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Active galaxies

Explore the fascinating world of active galaxies and quasars, including black holes, accretion, AGN components, unification model, and their impact on cosmology. Learn about significant discoveries, spectral distribution, emission characteristics, radio emission, polarization, and more.

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Active galaxies

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  1. Active galaxies • Overview • Black holes and accretion • AGN components • Unification model • Quasars and cosmology

  2. Overview Discoveries 1939: Grote Reber, a pioneer of radioastronomy, discovers the first radiogalaxy: Cygnus A.

  3. Overview - 2 1943: Carl Seyfert publishes a paper on a class of spiral galaxies with a very bright nucleus and a spectrum displaying strong emission lines. M77 (NGC 1068), the closest Seyfert galaxy

  4. Overview - 3 1940s-50s: the first radio surveys reveal, in addition to galactic sources and radiogalaxies, a class of objects that appear star-like in the optical but whose spectrum does not correspond to any known object. They are named quasars, `quasi-stellar radio sources´. 1963: Maarten Schmidt identifies the emission lines of 3C273 as those of hydrogen, but with a redshift of 0.158 → very distant objects → very luminous Quasar 3C 273

  5. Overview - 4 Astronomers progressively realize that these apparently very different objects belong to a same class that they name AGNs: Active Galactic Nuclei

  6. Overview - 5 Classification Influenced by the historical circumstances of their discoveries QSO = blasars

  7. Overview - 6 The separation between some classes is historical: – Seyfert galaxies: one observes the galaxy and then realizes that it has a bright nucleus with emission lines – QSOs (Quasi Stellar Objects = radio-quiet quasars): one observes the very bright nucleus and only after realizes that it lies inside a galaxy → to avoid ambiguity, one defines (± arbitrarily) that QSOs/quasars are AGNs whose absolute magnitude is brighter than MV = –23 and nuclei of Seyfert galaxies as AGNs fainter than that limit MV = –23 → L ≈ 1044 erg/s → `typical´ galaxy → in a quasar, the nucleus is generally brighter then the rest of the galaxy

  8. Overview - 7 Spectral distribution Galaxy: ≈ sum of stellar spectra (≈ black bodies) → limited spectral range (UV + visible + IR) AGN: covers the whole spectral range from X rays to radio waves Lradio / Lbol (AGN) > ~10 Lradio / Lbol (normal galaxy) LX / Lbol (AGN) → ~10 000 LX / Lbol (normal galaxy) Non thermal origin of a large fraction of AGN emission Often approximated by a power law Fν ≈ ν–α(but α depends on the frequency range)

  9. Overview - 8 Spectral characteristics: • power law in radio – microwaves – far UV • IR Bump: thermal emission of dust grains (T ~ 50–200 K) • ± power law in the optical • Big Blue Bump: thermal emission from the accretion disk • power law in X rays + emission lines on top of the continuum (gas clouds excited / ionized by the main radiation source) IR Bump

  10. Overview - 9 Broad lines • hydrogen: Balmer series + Lymanα • ionizedmetals: Mgii, Feii, Ciii, Civ… • FWHM = Full Width at Half Maximum, after subtraction of the continuum Doppler broadening caused by gas motion: FWHM ~ 2000 – 10000 km/s

  11. Overview - 10 Narrow lines • hydrogen: superimposed on the broad lines • ionized metals: mostly forbidden lines* in the optical/UV • FWHM ~ 400 km/s (broader than emission in `normal´ galaxies) * forbidden lines: radiative transition probability very low → de-excitation by collisions in the laboratory

  12. Overview - 11 Radio emission 2 classes: • Fanaroff-Riley type I (= FRI): – brighter at the center – Ln (1.4 GHz) < 1032 ergs-1Hz-1 • Fanaroff-Riley type II (= FRII): – brightness increases in outer parts – often jets + lobes – structure variable with ν – Ln (1.4 GHz) > 1032 ergs-1Hz-1

  13. Overview - 12 Origin of radio emission: • Fν ≈ ν–αwith α ~ 0 for the compact nucleus and α ~ 0.7 for the extended parts • radiation linearly polarised (at least 30%, which is a lot) → synchrotron radiation emitted by electrons in relativistic motion in a magnetic field For an electron of energy the characteristic emission frequency is if B in Gauss

  14. Overview - 13 • for ν < νc: Fν ~ ν1/3 • for ν > νc: Fνexponentially decreases → in (very) 1st approx., emission from an e– is ~ monochromatic → the emission spectrum reflects the energy spectrum of the e– • a radio emission at λ ~ 1 cm with a magnetic field B ~ 10–4 Gauss requires γ ~ 105 → v ~ 0.99999 c • the measured polarization depends on the orientation of the magnetic field with respect to the line-of-sight

