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MANAGE POST PRELIMINARY PROCESSING – LFD, FINAL RULE FOR FEDERAL REGISTER, FINAL MAP PRODUCTS, AND MSC DELIVERABLE. Module Table of Contents Prepare LFD Docket Review LFD Docket Distribute LFD Letter Create Final Rule for Federal Register Produce Map Products Perform Map Products QA
MANAGE POST PRELIMINARY PROCESSING – LFD, FINAL RULE FOR FEDERAL REGISTER, FINAL MAP PRODUCTS, AND MSC DELIVERABLE Module Table of Contents Prepare LFD Docket Review LFD Docket Distribute LFD Letter Create Final Rule for Federal Register Produce Map Products Perform Map Products QA Submit MSC Deliverable Validate MSC Deliverable Submit Map Products to MSC Self Quiz Welcome to the Manage Post Preliminary Processing – LFD, Final Rule for Federal Register, Final Map Products, and MSC Deliverable module of the “MIP Release 3 Study Workflow Training” course! This module guides you through the process of managing post preliminary activities for study projects. Only authenticated users with a FEMA Lead, Post-Appeal Study Task Lead, Final Map Products Task Lead, NSP QA Task Lead, and NSP Lead role can manage these post preliminary activities for study projects. Training manual users will find workflow and role diagrams throughout the modules. Web-based users, may click on the “View Workflow” and “View Role” buttons to see where you are in the workflow and role descriptions with associated organization types. Where are you in the Workflow?
Prepare LFD Docket/Prepare Docket MANAGE POST PRELIMINARY PROCESSING This screen allows the Post-Appeal Study Task Lead to enter the final determination date and community information for the LFD docket. There are only two LFD dates per month and they are set by FEMA. Fill out the required information and add the docket entries by community. For each community, indicate that the final SOMA was completed (the final SOMA is generated on the next screen and has to be sent with the LFD). Reminder: Online Help content provides assistance to users and is available throughout the MIP. Manage Post Preliminary Processing ROLE: Post-Appeal Task Lead Description of Role: Responsible for post-appeal post preliminary processing including preparing and distributing the LFD, creating the Final Rule for the Federal Register, and the revalidation process. Organization Type: Assigned PostPrelim Org. Any org type could register to do this task. SP06Prepare LFD Docket (this makes the final SOMA list) Post-Appeal Study Task Lead - MOD SP06 Where are you in the Workflow?
Prepare LFD Docket/Prepare Docket MANAGE POST PRELIMINARY PROCESSING Post-Appeal Study Task Lead - MOD SP06 (Continued) Also, select the participation status related to the community’s level of participation in the NFIP (e.g. regular or emergency), the 60.3 code related to the community’s ordinance level (e.g. a, b, c, d, or e), and the Final Determination letter type description (e.g. LFD for RGIS; community participating in Regular Phase) from the drop-down lists. Click “Add Docket Entry” and repeat for each community. Throughout this module the role performing the activity and a numerical or descriptive identifier for the screen are displayed in bold on the bottom left and right hand corners of the screen shot to the right.
Prepare LFD Docket/Community LOMC List MANAGE POST PRELIMINARY PROCESSING Post-Appeal Study Task Lead - MOD SP06 This screen involves the preparation of the final SOMA. The final SOMA should include everything that was on the preliminary SOMA plus any new LOMC cases that were issued between the time the preliminary map was distributed and the date this task is being completed. Any additional cases that may come in before the effective date will be included on the Revalidation Letter. Select a case number and click “Retrieve Case” to complete new mapping data. For all study workflow tasks, there will be a Review screen (where all task information entered can be reviewed) and a Complete Task screen.
Prepare LFD Docket/Community LOMC List MANAGE POST PRELIMINARY PROCESSING Post-Appeal Study Task Lead - MOD SP06 (Continued) Select those LOMCs which have a determination date later than the current effective FIRM date. These LOMCs should be reviewed to determine the appropriate SOMA category. Caution: Revalidated LOMCs retain their old case numbers so you must check the letter date (not the first two digits of the case number) in order to determine their age relative to the current effective map. You will need a copy of the preliminary map and the LOMC case file to enter the required information. You will need to review each identified LOMC to determine whether it has been affected by new flood hazard information and if it can be incorporated into the FIRM. Note: This screen could take considerable time to complete so it is recommended that you “Save Work” often.
Prepare LFD Docket/Community LOMC List MANAGE POST PRELIMINARY PROCESSING Post-Appeal Study Task Lead - MOD SP06 (Continued) “New Zone” is a new floodplain determination based on the new data used for the preliminary map and the detailed information provided in the LOMC case file. If the LOMC is large enough to map it should be incorporated into the new preliminary map panels. If a LOMC is being superseded by the new preliminary map, select the appropriate response from the “Reason determination will be superseded” drop-down list.
