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Giving a Scientific Talk 1/13/05 Lindberg. Tips for an Effective Scientific Presentation. Know your audience Give interesting introduction- clinical references great! Give appropriate amount of explanation and detail
Giving a Scientific Talk 1/13/05 Lindberg
Tips for an Effective Scientific Presentation • Know your audience • Give interesting introduction- clinical references great! • Give appropriate amount of explanation and detail • “Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, tell them what you told them.” • Can use outline, but only if necessary and helpful • Hit on a few major points- CRUCIAL • Title every slide with the point you are making! (ie the RESULT, not the “effect of”)
Tips for an Effective Scientific Presentation • Use high quality graphs and charts • few words • never less than size 18 font – know your room! (this is 22) • large figures with readable axes and legends (and not more than 3 significant figures for the data) • avoid “overproduced” effects like fancy PowerPoint backgrounds and distracting movements • appropriate use of colors - use color for emphasis or clarity only • use easily-seen colors such as red, blue and green: and test them on the screen first (not the computer). • Consider red/green color-blindness
What is wrong with this slide? • Owpqjrepowqj • WEOPJRTPOEW JR • WOPEJRPEWOJROPWEJ • Oi;her p’o0pjer • OPE3WRJ POJ • POWETJ POJTRO • [PEW • Oiejr poej • WPOERJEWOPJ • WEROPJ POJEWR • Peowrj poEJR • PE[RKOEWJRK
(never use this type of outline) Outline 1. Introduction 2. Experimental Methods 3. Results 4. Discussion 5. Conclusions 6. Future Work (If you use this generic outline you will waste 45 s going through it and will aggravate your audience)
Tips for an Effective Scientific Presentation • ALWAYS TITLE YOUR SLIDES WITH THE RESULT OR CONCLUSION • NOT “The effect of carrots on night blindness” • Instead “Carrots prevent night blindness” • This allows people to get the take-home point even if the explanation is unclear
Tips for an Effective Scientific Presentation • Be aware of your actions • don’t block screen in small room • don’t move constantly • don’t speak with your back to audience – look at them, especially at the key people (like your boss!) • use a microphone if available – it will always help – if not, talk loudly and forcefully • don’t use a laser pointer, unless you can hold it very still: don’t play with it!
Tips for an Effective Scientific Presentation • Speak from memory • DO NOT read from overheads • DO NOT read from a script • Use a few notes to remind you of key words and transitions between slides • Practice repeatedly out loud; spend time working out the wording on difficult sections and make sure timing is correct; re-order slides if another order makes more sense • Show energy and enthusiasm • Try to minimize “uhs,” “ums,” and “likes”
Tips for an Effective Scientific Presentation • Always stay within your allotted time- wrap up immediately when the chairman indicates it is time to do so • Answering questions • be respectful, regardless of the tone of questioner – “That is a very good question…” • admit ignorance; avoid long rebuttals - “maybe we should discuss this later” • anticipate questions – have some extra slides for expected questions
Ask Questions to Create Suspense • First delineate the problem that arises (from other people’s work or from your results) • Then use a question slide: (say, this led us to the following question (show): what does x do to y?) • Only then show results (remember to first explain the method; if complicated, use another slide) • Then confirmatory results • Then a conclusion • Talk should consist of several “story modules”
Always Provide a Rationale for Your Experiments! Do not show a “data collection”
7B2 and ProSAAS Are Inhibitors Co-localized with Prohormone Maturation Enzymes -can 7B2 and proSAAS actually inhibit prohormone maturation within the neuroendocrine cell?
Analysis of Cellular Prohormone Maturation • We did this • Then we did this • I might add a diagram if it makes the method clearer • So now you understand the general approach to solving the question I posed
(Here now are the data- notice the title is the result) 7B2 and proSAAS Control Prohormone Maturation
Conclusions • This would be the place to write an important take-home message • Remember people’s attention span is VERY limited and if you put too much here they will remember nothing • Therefore, less is more
Furin as a Therapeutic Target(rationale slide- why should the audience be interested in what I am going to tell them? Assume they won’t be unless you persuade them!) • Inhibition should destroy the biological function of pathogenic substrates which require furin processing for toxicity • Inhibition should diminish activation of other furin-activated enzymes (matrix metalloproteases) • Inhibitors could therefore be useful therapeutics in bacterial disease and/or cancer
Testing D6R(questions I intend to answer) • Is D6R toxic? • Is D6R efficiently transported into the cell? • Can D6R affect furin-mediated processes in a cellular setting? • Pseudomonas exotoxin A (PEA) is cleaved by furin in the endosomal pathway • Cleavage by furin is required for PEA toxicity • Can D6R block PEA toxicity?
