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Planning challenges: Integrated planning, working with three government levels & design tools

Explore issues in Victoria's planning system like lack of integration and policy reform problems, and discover opportunities for improvement. Learn about key reviews, initiatives, and proposed strategies for change in this comprehensive overview presented by Stuart Worn, Executive Officer at Planning Institute Australia Victorian Division.

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Planning challenges: Integrated planning, working with three government levels & design tools

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  1. Planning challenges: Integrated planning, working with three governmentlevels & design tools Stuart Worn – Executive Officer Planning Institute Australia Victorian Division

  2. Question: Is the present planning system right for Victoria? PIA Member Survey – August 2011 The Victorian Planning System

  3. PIA Member Survey – August 2011 The Victorian Planning System Structural problems of the Victorian planning system: • Lack of integration between planning and other relevant legislation (e.g. Public Health and Wellbeing Act) • The Planning & Environment Act • The current system unable to respond quickly to issues as they arise Policy reform problems of the Victorian planning system: • Lack of directions and mechanism to address social impacts of planning, including health • Need for more open spaces (recreation, interaction, food production)

  4. PIA Member Survey – August 2011 The Victorian Planning System Identified opportunities to improve the Victorian Planning System include: • Review and improve the clarity of the Planning and Environment Act (1987) • Facilitate increased density, particularly around activity centres • Prioritisation of sustainable transport methods, including cycling and walking.

  5. Relevant Vic. Govt. Reviews & Initiatives • Metropolitan Planning Strategy • Planning System Expert (Underwood) Review • Urban Renewal Authority - establishment from the former VicUrban • Introduction of Code Assessment • Development Contributions Plan Review • Logical Inclusion to the UGB Review (2 reviews – growth areas and non-growth areas) • Green Wedge Review • Establishment of Planning Referral Committees formally Development Assessment Committees • Victorian Design Review Panel • Corridor Plans and Biodiversity Strategies • Parliamentary Inquiries: • Liveability of Outer Suburban Areas • Role of the Built Environment in Public Health • Establishment & effectiveness of Register Aboriginal Parties • Floods • Numerous other specific issues, such as: • Aboriginal Heritage Act • Contaminated Land (3 reviews simultaneously) • EPBC Act Offsets & Time stamping process • Signage • Planning Fees

  6. Our approach to affecting change

  7. Historical reasons for planning

  8. PIA Victorian – Call to Action • Key advocacy positions of the Victorian Division

  9. 1. Spring Clean the Planning System The Planning and Environment Act (1987) is outdated in a number of ways: • Lacks relevance to current planning policies such as ‘Melbourne@5 Million’. • Creates a complex and ineffective process of development contributions • Provides for a planning approval process which is not best practice.

  10. 1. Spring Clean the Planning System Action and Implementation Strategy • Undertake a comprehensive, independent review of the Planning and Environment Act (1987). • Establish a ‘governor in council’ appointed position of Victorian State Planner • Introduce expert decision making panels across the State (PRA’s) • Introduce ‘code assessment’ and delegation of decision making • Review all state and local planning policies every 4 years • Wholesale review of the Victorian Planning Provisions format planning schemes

  11. 2. Where and How We Live Victoria is undergoing unprecedented population growth which is expected to continue as a result of increasing birth rates and immigration. Planning is an essential element in accommodating this growth and to ensure the availability of affordable housing, employment, appropriate infrastructure and the creation of liveable communities. The expansion of Melbourne’s fringe needs to be minimised and attention directed to existing urban areas.

  12. 2. Where and How We Live Action and Implementation Strategy • Determine Urban Growth Boundaries for Melbourne and Victoria’s regional cities • Introduce higher density zoning • Protect farming areas • Use developer contributions to ensure key infrastructure, particularly public transport, is available from the establishment of growth areas • Increase the diversity and affordability of housing (including social housing) by introducing inclusionary zoning, transferable development rights and tax incentives. • Strategic land use plans need to be developed for Melbourne’s peri-urban areas

  13. 3. Integrated Transport and Land Use Plan PIA supports the genuine integration of land use and transport planning. The Institute believes that transport and land development are not separate issues, but are two facets of the same challenge. Integrated decision making needs to permeate land use and transport legislation, regulation and policy.

  14. 3. Integrated Transport and Land Use Plan Action and Implementation Strategy • Land and transport planning to be integrated through the amalgamation of the Department of Planning and Community Development and the Department of Transport • The Victorian State Planner (see issue 1B) should oversee, direct and report to Parliament on the integration of land use and transport planning • The reviewed Planning and Environment Act should include the integration of transport and land use planning.

  15. 4. Sustainable Development PIA is committed to the creation of sustainable communities, and will continue to work with industry and government to ensure that the design of all new development, including the retrofitting of existing communities, facilitates reductions in energy and water demand, whilst promoting the use of sustainable and renewable services.

  16. 4. Sustainable Development Action and Implementation Strategy • Clause 56 water recycling requirements be expanded to cover all development. • State and local planning policies to foster sustainable development. • State policy and planning controls be amended to facilitate renewable and sustainable energy generation, recycling and re-use of water.

  17. 5. A Better Built Environment PIA believes strongly in the role that good quality urban design plays in creating places that are liveable, functional, attractive and sustainable. The Institute actively promotes and advocates the values of good urban design, and continues to foster, promote and acknowledge high quality and innovative urban environments.

  18. 5. A Better Built Environment Action and Implementation Strategy • The 12 principles of the Victorian Urban Design Charter should be included in the State Planning Policy Framework of planning schemes • All state and local government building and infrastructure projects should meet the 12 principles of the Urban Design Charter • A body similar to the independent UK Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) is established in Australia

  19. 6. Participation in Planning The Institute is committed to increasing the community’s awareness, dialogue, activism and ownership of planning issues. Community engagement can work to create cultural change rather than relying on ‘engineering solutions’ to solve social justice and safety issues.

  20. 6. Participation in Planning Action and Implementation Strategy • Planning decisions need to be ‘depoliticised’ and made in a bipartisan manner • Government at all levels needs to employ consistent, best practice processes of community engagement and consultation

  21. Next Installment – Report Card • The Institute’s Report Card - will be released in November 2011 to mark the 1st anniversary of the election of the Victorian Coalition Government.

  22. Leading Change • Use best practice to drive market forces, to in turn ease the burden and create a mandate for government to create legislative and policy change based on evidence.

  23. Putting Health at the Centre of Planning 6 Key Priority Areas • Social Inclusion • Childhood Health • Physical Activity • Safety • Food • Mental Health

  24. Selandra Rise • Collaborative Partnership between Industry, Government & the Private Sector • Project Objectives: • Improving housing diversity • Promoting local employment • Creating a healthy and engaged community • Independent, longitudinal and comparative evaluation with RMIT University

  25. Selandra Rise Open spaces, walking & cycling paths Various housing options Business & retail Community facilities Sustainable living hub Education

  26. Selandra Rise • Key Initiatives • Timely Delivery of Services • Selandra Community Place • Affordable & Diverse Housing • Community Creation • Local Employment • Integrated Neighbourhood Activity Centre

  27. Simplified Planning Process Existing Area Greenfield (Growth Area) Master Plan Framework Plan Structure Plan Precinct Structure Plan Development Plan Urban Design Framework Development Contribution Plan Local Government • What is the Federal Govt’s role? • Funding for infrastructure • Legislation (EPBC Act) State Government Planning Permits Federal Government Land Development Developer

  28. Questions? sworn@planning.org.au www.planning.org.au

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