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Gothenborg, Galaxen farm…

Gothenborg, Galaxen farm….

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Gothenborg, Galaxen farm…

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  1. Gothenborg, Galaxen farm… The galaxy is a non-profit organization. Its aim is to create recreational activities for children, youth and adults. It became a city farm and is served by volunteer-driven youth. There is a Cafe that offer drinks and housemade food, there is an area for children and teenagere to play after school. The farm own a small garden in which during the summer the volunteers grow vegetable. In the farm they have animals to take care. So they organize some day camps in the summer, where kids can participate in all the work being done on the farm, this gives the children a sense of responsiveness and responsibility

  2. MICRO-CONSULTING Reminder about the Micro-consulting: A local initiative/project hosts a visit and asks the visitors in exchange for a micro-consulting on a problem they face. A specific question is asked in advance and participating visitors use their own experiences to find solutions. The aim of the Micro-consulting tool is first to stimulate the field visits during transnational meetings. Beyond engaging the representatives of the participating partners into active visiting, the result is to apply the multiples know-hows available directly to local cases, as well as the experiences and cultural points of view they represent. If not all, key actions of the LAP could benefit from this booster and align to best practices. • Tips & notes for implementation: • The Micro-consulting session should be prepared in advance: it cannot be improvised in the last minute or as a round table of comments; • Define a clear and concise question that the host initiative will ask to the visiting consortium: how can we justify private food production on public land? How can we involve the local inhabitants? etc. rather than vague what do you think of our initiative? Possibly match in advance capabilities you know are available in the consortium with potential local requests; • Elaborate the question with the local partners when you set the visit. Pay attention to the fact that the local partner should be comfortable with what will be asked and with language issues; • Express clearly the ‘rules of the game’ as: shorter visit focused around the question; ensure a comfortable place for everyone but not necessarily seated; rephrase and explain the question for 5 min.; visiting consultants each prepare 1 response they would like to develop; round of consulting proposals; local host to choose 4 contributions; each contributors presents for 5 min.; local host wraps up in 5 min. lessons learnt (videotaped); Gothenborg, Galaxen farm… The galaxy is a non-profit organization. Its aim is to create recreational activities for children, youth and adults. It became a city farm and is served by volunteer-driven youth. There is a Cafe that offer drinks and housemade food, there is an area for children and teenagere to play after school. The farm own a small garden in which during the summer the volunteers grow vegetable. In the farm they have animals to take care. So they organize some day camps in the summer, where kids can participate in all the work being done on the farm, this gives the children a sense of responsiveness and responsibility

  3. Bristol, City farms… St Werburgh’s Farm in north Bristol is one of several city farms that were established as educational centres for their local communities starting with Windmill Hill City Farm in south Bristol. St Werburgh’s City Farm has a semi rural characteristic despite its urban setting as its fields are located next to large allotment sites and public green open spaces. It’s both a demonstration project for food production and provider of a range of activities for all ages.

  4. MICRO-CONSULTING Reminder about the Micro-consulting: A local initiative/project hosts a visit and asks the visitors in exchange for a micro-consulting on a problem they face. A specific question is asked in advance and participating visitors use their own experiences to find solutions. The aim of the Micro-consulting tool is first to stimulate the field visits during transnational meetings. Beyond engaging the representatives of the participating partners into active visiting, the result is to apply the multiples know-hows available directly to local cases, as well as the experiences and cultural points of view they represent. If not all, key actions of the LAP could benefit from this booster and align to best practices. • Tips & notes for implementation: • The Micro-consulting session should be prepared in advance: it cannot be improvised in the last minute or as a round table of comments; • Define a clear and concise question that the host initiative will ask to the visiting consortium: how can we justify private food production on public land? How can we involve the local inhabitants? etc. rather than vague what do you think of our initiative? Possibly match in advance capabilities you know are available in the consortium with potential local requests; • Elaborate the question with the local partners when you set the visit. Pay attention to the fact that the local partner should be comfortable with what will be asked and with language issues; • Express clearly the ‘rules of the game’ as: shorter visit focused around the question; ensure a comfortable place for everyone but not necessarily seated; rephrase and explain the question for 5 min.; visiting consultants each prepare 1 response they would like to develop; round of consulting proposals; local host to choose 4 contributions; each contributors presents for 5 min.; local host wraps up in 5 min. lessons learnt (videotaped); Bristol, City farms… St Werburgh’s Farm in north Bristol is one of several city farms that were established as educational centres for their local communities starting with Windmill Hill City Farm in south Bristol. St Werburgh’s City Farm has a semi rural characteristic despite its urban setting as its fields are located next to large allotment sites and public green open spaces. It’s both a demonstration project for food production and provider of a range of activities for all ages.

