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External Trade Statistics New Eurotrace and data exchange 1 st External trade experts meeting

External Trade Statistics New Eurotrace and data exchange 1 st External trade experts meeting on the CARDS Programme Luxembourg - May 2003 Pierre BALBONI - ESTAT/C0. The EU Data Exchange System INTRASTAT, EXTRASTAT and COMEXT Processing. EXTRASTAT. Member State.

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External Trade Statistics New Eurotrace and data exchange 1 st External trade experts meeting

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  1. External Trade Statistics New Eurotrace and data exchange 1st External trade experts meeting on the CARDS Programme Luxembourg - May 2003 Pierre BALBONI - ESTAT/C0

  2. The EU Data Exchange System INTRASTAT, EXTRASTAT and COMEXT Processing

  3. EXTRASTAT Member State Customs Declaration (SAD) ExtraStat Monthly File sent to EUROSTAT EUROSTAT DPS : Process and Control COMEXT Browser COMEXT EEC Special Trade

  4. INTRASTAT Member State Enterprise Declaration IntraStat Monthly File sent to EUROSTAT EUROSTAT DPS : Process and Control COMEXT Browser COMEXT EEC Special Trade

  5. Data Processing and Quality

  6. Reconciliation Exercise Transport Info. Statistical Procedure MirStatT DEMETRA Mirror Statistics EU Indices Seasonal adjusted data COMEXT Database Monthly Data Reporter-Partner Commodity : HS6 ++ Transport Info. Statistical Procedure UN Data COMTRADE : ==> Annual Data IMF ==> Total Product Partner Country Data Monthly Data Reporter-Partner Commodity : HS6 ++ Data Derivation Chain

  7. EU in the World : Why ? • To extend data collection on a Common Basis : Reporter, Partner, HS6, Flow, Value, Quantity and Supplementary Unit, • To share information and generate picture of Trade between different Partner Countries and EU, • To be able to carry out mirror statistics, Reconciliation Exercise (with Transport and Statistical procedure information). • To improve data quality by understanding of different concept and definitions used. And to unified External Trade Methodology following UN Concepts and Definitions

  8. Candidate Countries EFTA CARDS TACIS Russia Japan China USA Canada Mexico Bilateral data exchange MERCOSUR CAN ACP MED Countries EU in the WORLD WORLD Matrix

  9. Bilateral Data Exchange

  10. EU in the World Framework : Data Exchange and Reciprocity Partner Country Eurostat Customs Database Data Control and Integration External Trade Database Transmission Rules Data Extraction and transformation COMEXT Database COMEXT Browser Online Connection CD-ROM

  11. Internet EU in the World Framework : New Eurotrace Software Integration Partner Country Eurostat Customs Database Data Control and Integration External Trade Database Transmission Rules New Eurotrace Package Data Extraction and transformation COMEXT Database COMEXT Browser Online Connection CD-ROM

  12. Regional Integration

  13. COMESA secretariat • regional collection of data • sharing of information with member states • South South trade analysis and Mirror exercises • contact point for sharing of data with EU • North South trade analysis • IT Solution • Actually Eurotrace Regional Unix/Informix based • Link with COMEXT and Eurotrace Windows (end 2003) Regional Center : the COMESA Example

  14. National Data Eurotrace DOS Custom System Eurotrace Windows Regional Data Shared Information (www.Eurotrace.org Web Site) (March 2003) Exchange Rate Reference Table HS2000, HSSITC Member State Analysis Mirror Exercise Regional Studies Publication Eurotrace Regional European Commission EUROSTAT COMEXT Reference Database Eurotrace framework Architecture

  15. New Eurotrace Windows With COMEXT Browser a tools to process External Trade Statistics

  16. New Eurotrace Windows Package : Why ? • To follow IT Evolution, • Integrate functionalities into a modular scheme that could be easily extended, • Simplify data exchange procedure via integrated methods and reduce Partner countries workload, • Provide technical helpdesk to Partner countries and give them access to all necessary information.

  17. Eurotrace DOS/Unix current weaknesses • Programs and interfaces are DOS or Unix based • Fixed structure for Custom Declaration Storage • Manual intervention for data integration • Fixed data bank definition • Limited software connectivity • Windows based program without any licenses • Data structure could be completely defined • Automatisation of data integration • Data derivation module fully customizable • Eurostat based and used software • Data storage under MS Access

  18. External Trade Statistical Production System Implementation with Comext/Eurotrace Package Data Sources Mostly CUSTOMS DECLARATION External Trade Database RAW DATA COMEXT Stand-Alone Browser External Trade Database Definition Estimation Indices Enterprise Data Requests UN IMF Country Table and Publication EUROSTAT MedComext Data Integration Procedure

  19. Eurotrace Actors How to design a Domain ? 4. Data that can be consulted ? Statistical Office Statistics Users 2. Data that can be collected ? Trade Statistics data Supplier, Statistical Office Data Editor 1. How to Define Trade Statistical Database ? Nomenclatures Expert, Trade Information System Expert 3. Ways Data is Keyed in and Controlled ? Data Coders, Data Controller Derived Data Source Dataset Classification Plan