Prepare LFD Docket/Community LOMC List MANAGE POST PRELIMINARY PROCESSING Post-Appeal Study Task Lead - MOD SP06 (Continued) Indicate whether the LOMC case should be included on the final SOMA list. Select the applicable SOMA category from the drop-down list and whether the LOMC should be revalidated. Revalidation involves re-issuing the LOMC one day after the new FIRM panel becomes effective. Category 2 LOMCs need to be revalidated after the revised FIRM panels become effective. Enter the new panel number on which the LOMC will be mapped. Make sure to retrieve, review and add all relevant LOMC cases.
Review LFD Docket MANAGE POST PRELIMINARY PROCESSING The Review LFD Docket screen allows the FEMA Lead to identify the communities in which the LFD is approved for the docket. If the “Concur” box is not checked, the task gets sent back to the Post-Appeal Study Task Lead for corrections. If the “Concur” box is checked, the task goes to the Post-Appeal Study Task Lead to distribute the LFD letter. Manage Post Preliminary Processing ROLE: FEMA Lead Description of Role: Conduct final meetings, approve BFE and LFD dockets, and approve appeal resolution letters, suspension notifications, and revalidation letters. Organization Type: FEMA Region, FEMA HQ SP07Review LFD Docket Decide if the LFD Docket is acceptable. If yes, go to SP08. If no, go back to SP06 for rework. FEMA Lead SP07 Where are you in the Workflow?
Distribute LFD Letter MANAGE POST PRELIMINARY PROCESSING The Distribute LFD Letter screen allows the Post-Appeal Study Task Lead to enter the mailing date for the LFD letter. The LFD date which was entered on the Prepare LFD Docket screen is pre-populated in the data entry field. If this is the actual LFD date select “Continue.” Edit the LFD date if it needs to be changed and then select “Continue.” The LFD date sets the FIRM effective date. The FIRM effective date will be set to 6 months after the LFD date. Manage Post Preliminary Processing ROLE: Post-Appeal Study Task Lead Description of Role: Responsible for post-appeal post preliminary processing including distributing the LFD. Organization Type: ModHQ SP08Distribute LFD Letter (and final SOMA) This sets the effective date (6- months after the LFD date). Post-Appeal Study Task Lead SP08 Where are you in the Workflow?
Create Final Rule for Federal Register MANAGE POST PRELIMINARY PROCESSING The Create Final Rule for Federal Register screen allows the Post-Appeal Study Task Lead to enter the dates that the final rule was sent to FEMA and published in the Federal Register. The final rule for the Federal Register is exactly the same as the BFE notice that was published in the local newspaper the community uses to publish legal notices. This task should only appear on the Post-Appeal Study Task Lead’s Work Item List if BFE changes were made on the preliminary FIRM. Because there is a delay between the time the final rule is sent to FEMA for review and the date it is published, this screen may need to be completed later or saved with temporary data. FEMA does not have a “final rule review” task in the MIP because the BFE notice was already reviewed and approved. Manage Post Preliminary Processing ROLE: Post-Appeal Task Lead Description of Role: Responsible for post-appeal post preliminary processing including preparing and distributing the LFD, creating the Final Rule for the Federal Register, and the revalidation process. Organization Type: ModHQ SP27Create Final Rule for Federal Register (do this within 2 weeks after the LFD letter goes out). There is no final rule if there were no BFE changes. Post-Appeal Study Task Lead SP27 Where are you in the Workflow?
Produce Map Products MANAGE POST PRELIMINARY PROCESSING The Produce Map Products screen allows the Final Map Products Task Lead to enter the tools used for final map production and the date the final map products were sent to the NSP for independent QA. Type comments in the space provided. Note: The Map Service Center (MSC) requires four months to process the mapping products; therefore, the final map products must pass QA and be submitted to the NSP four months prior to the effective date. Note: The Citrix Web Interface appears on the bottom of this Produce Map Products screen so that the Final Map Products Task Lead may access the final map products. Final Map Products Task Lead SP09 Manage Post Preliminary Processing ROLE: Final Map Products Task Lead Description of Role: Responsible for delivery of the final map products. Organization Type: Assigned PostPrelim Org. Any org type could register to do this task. SP09Produce Map Products (map products need to be sent to the MSC 2 months into the appeal period, allowing 4 months for the MSC to process the map.) Where are you in the Workflow?