  5. Bristol, The City Farm Café… St Werburghs City Farm café is a popular meeting place that promotes organic local food. The Café has set up an 'allotment trading scheme' where gardeners from nearby allotments bring their surplus produce and get stamps on a trading card they can then exchange for meals in the Café…

  6. MICRO-CONSULTING Reminder about the Micro-consulting: A local initiative/project hosts a visit and asks the visitors in exchange for a micro-consulting on a problem they face. A specific question is asked in advance and participating visitors use their own experiences to find solutions. The aim of the Micro-consulting tool is first to stimulate the field visits during transnational meetings. Beyond engaging the representatives of the participating partners into active visiting, the result is to apply the multiples know-hows available directly to local cases, as well as the experiences and cultural points of view they represent. If not all, key actions of the LAP could benefit from this booster and align to best practices. • Tips & notes for implementation: • The Micro-consulting session should be prepared in advance: it cannot be improvised in the last minute or as a round table of comments; • Define a clear and concise question that the host initiative will ask to the visiting consortium: how can we justify private food production on public land? How can we involve the local inhabitants? etc. rather than vague what do you think of our initiative? Possibly match in advance capabilities you know are available in the consortium with potential local requests; • Elaborate the question with the local partners when you set the visit. Pay attention to the fact that the local partner should be comfortable with what will be asked and with language issues; • Express clearly the ‘rules of the game’ as: shorter visit focused around the question; ensure a comfortable place for everyone but not necessarily seated; rephrase and explain the question for 5 min.; visiting consultants each prepare 1 response they would like to develop; round of consulting proposals; local host to choose 4 contributions; each contributors presents for 5 min.; local host wraps up in 5 min. lessons learnt (videotaped); Bristol, The City Farm Café… St Werburghs City Farm café is a popular meeting place that promotes organic local food. The Café has set up an 'allotment trading scheme' where gardeners from nearby allotments bring their surplus produce and get stamps on a trading card they can then exchange for meals in the Café…

  7. Lyon, Social and Solidarity grocery shop… The original grocery “La passerelle” is a social business that fosters a mix of the population working on two types of clients: 'beneficiaries' accessing mainly food charity stock and 'solidarity clients' attracted by organic food sold at fair but full market price to them. Both evolve in the same space the one providing better margin to the shop that are reinvested in giving to the other a discount on organic and fresh food.