  20. Stand Alone Computer Data Entry Data Browser Workstation Data Entry Data Browser Network Management Pseudo-Server Data Storage Data Importation Stand-Alone PC Data Storage Data Entry/Browser

  21. Definition Classification Plan Dictionary Dictionary Dictionary Eurotrace DOMAIN

  22. GeoNom. NUTS Activity BEC SITC HS Enterprise Managing Nomenclatures and Relations between Nomenclatures Classification Plan

  23. Source Data Dataset Source Classification Plan Dictionary Dictionary Dictionary Eurotrace DOMAIN Definition

  24. 1. Define Data Structure Free definition of data container using Dictionaries Files Importation Asycuda, Old Eurotrace,... 2. Source Data Structure Free definition of data Source Structure for Automatic Integration Validation 3. Define Data Integration Algorithm Free definition data transformation used by Importation Wizard Data Entry/Correction Direct Validation Source Dataset

  25. 1. Database Extraction • Single File • Record Locking Security • Extraction Criteria • 2. Data Editor • Appending New Records • Record Modification • “Undo” functionality • Header/Detail decomposition • Validation “On The Fly” • 3. Error Trapping • Wrong Codes Highlighted • Errors to be Corrected Intranet WEB Link • 7. Database Update • File sent to administrator to update to Main Database • Errors could be corrected one after the others (No lock in processes) • Database Records Unlocked • 8. Direct Link • Direct update of Mainframe database • Web based Interface • Future functionality • 4. Form Designer • Define your own Customs Declaration Form • Hide/Mask some fields • Move Boxes using Mouse • 5. Code List Selector • Hierarchy selection • Code Validation • 6. Record Navigator • Select a specific record directly • View data in Table based format Data Entry/Data Correction

  26. Data Monitoring and History back-up Error Correction Wizard Check Importation Errors and Step by Step Correction Tool Source Dataset Management

  27. Upgrade Upgrade Classification Plan Dictionary Dictionary Dictionary Derived Dataset Derived Dataset Source Data Eurotrace DOMAIN Dataset Source Definition

  28. 2. Simple Interface to Upgrade Databank Month to be upgrade could be selected in order to have a global control on Reference data Maintenance 1. Define Derived Dataset Algorithm Free data definition based on Declaration source, transcodification and conversion Table Data Banks : Derived Dataset Upgrade

  29. Classification Plan Dictionary Dictionary Dictionary Dissemination/Analysis Source Data Eurotrace DOMAIN Dataset Source Upgrade Upgrade Definition Derived Dataset Derived Dataset

  30. COMEXT Stand/Alone A common Interface for Data Dissemination Eurotrace Native Data, CD-ROM, EU MainFrame Database

  31. Criteria Selection and Data Browsing COMEXT Stand-Alone Comext Plan

  32. COMEXT Stand-Alone Formula definitions

  33. COMEXT Stand-Alone Dump to Excel

  34. COMEXT Stand-Alone Nomenclatures Repository The nomenclature And its labels

  35. Classification Plan Dictionary Dictionary Dictionary Source Data Eurotrace DOMAIN USER-FRIENDLY INTERFACE Dataset Source Upgrade Upgrade Definition Eurotrace Local Administrator Black Box or Installation mission Parameters Derived Dataset Derived Dataset Dissemination/Analysis

  36. Eurotrace Windows new Functionalities • Data Backup facilities • Multilingual capabilities • Standard Exportation (Word, Excel, XML, HTML,...) • Guided Data entry (Validation ‘on the fly’) • Simplified Data Download (Currency Rate, …) • ‘What’s this’ online Help • System Administration and Validation (Data to be integrated, Banks to be upgraded, System check, missing information, ...)

  37. Eurotrace Importation Time Test on Pentium III 700 Mhz 512MB RAM Win NT4.0

  38. Future Evolutions

  39. Enterprise Register And Publication Toolkit 2004 Test Jan. 2003 Indices Module Test : June 2003 Mirror Statistics And Reconciliation (Regional) 2004 CUSTOMS DECLARATION Enterprise Register Data Integration Procedure External Trade Database RAW DATA COMEXT Stand-Alone Browser Trade Indices Module Enterprise Indices MirStatT Reconciliation Country Table and Publication UN IMF EUROSTAT Exchange Eurotrace Windows Architecture And Future

  40. Implementation July 2003 Your Own Module When you want CUSTOMS DECLARATION Data Integration Procedure External Trade Database RAW DATA COMEXT Stand-Alone Browser Trade under Threshold Estimation Estimation Short-Term Short Term Indicator Publication UN IMF EUROSTAT Exchange Eurotrace Windows Architecture And Future

  41. Eurotrace Windows Architecture And Future Your Own Module Why and How CUSTOMS DECLARATION One Click Excel output. Data Integration Procedure Source Data under Simple MSAccess Format Excel/Word Reporting Access Reporting Visual Basic, C++, PB application development Global connectivity with Package like 20-20 Business Objects, Cognos External Trade Database RAW DATA COMEXT Stand-Alone Browser Export XML HTML/Web Paper Public. UN IMF EUROSTAT Exchange

  42. Thank You

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