  15. Overview - 14 Auto-absorption: • the synchrotron radiation can itself be absorbed by the e– in relativistic motion (auto-absorption) • efficiency of this auto-absorption maximum at low frequencies → flattening of spectrum at low frequencies • extended parts (radio lobes) `optically thin´ (τ << 1) → no auto-absorption → α ≈ 0.7 • compact nucleus `optically thick´ (τ > 1) → auto-absorption → α ≈ 0 or even < 0 • synchrotron emission → kinetic energy loss for the e– but characteristic time for this loss generally > system lifetime

  16. Overview - 15 Polarization • basically all AGNs are weakly polarized (~0.5 à 2%) (but more than stars for which light gets polarized when it crosses dust clouds) • that polarization is linear, its orientation is variable • some AGNs reach polarizations ~10% : – highly variable objects or – objets without broad emission lines → property that will be explained by the unification model

  17. Overview - 16 Variability • most AGNs are variable • amplitude ~ 0.1 – 1 mag • non periodic variations • variability tends to increase with the observed frequency (radio → X) Light curve of the quasar WFI J2033–4723 over a period ~ 3 years (relative magnitudes)

  18. Black holes and accretion Radiation pressure We assume spherical symmetry (not realistic!) Impulse carried by a photon: p = E/c Radiation pressure = flux of photon impulse = 1/c× energy flux Radiative force: Frad = Prad × σe (σe = cross section interaction e– – γ) Gravitational force on a hydrogen atom:

  19. Black holes and accretion - 2 Eddington limit Stable structure if Frad < Fgrav→Eddington limit: Frad = Fgrav → Eddington luminosity: → maximum L for given M or minimum M for given L → Eddington mass: with L44 = luminosity in units of 1044 erg/s Ex: for a typical quasar (L ~ 1046 erg/s), one gets:

  20. Black holes and accretion - 3 Feeding the black hole Conversion of mass into energy with efficiency η with M = mass accreted by the black hole Luminosity: → accreted mass: Accretion models give η~ 0.1 → for a typical quasar, Eddington accretion rate (necessary to maintain LE) : (↔ maximum accretion rate)

  21. Black holes and accretion - 4 Energy production mechanism The gas has a non-zero angular momentum around the SMBH → it cannot fall radially onto the SMBH → it starts orbiting Friction between particles → gas concentrates into a disk Friction forces < gravitational forces → keplerian motion → differential rotation → maintains friction → heating → friction dissipates kinetic energy → spiral towards the SMBH → friction → temperature increases → radiation more and more energetic closer to the SMBH

  22. Black holes and accretion - 5 Structure of the accretion disk Simplifications: – transparent medium – energy of a particle dissipated locally → emission of a black body with variable T as a function of distance to the SMBH → emitted flux = superposition of Planck functions Depends: – on the magnetic field – on the accretion rate – on the presence of jets Viscosity not well modelled → complex structure

  23. Black holes and accretion - 6 Emission spectrum of the accretion disk Rate of available potential energy: Virial theorem → half of it is converted in kinetic energy the other half in radiation (since 2 surfaces of the accretion disk)

  24. Black holes and accretion - 7 Results: For an accretion disk around a BH of 108 MO, with an Eddington accretion rate, the maximum of emission is located around 100 Å (FUV or soft X rays)

  25. Black holes and accretion - 8 Disk characteristics depending on the accretion rate 1. Weak accretion Thin disk (thickness << radius) → internal radiation flux << perpendicular radiation flux → spectrum = superposition of `local´ spectra at different T° 2. Strong accretion Radiation does not escape easily → thickening of the disk (~ torus) Energy transported inside the disk faster than radiation can evacuate it → internal transfer no more negligible → homogeneization of T° → spectrum ~ black body of T ~ 104 K

  26. Black holes and accretion - 9 Superluminal motion Radio or optical jets coming from AGNs sometimes seem to move at speeds > c This is due to projection effects: jets moving towards us at a speed close to c can have an apparent transverse velocity > c → observing this phenomenon implies ejection velocities close to c

  27. Black holes and accretion - 10 Observations at t1 and t2: The observer does not perceive Δly The interval Δtobs observed between emissions in t1 and t2 is < Δt= t2 – t1

  28. AGN components

  29. AGN components - 2 Broad Line Region – BLR Line width: If thermal broadening → T ~ 1010 K → atoms fully ionized → no spectral lines → broadening must be due to the motion of the gas clouds Let’s assume the clouds in circular orbits around the central mass:

  30. AGN components - 3 We know that an e− on an excitedlevelcanlooseitsenergy by radiation or collision If by radiation → emission line Permitted line: high transition probability (lifetime of the excited state Δt ~10−8 s) Forbidden line: low transition probability (Δt ~1 s) → de-excitation by collision unless the gasdensityisverylow Semi-permitted line: intermediate case Notations: Caii (permitted) Ciii] (semi-permitted) [Civ] (forbidden)

