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WhatFontIs analysed over 40,000 websites - the most visited websites on the<br>World Wide Web - and discovered some very interesting facts about the fonts<br>they use. While OpenSans is the unchallenged king, with over 13% of the sites<br>choosing it, the most popular webfont out there has strong competitors in<br>Roboto and FontAwesome.
Top Web Fonts in 2019 WhatFontIs analysed over 40,000 websites - the most visited websites on the World Wide Web - and discovered some very interesting facts about the fonts they use. While OpenSans is the unchallenged king, with over 13% of the sites choosing it, the most popular webfont out there has strong competitors in Roboto and FontAwesome. 51% Over half (51%) of the analysed websites use the same 10 fonts 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 OpenSans Roboto Lato Glyphicons Montserrat icomoon PTSans FontAwes… SourceSan… ProximaN… 64% of all websites analysed use the same 40 fonts Top fonts by category 3 Icon Fonts 26.35% WhatFontIs broke down the fonts into three main categories: commercial, free and icon fonts 5 We observed the top 5 fonts from each categories and you can see in the pie chart how much their respective percentages are Free Fonts 68.06% Commercial Fonts 5.59% Top free, commercial & icon fonts Top free fonts Top icon fonts 13.02 10.78 OpenSans FontAwesome 11.67 Roboto 2.63 Glyphicons 4.16 Lato 1.77 Icomoon 2.49 SourceSansPro 0.73 Iconfont 2.08 Montserrat 0.47 Fontello 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 Top commercial fonts 1.32 ProximaNova 1.18 HelveticaNeue 0.39 SegoeUI 0.19 Frutiger 0.17 Gibson 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 Web fonts superstars 42.3 percent of all websites included in the WhatFontIs study use the same 5 fonts Top 3 fonts Other fonts 64.53% Top 3 fonts 35.47% OpenSans Roboto FontAwesome Top Font Weights WhatFontIs also analysed the weights used by all the 40,000 websites included in the study. The results show that the majority of them use the default, normal weights for each of their fonts, while over 15 percent decided on bold versions. Just over 10 percent went for light options of webfonts. Not standard 0.80% Thin 0.10% Extra Bold 2.00% Extra Light 2.40% Ultra Bold 2.61% Medium 5.01% Semi Bold 5.11% Light 9.52% Normal 56.71% Bold 15.73% Source: www.WhatFontIs.com Made with