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Explore the fascinating journey of antibiotics, from the discovery of Pyocyanase to the invention of Penicillin and its successors like sulfa drugs and streptomycin. Learn how these chemicals inhibit bacterial growth and have revolutionized medicine. Discover the quest for anti-viral antibiotics and the hope for controlling viruses in humans. Dive into the science behind fighting germs and understanding the impact of antibiotics in treating various diseases.

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  2. WHAT ARE ANTIBIOTICS? Antibiotics are chemicals. Which inhibit the growth of certain kinds of bacteria. Thus they help your body to fight disease. Antibiotics are effective only in case of bacteria. They cannot cure Viral disease In the 1860's Louis Pasture showed that many diseases were caused by bacteria. Later he discovered that we may be able to fight germs with other microbes.

  3. History In 1890’s, Rudolf Emmerich & Oscar Low took the germs from infected bandages and grew them in a test tube. They would then isolate a bacteria called Bacillus pyocyaneus that caused green infections in open wounds. When they introduced this bacteria into another test tube. The Bacillus pycyoneus wiped out the other disease pathogens that cause cholera, typhoid, diphtheria, and anthrax. From this, the two men created a medication that they called Pyocyanase. It was the first antibiotic to be used in hospitals. Unfortunately, it did not work the same on all patients. Some were cured, and still some only became sicker. As a result, this drug was abandoned.

  4. INVENTION OF PENICILLIN In 1928, a research scientist by the name of Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin He was studying a bacteria called Staphylococcus aureus. He was growing colonies of the germ in a petrii dish. Fleming found a spot of green Penicillium fungus growing in one of the dishes.This meant that the mold had killed the bacteria that was there. The chemical released by the fungus to kill the bacteria was therefore named Penicillin.

  5. After penicillin, came the invention of the sulfa drug. It comes from Prontosil, which is a substance used as a dye. When put into the body, Prontosil changes into and active germ-killing drug called sulfonilamide. It has been proven that this drug could cure pneumonia, scarlet fever, and blood poisoning. Doctor Selman Waksman, discovered a drug called streptomycin. It originated from microbes found in soil and was a cure for many intestinal diseases. Aureomycin, is a drug that does the job of both penicillin and stroptomycin..

  6. Anti-Viral Antibiotics Virus causes diseases like the flu and the common cold. AIDS and Some types of cancer may also fall into this category. Many research scientists have tested anti-viral antibiotics. They were able to slow the growth of viruses in many cases. Scientist hope to develop antibiotics to control viruses as well as bacteria in humans. Red / Blue Virus Foot & Mouth Disease Viruses Mengovirus

  7. PRESENTED BY : 1)Khan Suhana Begum Ab. Samad (IX A) 2)Khot Nuzhat Noor Mohd. (IX A) 3)Mansuri Misbah Mohd. Ishaq (IX A) 4)Samira Mushtaq Ali (IX A) 5)Shabana Parveen Shamshuddin (IX B) ANJUMAN-I-ISLAM'S DR. M.I.J.GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL, BANDRA.

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