  8. MICRO-CONSULTING Reminder about the Micro-consulting: A local initiative/project hosts a visit and asks the visitors in exchange for a micro-consulting on a problem they face. A specific question is asked in advance and participating visitors use their own experiences to find solutions. The aim of the Micro-consulting tool is first to stimulate the field visits during transnational meetings. Beyond engaging the representatives of the participating partners into active visiting, the result is to apply the multiples know-hows available directly to local cases, as well as the experiences and cultural points of view they represent. If not all, key actions of the LAP could benefit from this booster and align to best practices. • Tips & notes for implementation: • The Micro-consulting session should be prepared in advance: it cannot be improvised in the last minute or as a round table of comments; • Define a clear and concise question that the host initiative will ask to the visiting consortium: how can we justify private food production on public land? How can we involve the local inhabitants? etc. rather than vague what do you think of our initiative? Possibly match in advance capabilities you know are available in the consortium with potential local requests; • Elaborate the question with the local partners when you set the visit. Pay attention to the fact that the local partner should be comfortable with what will be asked and with language issues; • Express clearly the ‘rules of the game’ as: shorter visit focused around the question; ensure a comfortable place for everyone but not necessarily seated; rephrase and explain the question for 5 min.; visiting consultants each prepare 1 response they would like to develop; round of consulting proposals; local host to choose 4 contributions; each contributors presents for 5 min.; local host wraps up in 5 min. lessons learnt (videotaped); Lyon, Social and Solidarity grocery shop… The original grocery “La passerelle” is a social business that fosters a mix of the population working on two types of clients: 'beneficiaries' accessing mainly food charity stock and 'solidarity clients' attracted by organic food sold at fair but full market price to them. Both evolve in the same space the one providing better margin to the shop that are reinvested in giving to the other a discount on organic and fresh food.

  9. Lyon, Pré Santy inclusion garden… The Pré Santy is a vegetable garden aiming first at improving social inclusion in a difficult social logging area in the South of Lyon. The gardening activities is at first more a pretext than an aim but it is constitues an interesting cases promoting sustainable food among underprivileged population: the garden requires a reasonable piece of land but it is large enough to enable 20 families to experience eating vegetables they produce from time to time and to organize more than 20 neighbourhood events around self-grown food per years…

  10. MICRO-CONSULTING Reminder about the Micro-consulting: A local initiative/project hosts a visit and asks the visitors in exchange for a micro-consulting on a problem they face. A specific question is asked in advance and participating visitors use their own experiences to find solutions. The aim of the Micro-consulting tool is first to stimulate the field visits during transnational meetings. Beyond engaging the representatives of the participating partners into active visiting, the result is to apply the multiples know-hows available directly to local cases, as well as the experiences and cultural points of view they represent. If not all, key actions of the LAP could benefit from this booster and align to best practices. • Tips & notes for implementation: • The Micro-consulting session should be prepared in advance: it cannot be improvised in the last minute or as a round table of comments; • Define a clear and concise question that the host initiative will ask to the visiting consortium: how can we justify private food production on public land? How can we involve the local inhabitants? etc. rather than vague what do you think of our initiative? Possibly match in advance capabilities you know are available in the consortium with potential local requests; • Elaborate the question with the local partners when you set the visit. Pay attention to the fact that the local partner should be comfortable with what will be asked and with language issues; • Express clearly the ‘rules of the game’ as: shorter visit focused around the question; ensure a comfortable place for everyone but not necessarily seated; rephrase and explain the question for 5 min.; visiting consultants each prepare 1 response they would like to develop; round of consulting proposals; local host to choose 4 contributions; each contributors presents for 5 min.; local host wraps up in 5 min. lessons learnt (videotaped); Lyon, Pré Santy inclusion garden… The Pré Santy is a vegetable garden aiming first at improving social inclusion in a difficult social logging area in the South of Lyon. The gardening activities is at first more a pretext than an aim but it is constitues an interesting cases promoting sustainable food among underprivileged population: the garden requires a reasonable piece of land but it is large enough to enable 20 families to experience eating vegetables they produce from time to time and to organize more than 20 neighbourhood events around self-grown food per years…

  11. Oslo, Geitmyra Culinary Centre for Children… The Geitmyra Culinary Centre is a non-profit foundation established by the food writer and TV-cook Andreas Viestad. Based in the buildings of a former farm near Geitmyra school and allotment garden inside Oslo. The farm has been refurbished to host school children. Beyond evening courses and biannual Open farm days the originality is certainly to host 30 classes per year for an entire week each. Kids have an immersive experience in a farm feeding chickens, taking care of the vegetable garden, backing bread, smoking meat, making yogurt, etc and eating the fruit of their labour…

