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Coffee, the Gentech Fingerprint. Prof. Klaus Ammann, University of Bern, Switzerland. Hybrid breeding. X. backcrosses. X. X. X. Gene Technology. Resistant Crops. Werner Arber, Nobel Laureate 1978: Interestingly, naturally occurring molecular evolution,
Coffee, the Gentech Fingerprint Prof. Klaus Ammann, University of Bern, Switzerland
Hybrid breeding X backcrosses X X X Gene Technology Resistant Crops
Werner Arber, Nobel Laureate 1978: Interestingly, naturally occurring molecular evolution, i.e. the spontaneous generation of genetic variants has been seen to follow exactly the same three strategies as those used in genetic engineering14. These three strategies are: (a) small local changes in the nucleotide sequences, (b) internal reshuffling of genomic DNA segments, and (c) acquisition of usually rather small segments of DNA from another type of organism by horizontal gene transfer. Arber, W. (2002) Roots, strategies and prospects of functional genomics. Current Science, 83, 7, pp 826-828 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Mutations/Arber-Comparison-2002.pdf Arber, W. (2000) Genetic variation: molecular mechanisms and impact on microbial evolution. Fems Microbiology Reviews, 24, 1, pp 1-7 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Mutations/Arber-Gen-Variation-FEMS-2000.pdf http://nobelprize.org/medicine/laureates/1978/arber-autobio.html
However, there is a principal difference between the procedures of genetic engineering and those serving in nature for biological evolution. While the genetic engineer pre-reflects his alteration and verifies its results, nature places its genetic variations more randomly and largely independent of an identified goal. Arber, W. (2002) Roots, strategies and prospects of functional genomics. Current Science, 83, 7, pp 826-828 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Mutations/Arber-Comparison-2002.pdf Arber, W. (2002) Roots, strategies and prospects of functional genomics. Current Science, 83, 7, pp 826-828 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Mutations/Arber-Comparison-2002.pdf
Gamma Radiation Mutation 100m Radius 89 TBq Co-60 Radiation source in center On 8m high post Better Spaghetti, Better Whiskey 1800 new traits Institute of Radiation Breeding Ibaraki-ken, JAPAN http://www.irb.affrc.go.jp/
Etienne, H., Anthony, F., Dussert, S., Fernandez, D., Lashermes, P., & Bertrand, B. (2002) Biotechnological applications for the improvement of coffee (Coffea arabica L.). In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant, 38, 2, pp 129-138 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Coffee/Etienne-Biotech-Coffee-2002.pdf
Etienne, H., Anthony, F., Dussert, S., Fernandez, D., Lashermes, P., & Bertrand, B. (2002) Biotechnological applications for the improvement of coffee (Coffea arabica L.). In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant, 38, 2, pp 129-138 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Coffee/Etienne-Biotech-Coffee-2002.pdf
This is the first report of cloning of the promoter for a gene involved in caffeine biosynthetic pathway and it opens up the possibility of studying the molecular mechanisms that regulate the production of caffeine. Satyanarayana, K.V., Kumar, V., Chandrashekar, A., & Ravishankar, G.A. (2005) Isolation of promoter for N-methyltransferase gene associated with caffeine biosynthesis in Coffea canephora. Journal of Biotechnology, 119, 1, pp 20-25 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Coffee/Satyanarayana-Isolation-Promoter-2005.pdf
Ashihara, H. & Crozier, A. (2001) Caffeine: a well known but little mentioned compound in plant science. Trends in Plant Science, 6, 9, pp 407-413 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Coffee/Ashihara-Caffeine-2001.pdf Fig. 5. Biosynthesis of caffeine from xanthosine and the conversion of xanthosine to xanthine and its breakdown to CO2 and NH3 via the purine catabolism pathway. Abbreviations: CS, caffeine synthase; MXS, methylxanthosine synthase; MXN, methylxanthosine nucleotidase; NSD, inosine–guanosine nucleosidase; SAH, S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine; SAM, S-adenosyl-L-methione; XDH, xanthine dehydrogenase.