Why Attempt to Find Other PC2 Inhibitors? • PC2 is the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of glucagon • Glucagon acts in functional opposition to insulin (whose synthesis is not PC2-dependent) • Animals lacking PC2 have low blood sugar which is raised by glucagon restoration • Therefore, PC2-specific inhibitors might assist in lowering blood sugar in diabetics
Use separating slides if there are totally different parts to your presentation
Use summary slides both within the presentation and at the end Remember, limit the number of points you make!
Summary, Inhibitor Studies • Both PC1 and PC2 possess potent endogenous inhibitors; other convertases such as furin are also likely to have endogenous inhibitors • The function of endogenous inhibitors may be to control activity during intracellular transport rather than during prohormone maturation • Proprotein convertases- and in particular furin- represent potential therapeutic targets
Add Human Interest Whenever Possible Create suspense by asking questions Describe any Eureka or unusual moments you had while doing the research Add humorous slides Relate your work to human disease
CPE mutation fat/fat mouse Human PC1 null Jackson R.S. et al. Nature Genetics 16, 303-6 (1997) Naggert J.K. et al Nature Genetics 10, 135-142 (1995) -
Local Color Is Great When Travelling Somewhere Else Iris Lindberg LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans Louisiana
Future Research Not too broad and not too specific: outline for future experiments- remember to convey your curiosity and enthusiasm! You can hardly wait to get these results!
The 50 Minute Seminar vs the 10 Minute Meeting Talk Rule of thumb is 1 min per slide (the longer the talk, the more you can add to this)
The Ten Minute Talk • You must usually oversimplify • You do not supply detailed information on methods • You show only about six pieces of actual data • All the standard elements (rationale, titling of slides with findings, summary) are present
NEVER- EVER!- go beyond 10 min or 50 min! You will be perceived as 1) a bad speaker; and 2) arrogant- why is your time more important than the audience’s?
How to Present a Research Paper(Journal Club) • Picking the paper • a good paper- one you think will appeal to the majority of the audience; simple • Something you have some expertise with • Current- in last few months • Interesting results and/or techniques- solid • Papers that suggest a mechanism work well for diverse groups • Photocopies well
How to Present a Research Paper(Journal Club) • Prepare for it- read background papers • Make written notes for yourself so you are not umming and ahhing • Give yourself enough time! (1 week)
How to Present a Research Paper(Journal Club) • Start with why you picked it • Summarize rationale- what was the state of the research before this work started? Why was this work necessary?
How to Present a Research Paper(Journal Club) • Methods- describe briefly • Bring in your own expertise if you can. Were these the best methods to attack the particular problem? Were they sensitive enough, precise enough? Power analysis done?
How to Present a Research Paper(Journal Club) • Results- describe each figure in turn • Make sure you actually KNOW the figure • Write down a summary of what shows what- condense complicated figures into 1 or 2 points • What is particularly novel about each result? • What could have been done better or confirmed another way? Were enough replicates done? • The idea is that you provide critical input!
How to Present a Research Paper(Journal Club) • Conclusions- • Describe the take-home points • Point out flaws or especially novel stuff • What new directions does the work point to? (if applicable)
Writing an Abstract for fun and profit (assistance from K.C. Breitbach’s website)
General • 200-300 words- MUST fit guidelines • Persuades the reader that you did something new and worthwhile • Often the only published record of the work (meetings) – until the paper appears • Limit jargon and abbreviations; no citations • Polished: elegant, clear sentences which are error-free
Title The title should be short, but descriptive. It should indicate the relationship or question you investigated. • Effect of time spent on homework on student performance in Physics • Better - give the result: Increased homework effort results in increased student performance
Author(s) and address • Student A. Student, Department of Stuff, So-and-So Medical Center, Yourcity, ST
Introduction Write one sentence describing the general topic to be investigated and/or why it is important or what remains to be done • It has been previously noted that the amount of study time devoted to a particular subject can influence student performance. However, the relationship between student effort and performance has not been systematically investigated.