  12. MICRO-CONSULTING Reminder about the Micro-consulting: A local initiative/project hosts a visit and asks the visitors in exchange for a micro-consulting on a problem they face. A specific question is asked in advance and participating visitors use their own experiences to find solutions. The aim of the Micro-consulting tool is first to stimulate the field visits during transnational meetings. Beyond engaging the representatives of the participating partners into active visiting, the result is to apply the multiples know-hows available directly to local cases, as well as the experiences and cultural points of view they represent. If not all, key actions of the LAP could benefit from this booster and align to best practices. • Tips & notes for implementation: • The Micro-consulting session should be prepared in advance: it cannot be improvised in the last minute or as a round table of comments; • Define a clear and concise question that the host initiative will ask to the visiting consortium: how can we justify private food production on public land? How can we involve the local inhabitants? etc. rather than vague what do you think of our initiative? Possibly match in advance capabilities you know are available in the consortium with potential local requests; • Elaborate the question with the local partners when you set the visit. Pay attention to the fact that the local partner should be comfortable with what will be asked and with language issues; • Express clearly the ‘rules of the game’ as: shorter visit focused around the question; ensure a comfortable place for everyone but not necessarily seated; rephrase and explain the question for 5 min.; visiting consultants each prepare 1 response they would like to develop; round of consulting proposals; local host to choose 4 contributions; each contributors presents for 5 min.; local host wraps up in 5 min. lessons learnt (videotaped); Oslo, Geitmyra Culinary Centre for Children… The Geitmyra Culinary Centre is a non-profit foundation established by the food writer and TV-cook Andreas Viestad. Based in the buildings of a former farm near Geitmyra school and allotment garden inside Oslo. The farm has been refurbished to host school children. Beyond evening courses and biannual Open farm days the originality is certainly to host 30 classes per year for an entire week each. Kids have an immersive experience in a farm feeding chickens, taking care of the vegetable garden, backing bread, smoking meat, making yogurt, etc and eating the fruit of their labour…

  13. Oslo, Geitmyra school garden… Geitmyra school garden was established in 1909. Right from the start Geitmyra has been the heart and center of all school garden activities in Oslo. Here you can get help and advices on the establishment or operation of school gardens. Teachers and staff can attend courses…

  14. MICRO-CONSULTING Reminder about the Micro-consulting: A local initiative/project hosts a visit and asks the visitors in exchange for a micro-consulting on a problem they face. A specific question is asked in advance and participating visitors use their own experiences to find solutions. The aim of the Micro-consulting tool is first to stimulate the field visits during transnational meetings. Beyond engaging the representatives of the participating partners into active visiting, the result is to apply the multiples know-hows available directly to local cases, as well as the experiences and cultural points of view they represent. If not all, key actions of the LAP could benefit from this booster and align to best practices. • Tips & notes for implementation: • The Micro-consulting session should be prepared in advance: it cannot be improvised in the last minute or as a round table of comments; • Define a clear and concise question that the host initiative will ask to the visiting consortium: how can we justify private food production on public land? How can we involve the local inhabitants? etc. rather than vague what do you think of our initiative? Possibly match in advance capabilities you know are available in the consortium with potential local requests; • Elaborate the question with the local partners when you set the visit. Pay attention to the fact that the local partner should be comfortable with what will be asked and with language issues; • Express clearly the ‘rules of the game’ as: shorter visit focused around the question; ensure a comfortable place for everyone but not necessarily seated; rephrase and explain the question for 5 min.; visiting consultants each prepare 1 response they would like to develop; round of consulting proposals; local host to choose 4 contributions; each contributors presents for 5 min.; local host wraps up in 5 min. lessons learnt (videotaped); Oslo, Geitmyra school garden… Geitmyra school garden was established in 1909. Right from the start Geitmyra has been the heart and center of all school garden activities in Oslo. Here you can get help and advices on the establishment or operation of school gardens. Teachers and staff can attend courses…

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