Perform Map Product QA MANAGE POST PRELIMINARY PROCESSING Final map products are always sent to the NSP for independent QA (there are no validate or store content screens for the final map products). The NSP QA Task Lead must enter the results of the independent QA by selecting “Approve” or “Reject.” If the final map passes QA it will be sent to the Final Map Products Task Lead to submit the MSC deliverable. If the final map fails QA it will be sent to the Final Map Products Task Lead to rework the final map product. Important Note: Rejecting the final map only sends the task back one step in the workflow to the “Produce Map Products” activity. Manage Post-Preliminary Processing ROLE: NSP QA Task Lead Description of Role:Responsible for validating content submissions, auditing submissions (if appropriate), and storing submissions. Also responsible for independent QA of mapping products. Organization Type: ModRMC, ModHQ SP32Perform Independent QAfor final map products Decideif the final map passes or fails independent QA If the map passes QA, the project moves forward to Submit Map Products to MSC (SP31) If the map fails QA, the project goes to SP09 for rework. NSP QA Task Lead SP32 Where are you in the Workflow?
Submit MSC Deliverable/MSC Deliverable MANAGE POST PRELIMINARY PROCESSING The Submit MSC Deliverable screen allows the Final Map Products Task Lead to enter the actual cost to date or final cost of producing the final map products. The deliverable date of the final map products to the NSP and verification that the NSP received the final map products submission is also required. The Final Map Products Task Lead must complete the GPO submission checklist. Final Map Products Task Lead SP29 Manage Post Preliminary Processing ROLE: Final Map Products Task Lead Description of Role: Responsible for delivery of the final map products. Organization Type: Assigned PostPrelim Org. Any org type could register to do this task. SP29Submit MSC Deliverable (community map actions) Where are you in the Workflow?
Submit MSC Deliverable/MSC Deliverable MANAGE POST PRELIMINARY PROCESSING (Continued) Note: The Citrix Web Interface and Load Data Artifacts portlet both appear on the bottom of the Submit MSC Deliverables screens so that the Final Map Products Task Lead may access the final map products and/or upload final map product data (e.g., the final version of the FIS Report or any other item from the GPO package checklist). Final Map Products Task Lead SP29
Submit MSC Deliverable/Community Map Actions MANAGE POST PRELIMINARY PROCESSING This screen allows the Final Map Products Task Lead to identify the status of community map actions. Select a community from the drop-down list and click “Retrieve Case.” For each community, select the appropriate response from the drop-down lists. Select if the community is located inland or along the coast and select the appropriate hazard (e.g. minimally flood prone). Select the 60.3 code related to the community’s ordinance level (e.g. a, b, c, d, or e) and select the program status related to the community’s level of participation in the NFIP (e.g. regular or emergency). Finally, select the FHBM status (e.g. superseded by FIRM), the FIRM status (e.g. revised), and enter the date of the FHBM. Click “Add Community” and repeat for each community. Final Map Products Task Lead SP29
Validate MSC Deliverable MANAGE POST PRELIMINARY PROCESSING This screen allows the NSP Lead to validate the MSC deliverable by selecting “Approve” or “Reject.” If the MSC deliverable passes validation, the next task for the NSP Lead will be to “Submit Map Products to MSC.” If the MSC deliverable fails validation, it will be sent back to the Final Map Products Task Lead for rework. Manage Post-Preliminary Processing ROLE: NSP Lead Description: Responsible for approving the BFE Notice, confirming the meeting schedule, validating the MSC deliverable, and submitting map products to the MSC. Organization Type: ModRMC, ModHQ SP30Validate MSC Deliverable (not a QA01 screen) Decideif the final map passes or fails validate. If the map passes validate, the project moves forward to submit Map Products to MSC (SP31). If the map fails validate, the project goes back to SP09 for rework. NSP Lead SP30 Where are you in the Workflow?
Submit Map Products to MSC MANAGE POST PRELIMINARY PROCESSING NSP Lead SP31 The NSP Lead must enter the date the final map products are sent to the MSC. Add any comments in the space provided. Take the time to complete the short Self Quiz on the following page before proceeding to the next training module. Manage Post-Preliminary Processing ROLE: NSP Lead Description: Responsible for approving the BFE Notice, confirming the meeting schedule, validating the MSC deliverable, and submitting map products to the MSC. Organization Type: ModRMC, ModHQ SP31Submit Map Products to MSC (they need 4 months to process it) Where are you in the Workflow?
Self Quiz MANAGE POST PRELIMINARY PROCESSING Self Quiz 1. LOMCs which have a determination date later than the current effective FIRM date should be included on the final SOMA. True or False 2. The FIRM effective date will be set to 6 months after the LFD date. True or False This concludes the Manage Post Preliminary Processing – LFD, Final Rule for Federal Register, Final Map Products, and MSC Deliverable module of the “MIP Release 3 Study Workflow Training” course. Please proceed to the next module in the course, Manage Map Adoption. Answers: 1. True, 2. True