  31. AGN components - 4 • Lack of broad forbidden lines + presence of some semi-permitted lines → estimate of the density in the BLR: ne ~ 109 cm−3 • Ionization stages of different atoms → estimate of temperature: T ~ 20 000 K • Nature of the BLR: gas clouds heated by radiation from the accretion disk and cooled by emission of broad spectral lines • Size of the BLR: estimated by the reverberation mapping method: – variation of the UV continuum → variation of the ionization state of the BLR → variation of broad lines with a delay Δt ~ r/c with r = distance from the center

  32. AGN components - 5 Result : size of the BLR strongly correlated with the AGN UV luminosity: r ~ 0.05 to 200 light-days ~ 10 AU to 0.5 light-years

  33. AGN components - 6 Narrow Line Region – NLR Line width ~ 400 km/s Forbiddenlines→ lowdensityne ~ 103 cm−3,T ~ 16 000 K (densities comparable to Hiregions and molecularclouds, but muchhighertemperatures) Extend over hundreds (or eventhousands) pc Structure oftencone-like (regionreached by the ionizing radiation)

  34. AGN components - 7 Host galaxy • Generally: Seyfert = spiral galaxies quasars in elliptical galaxies … but there are exceptions • Ellipticals with AGN have on average more gas than inactive ones • Frequent signs of gravitational interactions → carry matter in to feed the AGN (but still subject to some debate) • Relation between AGN and star formation (starburst) → common cause? feedback ?

  35. AGN components - 8 •Elliptical hosts on average bluer than inactive ellipticals •Spirals hosts on average redder than inactive spirals → tendency to occupy an intermediate position in the color-magnitude diagrams (green valley)

  36. AGN components - 9

  37. AGN components - 10 Radio galaxies

  38. AGN components - 11 Quasar host galaxies

  39. AGN components - 12 Quasar host galaxies HST image deconvolved image

  40. AGN components - 13 Black hole mass • reverberation mapping → size r of the BLR •width of emission lines (BEL) → velocity dispersion σ in the BLR •if we assume keplerian motion of the clouds → one finds the same correlation between black hole mass and bulge* mass as in inactive galaxies •this correlation is still valid at high redshift (→ z ~ 2) * or mass of the whole elliptical galaxy

  41. Unification

  42. Unification - 2 Common aspects • supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy • accretion of matter through a disk Two activity modes • radiative: strong accretion intense high-energy radiation → Seyferts, quasars matter ejections • kinematic: low accretion radio jets → radiogalaxies massive hosts with little gas

  43. Unification - 3 Unification model Components: • supermassive black hole • accretion disk • dust torus • BLR • NLR • radio jet +viewing angle

  44. Unification - 4 Direct observation of the dust torus: NGC 4261: active elliptical galaxy at 30 Mpc

  45. Unification - 5 Size of the dust torus – large enough to hide the BLR – smaller than the NLR (2) If the torus hides the BLR → weak continuum and no broad lines → type 2 Seyferts or quasars (1) If line of sight ± perpendicular to torus → one observes the BLR and the accretion disk → type 1 Seyferts or quasars 1 2

  46. Unification - 6 Polarized broad lines Type 2 Seyferts do not display any significant broad lines However, broad lines appear in polarized light → the BLR is not directly observed but in scattered light → polarized twice as many type 2 than type 1 → the torus covers ± 2/3 of the solid angle

  47. Unification - 7 Ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRG) = galaxies emetting more than 1013 LO in far IR (Ltot ± as quasars) • generally present signs of violent gravitational interactions → dust heated by: – starbursts – AGN (2 often linked phenomena) → very young AGNs still buried in a dust cocoon

  48. Unification - 9 Blazars(BL Lac, OVV) • highly variable AGNs • polarized light • very weak emission lines, barely detectable → explained by beaming effect: particles in relativistic motion that emit isotropically in their reference frame → anisotropic emission directed forwards in the observer’s frame → magnification in the direction of motion

  49. Unification - 10 • if the jet is relativistic and directed towards the observer • and if the emitted radiation extends to the optical / UV range → magnification of the synchrotron radiation (continuum) can mask the other spectral components (e.g. emission lines) • strong variability explained by small variations in particle speed and direction in the jet • that beaming also explains the intensity difference between the jet directed ± towards the observer (magnified) and the opposite jet that is directed away (counterjet, attenuated) in other types of AGNs

  50. Unification - 11 Evolution AGN hidden by dust AGN appears AGN cleans its environment SMBH runs out of matter inactive SMBH

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