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Discover the importance of love as the key motive in using spiritual gifts. Learn the characteristics of love and its permanence contrasted with temporal gifts. Gain insights from Paul’s teachings in 1 Corinthians 13.
The Most Important of All 1 Corinthians 13
Introduction In Chapter 13 Paul gives the most important concept in the entire subject of the use of spiritual gifts, that of motive. Whatever we do in the service of the Lord God it must be done out of a heart of love; first to the Lord then to the person to whom we are ministering.
Introduction The Greek word is agape, which focuses on the will and actions rather than the feelings. In practice, whatever we do, our desire must be for the other person’s eternalbest interest, no matter how they respond. Take from Paul’s words that any motive for our ministry other than love for the Lord and love for His people detracts from the ministry.
The Imperative of Love There are two ways to translate this first sentence, either as a command, like most major translations do, or as a statement, “You are desiring the best gifts.” Some might wonder what would be greater than having power and authority in leadership or teaching? What Paul does in this part of the chapter is take five very prominent, Attention-getting gifts and postulate their use to the utmost degree then state that such use is useless.
The Imperative of Love The first gift he mentions is the most attention-getting, and the focus of the following chapter, that of tongues. Here he groups gifts that seem to work together; prophesy (the ability to foretell the truth as well as forth tell the Word) knowledge (the ability to know the Word and the mind and will of God) and faith (to apply and act upon what you prophesied) Here is the gift of giving. Ananias & Sapphira had this didn’t they? NOT! The Lord Jesus had a few things to say about people who use giving to gain attention.
The Characteristics Of Love As we minister to one another it is good that we take the time to examine our motives and see if these characteristics are in some measure in us as we minister. Patient – Prolonged restraint of anger Kind – While the above can sometimes be rather passive, enduring trials, this word is active; it actively seeks to be a benefit to the other person.
The Characteristics Of Love • Not Jealous – It doesn’t bother us when someone has this world’s wealth in abundance • Does not brag – We do not say things or do things to promote ourselves • Not arrogant – This is similar to the previous attitude but deals more with how we view ourselves.
The Characteristics Of Love • Does not act unbecomingly – Love will lead us to act in a way that is above reproach. • Seeks not its own – We are not absorbed by our own schedules or agenda or plan. • Not easily provoked – Whenever personally attacked, we do not easily respond in kind.
The Characteristics Of Love Thinketh no evil – I used the KJV to more accurately describe this phrase. Two ways to look at this. Does not indulge in evil thoughts concerning others but quickly and easily forgets an injury Nor are we suspicious of others, imputing the worst possible motives to whatever they do.
The Characteristics Of Love Does not rejoice in unrighteousness – Whenever we see something wrong it gives us no pleasure Bears…believes …hopes … endures all things – We willingly bear one another’s burdens, believe everything that is true (Scriptures), place our hope in all that God has planned for us, and endure every hardship
The Characteristics Of Love It is also scary to look at the reverse of all these characteristics and compare ourselves to the image that develops.
The Permanence Of Love In this final section Paul contrasts the endurance of love with spiritual gifts. In doing that he points out a truth that is vital in our day and age; that the gift of tongues at some point future to Paul will cease to operate. First, lets look at Paul’s primary topic. In v 8 Paul contrasts love (which is the only human trait that will last and be used into eternity) with these three temporal spiritual gifts.
The Permanence Of Love Paul’s point is if these some day cease to operate, then Love which lasts eternally is far more important to cultivate in our lives than any spiritual gift. Never forget that this is Paul’s main point. However the fact that he goes on to discuss the conditions which bring about the cessation of knowledge & prophesy leads us to examine this section more carefully. Notice the three gifts, are each tied to a verb saying that the gift will cease.
The Permanence Of Love Most people tie all three gifts together at this point, but this is incorrect. Knowledge & prophesy share the same verb and construction; future, indicative, passive. Which means that at some point in the future something will act upon these gifts and cause them to cease functioning. Tongues, on the other hand, uses a different verb in a different construction; future, indicative, middle voice.
The Permanence Of Love The result is that, far from being tied together with knowledge and prophesy, Paul separates tongues. The meaning is that at some point future to Paul, tongues would cease in and of themselves. Notice in this verse Paul does not even mention tongues, the “perfect” does not affect tongues. Right now even the best of us know God’s truth & will only partially and that in a rather flawed and imbalanced way.
The Permanence Of Love The result is that, far from being tied together with knowledge and prophesy, Paul separates tongues. The meaning is that at some point future to Paul, tongues would cease in and of themselves. Notice in this verse Paul does not even mention tongues, the “perfect” does not affect tongues. Right now even the best of us know God’s truth & will only partially and that in a rather flawed and imbalanced way.
The Permanence Of Love When the perfect comes we will perfectly know God’s truth & will and will no longer have any need to preach & teach it to other Christians for they will know it too. What need we of faith when we see Him face to face? Like knowledge & prophesy it too will no longer need to operate.
The Permanence Of Love When all our hopes are fully realized and we experience the truth that the half had not been told us, all our hopes will melt into utter satisfaction. However our love for God and for one another will continue to operate throughout eternity.
Lessons for our lives • As we minister to one another and serve one another it is imperative that we examine our motives. • While we examine our motives, let’s also examine our attitudes as well. • That the best thing we can do to prepare ourselves for eternity is to love one another.