CSE 1111 Week 1
Computer Use Proficiency (CUP) • As soon as possible, TAs will be available at specific hours to allow students to demonstrate the ability to do word processing using Word and manipulate a spreadsheet using Excel. • Also, instruction is provided on using the UTA Library on-line resources for research. • Also, there is an assignment involving finding information on the internet and sending e-mail attachments. CSE 1111 Week 1
Ethics Ethical Behavior in a Student Role ---- CHEATING on quizzes or exams, PLAGIARISM, or COLLUSION will not be tolerated at UT Arlington [Student Handbook p. 92]. A Statement of Ethics for the College of Engineering is being provided for you to read, sign, return, and follow. CSE 1111 Week 1
Contacting the Instructors Email will be the best way to communicate with your instructor outside of class. For this communication, use the email address on the syllabus. Since attendance counts heavily, if you must miss class, notify the instructor by email or voice-mail beforehand (or as soon as possible after the missed class). CSE 1111 Week 1
Contacting the Instructors There will also be several teaching assistants (TAs) available to work with this class in various capacities which will be announced in class. Email for TAs will be provided as needed. Homework and Computer Use Proficiency requirements should be submitted to the email addresses specified for each assignment. Credit will only be given for work submitted to the correct address. CSE 1111 Week 1
Time for CSE 1111 In general, 3 hours of class time and approximately 4 hours of out-of-class time are planned for each week (reading, working in a team, meeting with TA showing completed work). CSE 1111 Week 1
Notes for Week 1 Today, notes are available in class in hard copy form as well as available on the class web site for viewing and for downloading. Class notes will always be available on the web site for viewing and downloading (and therefore for printing if you wish) in either Word or PowerPoint form. CSE 1111 Week 1
Notes for Week 1 By Class Time Thursday in Week 1 #1 Be sure you have obtained a UT Arlington email account, unless you already have an email account. For whichever account you plan to use primarily in this class: • Be sure it allows you to send attachments. • Be sure that “reply-to” is set correctly. • If the account name is not identifiable, include your name in every email message you send. CSE 1111 Week 1
Notes for Week 1 By Class Time Thursday in Week 1 #2 Send email to your instructor, with the subject: Intro – Your Name (e.g., “Your Name” should be in form: Mary Smith.) The e-mail should be sent to your instructor’s email account as soon as you obtain an e-mail account and before next class The contents of the e-mail should introduce yourself to the instructor giving your name, what you like to be called in class, your ID # (or at least the last 4 digits) and something about yourself. This will be graded on how well you follow these instructions. CSE 1111 Week 1
Notes for Week 1 Which of these meet the specifications? subject: John Smith subject: “Intro: John Smith” subject: Something about myself subject: Howdy from John Smith subject: “ Intro – Smith, John” CSE 1111 Week 1
Notes for Week 1 By Class Time in Thursday in Week 1 #3 Read the handout material #4 Before next class, access the Class Web Site to read the Computer Use Proficiency material to see what is included in each of the requirements. #5 Computer Use Proficiency (CUP): Prepare for the Word and Excel exams, and make plans to sign up in class on Thursday for the Word and Excel tests. CSE 1111 Week 1
Before you leave today Be sure you have • picked up handouts: syllabus, Notes for Week 1. • returned the completed questionnaire • read and returned the signed COE Ethics Statement • signed the class roll CSE 1111 Week 1