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Guided Reading. On the index card, write things that come to mind when you hear the term Guided Reading. Guided Reading. Definition Essential Components Rationale Incorporating a basal Book leveling features.
Guided Reading • On the index card, write things that come to mind when you hear the term Guided Reading.
Guided Reading Definition Essential Components Rationale Incorporating a basal Book leveling features
Guided reading is the context in which a teacher supports each reader’s development of effective use of reading strategies for comprehending texts Goal: readers will read increasingly challenging levels of text
Balanced Literacy • Read-alouds • Shared Reading • Whole Group Instruction • Small group instruction (Guided Reading) • Independent reading practice • Writing
Four Kinds of Support • Reading Aloud- full teacher support • Share Reading- high level of support • Guided reading- some teacher support • Independent reading- little or no support
Purpose of Guided Reading • Enable the reader to use and develop strategies on the ”run”. • Reader can enjoy text because he can comprehend it. • The reader’s knowledge of strategies is supported by teacher instruction.
Focus of Guided Reading • Constructing meaning while using problem solving strategies to figure out unknown words, tricky sentence structure, or concepts the reader has not met in print yet. • Students read for meaning.
Goal of Guided Reading • Focus on Comprehension. • Teach vocabulary in context. • Teach students to independently use metacogntive strategies. • Learn about story elements (character, setting, plot, solution). • Make predictions, organize, and compare information. • Read a wide range of literature.
Rationale for Guided Reading • Providing good text is not enough. • Teacher guidance is essential. • Readers have available skills, but are unable to use them. • Readers need to practice their reading skills by using appropriate text. • Readers need an opportunity to practice metacognitive strategies both independently and with support.
Teacher flexibility is permitted. • Teachers are encouraged to teach. each reader at his/her own level and provide appropriate text. • Whole group instruction can take place during other learning experiences within the balanced literacy framework.
Children who are learning to read as well as learning comprehension skills need to:
Be successful even with challenging texts. • Have opportunities to problem-solve while reading. • Read for meaning even if they have to do some problem solving. • Use their strengths. • Have their active problem solving confirmed.
Use what they know to get to what they don’t know. • Talk and respond to what they read. • Make connections with the text to self, to other texts and to the world.
Teacher works with small groups • Children in the group are similar in their development of the reading process. • Teacher introduces the story and assists in ways that help develop independent reading strategies.
The goal is for children to read independently and silently. • The emphasis is on reading increasingly harder texts. • Children are grouped and regrouped. • Observation and assessment drive instruction.
Things to Remember: • Include grade level and easier materials. • Set a purpose for reading. • Model skill/strategy. • Reread selections in different formats and for different purposes. • Use flexible grouping and strategic partnering. • Have a weekly plan.
Three Phases for Guided Reading • Prior to Reading- 10 minutes • During Reading- 20 minutes • After Reading- 10 minutes
Prior to Reading • Teacher selects appropriate text. • Build and access prior knowledge. • Make text connections (text to self, text to text, text to world). • Prepare students for challenges in text. • Develop vocabulary in context. • Make predictions. • Set a purpose for reading. • Start a graphic organizer.
Prior knowledge + New information = Comprehension “Having knowledge of the world is essential for comprehension, but it is useless if it is not being connected to the passage being read. Readers need to know something about what they are reading; they also need to know when their knowledge fits the text. ( Cunningham, Moore, and Cunningham 1999)
During Reading • Usually, student reads the entire text silently. • Student can request help. • Teacher, one student at a time, listens, observes, interacts, and makes notes. • Vary the formats during reading: choral reading, echo, shared, and partner
After Reading the Teacher helps the Students: • Discuss the text. • Connect new knowledge. • Check predictions • Discuss reading strategies used. • Complete a graphic organizer. • Respond in writing. • Use the beach ball. • Assess their comprehension.
After reading the students: • join in the discussion. • reread the story to a partner or independently. • may complete an extension activity that follows the story. • may engage in a word building activity.
Evaluating Guided Reading • The approach needs to meet the needs of the learners and enable the reader to continue to learn through the act of reading. • The teacher will observe if the students are using effective reading strategies. • The teacher will be looking for the students to use effective strategies with progressively more challenging texts. • Ongoing process
Where does a basal fit into balanced literacy? • Use basal scope/sequence to determine lessons to be taught. • Use basal story on the first two days of the week/cycle. • Provide alternate text for students based on ability.
Scope/Sequence of Basal • This section will make you aware of the skills that need to be taught while using the story. • Plan your mini lessons around the skills and the needs of your students.
Day 1: • Do a pre-reading activity with the whole class.( graphic organizer, make connections) • Set a purpose for reading. • Point out vocabulary words. • Have the class read the story independently, using sticky notes to monitor their comprehension.
Support students who can not read the text independently • Read the text aloud to them. • Have them listen to it on tape in the listening center. • Let them partner with a stronger reader and read it as a pair.
After Reading • Bring whole class together. • Discuss unfamiliar vocabulary. • Go back to graphic organizer. • Listen to connections the students made while reading.
Day 2(Prior to reading): • Based on your observations you can choose a mini lesson tailored to the needs of your students or teach a skill from the basal. • Clarify any sticky notes the students placed in the text. • Discuss how to monitor comprehension.
During Reading: • Have the students reread the text or partner read. • Some students can listen to the story in the listening center. • Have small groups choral reading the text.
After rereading • Add more information to the graphic organizer. • Expand on connections • Write journal response to the story.
Days 3-5: • Provide students with a leveled book from the series or from your library. • Your mini lesson should be specific to the needs of your students. • Provide a purpose for reading. • Focus on comprehension. • Compare the texts read among the class. • Provide a writing activity that correlates to the story.
How do we tell a proficient reader from an ineffective reader?
How are Books Leveled? • Complexity of story line • Correspondence between text and pictures • Familiarity of topics- links with personal experience • Similarity of text language to oral language
Consistency of format • Amount of white space • Repetition/ use of frequently encountered words • Length and syntax of sentences
The process of reading must be dynamically supported by an interaction of text reading and good teaching. FINAL THOUGHT: