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Epics .db to Oracle RDB

Learn how to generate a database report, import it using SQLload, and parse names into individual fields. Used at SLAC for compatibility with legacy control systems.

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Epics .db to Oracle RDB

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  1. Epics .db to Oracle RDB Organizing site-wide Epics data Ron Chestnut – SNS November 2000

  2. Three steps from .db to Oracle • Generate a database report • Import the report with Sqlload • Parse the names to get individual fields • Used at SLAC for compatibility with legacy control system wildcarding capabilities

  3. Generating the report (1) bic_template file ./bic_bxbcm.db{ {STN=HB60,BIT3_CARD=0} {STN=LB60,BIT3_CARD=1} } file ./bic_dcct.db{ {STN=HB60}{STN=LB60} } etc.

  4. Generating the report (2) bic_report script rm bic.all_pv dbLoadTemplate bic_template | dbreport OUT.INP.35 DESC.20 | sort > bic.all_pv

  5. Import the data with SQLLOAD Script sqlloader acct/pwd control=pvload.ctl Control file options(skip=2)load datainfile ‘bic.all_pv’append into table pvlist when pv_type != “TYPE “(pv_type position(1:15) char, pvnam position(16:45) char)

  6. Parse the names into fields pvnam = PB60:DCCT:LIFETIME fld1 = PB60 fld2 = DCCT fld3 = LIFETIME nfld = 3

  7. End up with nice table SQL>desc pvlist name type=========================PV_TYPE char(15)PVNAM char(30)PV_INOUT char(35)PV_DESC char(20)FLD1 char(15)….FLD6 char(15)NFLD number(1)pv_last_field char(15) SQL> select count(*) from pvlist; COUNT(*)---------------- 16932

  8. Current Uses at SLAC • Support wildcarded history source files • Generate filtered and sorted reports with simple SQL • Provide a uniform way to find PV names • Reduce maintenance load

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