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Confirmatory Factor Analysis

Confirmatory Factor Analysis. SPSS/AMOS. The WISC, Verbal IQ. INFOrmation – general knowledge questions COMPrehension – of social situations and common concepts ARITHmetic SIMILarities – how are two words similar VOCABulary DIGITspan – repeating strings of digits after hearing them.

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Confirmatory Factor Analysis

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  1. Confirmatory Factor Analysis SPSS/AMOS

  2. The WISC, Verbal IQ • INFOrmation – general knowledge questions • COMPrehension – of social situations and common concepts • ARITHmetic • SIMILarities – how are two words similar • VOCABulary • DIGITspan – repeating strings of digits after hearing them

  3. The WISC, Performance IQ • PICTureCOMPletion – identify the missing part • PictureARrANGement – arrange pictures to tell a story. • BLOCK design – arrange blocks to match model. • OBJECT assembly – puzzles involvement arrangement into a whole • CODING – associate simple shapes with symbols coding them

  4. Download From BlackBoard • CFA-WISC.sav • CFA-Wisc.amw • CFA-Wisc2.amw • CFA-Wisc-Amos-Output.doc • Bring CFA-WISC into SPSS • Analyze, AMOS

  5. AMOS • Open, CFA-Wisc.amw • Select Data Files, Working, View Data, OK • Analysis Properties • Minimization history • Standardized estimates • Squared multiple correlations • Residual moments • Modification indices

  6. Calculate Estimates • View the output path diagram • Standardized • View Text (Output)

  7. Text Output • Chi-square = 70.236 • Degrees of freedom = 43 • Probability level = .005 • Poor fit or just too much power?

  8. Standardized Residual Covariances Large residuals for Comp-Pictcomp and Digit-Coding.

  9. Fit • GFI = .931 • CFI = .941 • RMSEA = .06 • Fit is not bad.

  10. Modification Indices I am going to add a path from Performance to COMP.

  11. CFA-Wisc2.amw has this path diagram.

  12. 2 Dropped Significantly • Chi-square = 60.295 • Degrees of freedom = 42 • Probability level = .033 • Change in 2 = (70.326 – 20.295) = 9.94 • On 1 df, is significant.

  13. Better Fit • GFI = .942, had been .931 • CFI = .960, had been .941 • RMSEA = .050, had been .060

  14. Regression Weights • The path to CODING is not significant. I am going to eliminate CODING.

  15. CFA-Wisc3.amw has this path diagram.

  16. 2 No Longer Significant • Chi-square = 45.018 • Degrees of freedom = 33 • Probability level = .079

  17. Yet Better Fit • GFI = .952, had been .942 • CFI = .974, had been .960 • RMSEA = .046, had been .050

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