The cloning of caffeine biosynthesis genes opens up the possibility of using genetic engineering to produce naturally decaffeinated tea and coffee.
PCR amplification of DsRFP gene and visual detection of the red fluorescent protein demonstrated 33% transformed embryos. The protocol presented here produces reliable transgenic coffee embryos in two months. Canche-Moo, R.L.R., Ku-Gonzalez, A., Burgeff, C., Loyola-Vargas, V.M., Rodriguez-Zapata, L.C., & Castano, E. (2006) Genetic transformation of Coffea canephora by vacuum infiltration. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 84, 3, pp 373-377 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Coffee/Canche-Mo-Transform-Vacuum-Coffee-2006.pdf
Coffee plants transformed with the GUS gene 1 Hatanaka, T., Choi, Y.E., Kusano, T., & Sano, H. (1999) Transgenic plants of coffee Coffea canephora from embryogenic callus via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Plant Cell Reports, 19, 2, pp 106-110 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Coffee/Hatanaka-Transgenic-bact-tum-1999.pdf
Hatanaka, T., Choi, Y.E., Kusano, T., & Sano, H. (1999) Transgenic plants of coffee Coffea canephora from embryogenic callus via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Plant Cell Reports, 19, 2, pp 106-110 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Coffee/Hatanaka-Transgenic-bact-tum-1999.pdf Coffee plants transformed with the GUS gene 1
Ribas, A.F., Kobayashi, A.K., Pereira, L.F.P., & Vieira, L.G.E. (2006) Production of herbicide-resistant coffee plants (Coffea canephora P.) via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 49, 1, pp 11-19 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Coffee/Ribas-herbic-resist-Coffee-2006.pdf
Cattaneo, M.G., Yafuso, C., Schmidt, C., Huang, C.-y., Rahman, M., Olson, C., Ellers-Kirk, C., Orr, B.J., Marsh, S.E., Antilla, L., Dutilleul, P., & Carriere, Y. (2006) Farm-scale evaluation of the impacts of transgenic cotton on biodiversity, pesticide use, and yield 10.1073/pnas.0508312103. PNAS, 103, 20, pp 7571-7576 http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/abstract/103/20/7571 AND http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Cotton/Cattaneo-Farmscale-Bt-cotton-2006.pdf Average number of broad-spectrum insecticide applications in nonTr, Bt, and BtHr cotton (with95%confidence intervals). The number of insecticide applications was significantly higher in nonTr than in transgenic cotton in 2002 (one-tailed contrast, t 4.13, df 72, P 0.0001) (a) and in 2003 (one-tailed contrast, t1.99, df72, P0.025) (b). The number of insecticide applications was higher in 2003 than in 2002 (P0.058), although differences in insecticide applications among cotton types did not vary between years (P 0.47).
