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Valtrex generic medication is used not for permanent cure from herpes virus only to decrease the infection caused by the virus. Herpes Virus is epidemic users can infect other people while taking valtrex.<br>For more related information visit: http://www.realpharmacyx.com/valtrex.html<br>
Valtrexis an antiviral drug used in the treatment of shingles, genital herpes, cold sores, chickenpox caused by the herpes virus. Valacyclovir the trade name of valtrex supplies immune system to the body to heal the sores faster, decreases the pain and itching, it cut down the formation of new sores and treats the outbreaks of herpes caused by herpes zoster and herpes simplex viruses. Valtrex will not cure herpes, but it can lesser the infection caused by herpes virus in adults and children. Valtrex-Anti Viral Drugs
Before taking valcyclovir necessary precautions needed to be taken they are • Consult your doctor about your allergies, formal medical history, etc., Valtrexcan cause allergic reaction or other problem. • Keep the tablets away from non users since this disease is transmittable. • Do not increase or decrease the dosage without the knowledge of physicist • Do not miss a dose or not to take two doses consecutively Precaution s of Valtrex http://www.realpharmacyx.com/valtrex.html
Do follow the instruction given by your physicist before taking valtrex tablets • The most common side effects are • Nausea • Stomach pain • Headache • Dizziness • Valtrex may rarely cause a life-threatening disorder that affects the blood cells, kidneys, and other parts of the body. This may happen if you are having week immune system because of HIV disease, bone marrow transplant, kidney transplant ; in these cases take immediate medical help. Yourcompanyinformation Side Effects of Valtrex
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