What you did Write one or two sentences describing the specific question you are addressing or relationship you are investigating with this investigation • In the work reported here, we examined the effect of time engaged in homework on overall student performance (can continue sentence… by doing etc…)
Method Write one or two sentences describing how you did the investigation. Do not attempt to write a detailed procedure; instead, just give a general idea of methods. • Students self-reported the number of minutes spent doing homework for physics each night for four weeks. This number was averaged and plotted against the average grade of the student for all tests and quizzes during the same period.
Results • Write one or two sentences explaining what you found out. Be as specific as possible, but state only your main point(s). Use the past tense. • We found a positive relationship between the average number of hours/week spent doing homework and the average grade for each student. The correlation coefficient for the entire class was 0.933.
Conclusion • Summary of everything you found, in different words • What are the implications of the research? • Usually do NOT say what remains to be done (unlike a paper) • Students can increase their performance in school by increasing the amount of time they spend engaged in homework. These findings are especially important for those low-performing students who are on the verge of flunking.
Tissue distribution and processing of proSAAS by proprotein convertases. M. Sayah, Y. Fortenberry, A. Cameron, and I. Lindberg, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, LSU Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA The conversion of inactive precursor proteins into bioactive neuropeptides and peptide hormones involves the proteolytic enzymes prohormone convertases PC1 and PC2. The neuroendocrine protein 7B2 represents a specific binding protein for PC2, and the protein proSAAS, which interacts with PC1, exhibits certain structural and functional homologies with 7B2. With the intention of better understanding the physiological role of proSAAS and its derived peptides, we investigated its tissue localization using a new radioimmunoassay (RIA) to a proSAAS-derived peptide. Immunoreactivity corresponding to this SAAS-derived peptide was mostly localized to the brain and the gut. Analysis of the brain distribution of the proSAAS-derived peptides indicates that the hypothalamus and the pituitary are the two richest areas, consistent with the previously described high expression of PC1 in these two areas. In order to investigate the cleavages of proSAAS by prohormone convertases, we incubated recombinant His-tagged proSAAS with recombinant mouse proPC2 or furin, separated the cleavage products by HPGPC and analyzed the products by RIA. Our results indicate that either PC2 or furin can accomplish in vitro rapid removal and efficient internal processing of the carboxyl terminal peptide (CT peptide), exposing the inhibitory hexapeptide to possible further digestion by carboxypeptidases. Finally, we also studied proSAAS processing in the brains of wild type and PC2 null mice and found that proSAAS is efficiently processed in vivo. Whereas the CT peptide is mostly internally cleaved in wild type mouse brain, it is not processed as efficiently in the brains of PC2 null mice, suggesting that PC2 is partially responsible for this cleavage in vivo.These data support a complex functional interrelationship between the two convertases and their inhibitors.
Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes: Establishment of a Model System for Studying Differentiation of Cardiac Pacemaking Myocytes. Steven M. White. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, LSUHSC, New Orleans, LA 70112. Embryonic stem (ES) cell-derived cardiomyocytes provide unique models for studying cardiac development and differentiation in vitro. Our goal is to use genetic selection as a means to isolate a pure population of cardiac myocytes that function as specialized pacemaking or conducting cells from differentiating, genetically-altered murine ES cells. By using a cell-specific promoter controlling expression of a drug-resistance gene and later applying that drug, we were able to select a pure population of the cells of interest. By including the promoter/enhancer region of the cardiac-specific a-myosin heavy chain (a -MHC) gene in a selection vector, we have isolated pure populations of cardiomyocytes. Endothelial-derived paracrine signaling molecules have been shown to induce cardiomyocytes to differentiate into conducting cells. Preliminary results using the HL-1 cardiomyocyte line indicate that treatment of HL-1 cells with the endothelial-derived factors endothelin-1 and neuregulin-1 induces expression of genes characteristic of conducting cardiomyocytes. By following the expression of a genetic marker for the murine cardiac conduction system, the potassium channel b subunit minK, we are currently attempting to isolate conducting cardiomyocytes. Preliminary studies examining the developmental expression of minK in differentiating ES cell aggregates (called embryoid bodies) using lacZ under control of the endogenous minK promoter, show that minK expression begins between days 7 and 8 of development within discrete regions of the embryoid bodies. The ability to isolate pure populations of conducting cardiomyocytes will permit the development of model systems to study cardiomyocyte differentiation, which should lead to new pharmaceutical agents and cellular therapies to treat heart disease.