Figure 3. Anti-herbivore effects of transgenic plants. (A) Tobacco cutworm (S. litura) larvae at the third instar were allowed to feed on six leaf dics, three from caffeine producing, and three from control plants. Bar indicates 5 mm. (B) Leaf disc choice test. After feeding for 3 h in the dark, each disc was collected and photographed. Two transgenic lines were tested; lines #1 (Test 1) and #2 (Test 2) contained caffeine at 5 lg and 0.4 lg per g fresh weight, respectively. Disc samples are from caffeine containing (1 and 3) and control leaves (2 and 4). (C) Quantification of feeding behavior. Twenty replicate tests were performed for one transgenic plant as described above, and fed leaf areas (vertical axis) were calculated with the aid of an image analyzer. The horizontal axis indicates the duplicated test (Test 1 and Test 2) with discs from caffeine containing (1 and 3) and control leaves (2 and 4), respectively. Some tests which showed no feeding were excluded from the evaluation. Uefuji, H., Tatsumi, Y., Morimoto, M., Kaothien-Nakayama, P., Ogita, S., & Sano, H. (2005) Caffeine production in tobacco plants by simultaneous expression of three coffee N-methyltrasferases and its potential as a pest repellant. Plant Molecular Biology, 59, 2, pp 221-227 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Coffee/Uefuj-Coffein-Tobacco-2005.pdf
F Transformed plants from C. canephora during bioassays. The Cry1Ac protein was detected by Western blotting in both plants, and they were exposed to the insects at the same time. Plant 1 shows leaves susceptible to the pest, plant 2 is resistant to the pest Leroy, T., Henry, A.M., Royer, M., Altosaar, I., Frutos, R., Duris, D., & Philippe, R. (2000) Genetically modified coffee plants expressing the Bacillus thuringiensis cry1Ac gene for resistance to leaf miner. Plant Cell Reports, 19, 4, pp 382-389 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Coffee/Leroy-Bt-resistance-2000.pdf
Comparison of the gene ontology-based gene annotation categories for the coffee EST-derived unigene set, tomato ESTderived unigene set and the Arabidopsis proteome. Figure contains only categories in which more than 1% of the coffee unigenes were assigned. Categories for which coffee differs most significantly from Arabidopsis are shown in underline bold. Lin, C.W., Mueller, L.A., Mc Carthy, J., Crouzillat, D., Petiard, V., & Tanksley, S.D. (2005) Coffee and tomato share common gene repertoires as revealed by deep sequencing of seed and cherry transcripts. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 112, 1, pp 114-130 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Coffee/Lin-Coffee-Tomato-2005.pdf
Coffea sp. nov. One of the newly discovered species of coffee, found for the first time in 1996 at Tsingy de Bemaraha, western Madagascar. The bizarre winged fruits are unlike any other coffee species. Aaron Davis, Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond Surrey, TW9 3AB, UK. E-mail: A.Davis@kew.org
Cohen, J.I. (2005) Poorer nations turn to publicly developed GM crops (vol 23, pg 27, 2005). Nature Biotechnology, 23, 3, pp 366-366 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/PublicSector-Danforth-20050304/Cohen-Naturebiotech-2005.pdf
make peace between organic farming and biotechnology
The national percentage of cropland planted with conservation tillage technology surpassed the percentage of plowed ground in 1997. Indiana was one of the top five contributors to the increase in acreage farmed with the erosion-busting technology. Here a farmer plants into corn stalk residue. (Purdue Agricultural Communications Service Photo by Mike Kerper)Color photo, electronic transmission, and Web and ftp download available. Photo ID: Evans.Notill
Zunahme der pfluglosen Landwirtschaft in den USA * Fawcett, R. & Towery, D.(2002), Electronic Source: Conservation tillage and plant biotechnology: How new technologies can improve the environment by reducing the need to plow., published by: Purdue University, accessed: 2003 www.ctic.purdue.edu/CTIC/CTIC.html or http://www.botanischergarten.ch/HerbizideTol/Fawcett-BiotechPaper.pdf
Fütterungs-Zeit kürzer bei Gentech-Soya-Anbau * Fawcett, R. & Towery, D.(2002), Electronic Source: Conservation tillage and plant biotechnology: How new technologies can improve the environment by reducing the need to plow., published by: Purdue University, accessed: 2003 www.ctic.purdue.edu/CTIC/CTIC.html or http://www.botanischergarten.ch/HerbizideTol/Fawcett-BiotechPaper.pdf
Mäder, P., Fliessbach, A., Dubois, D., Gunst, L., Fried, P., & Niggli, U. (2002) Soil Fertility and Biodiversity in Organic Farming. Science, 296, 5573, pp 1694-1697 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Organic/Maeder-Science-2002-p1694.pdf
European Safety Attitude: let not the Europeans decide about Biosafety in Africa, do your own safety assessment