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UNIVERSITY OF MISKOLC. Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering. Wide spectrum: related to ~ 1500 companies (in the metals, ceramics, silicates- and polymers industries) Low number of students: a great demand for our graduates. Faculty of Materials Sci. & Eng.
UNIVERSITY OF MISKOLC Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering
Wide spectrum: related to ~1500 companies (in the metals, ceramics, silicates- and polymers industries) Low number of students: a great demand for our graduates. Faculty of Materials Sci. & Eng.
AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft., Győr AdaCast Kft., Apc AES Borsodi Energetika Kft., Kazincbarcika ALCOA-KÖFÉM Kft., Székesfehérvár Alföldi Porcelán Zrt., Hódmezővásárhely Borsodchem Rt., Kazincbarcika DAM 2004 Kft., Miskolc DUNAFERR Acélművek Kft., Dunaújváros DUNAFERR Energiaszolgáltató Kft., Dunaújváros Dunamenti Erőmű Zrt., Százhalombatta FÉMALK Zrt., Budapest Finomhengermű Munkás Kft., Ózd GE Hungary Zrt., Budapest Holcim Rt., Miskolc Hungauard Glass Termelői Kft., Orosháza Kienle & Spiess Kft., Tokod Lasselsberger ZRt. Zalaegerszeg Leier Mátratherm Kft., Mátraderecske LE BELIER Öntöde Kft., Ajka MIHŐ Miskolci Hőszolgáltató Kft., Miskolc MOL Nyrt., Budapest Faculty of Materials Sci. & Eng. • MOTIM Műkorund Kft., Mosonmagyaróvár • OAM Kft., Ózd • Prec-Cast Kft., Sátoraljaújhely • SUOFTEC Kft., Tatabánya • Szilikátipari Kft., Hódmezővásárhely • SVT-WAMSLER TŰZHELYGYÁR Termelő és Szolgáltató Kft., Salgótarján • Tondach Zrt., Csorna • TÜKI Tüzeléstechnikai Fejlesztő Zrt., Miskolc • TŰZÁLLÓTECHNIKA Kft., Székesfehérvár • TVK Rt., Tiszaújváros • Villeroy és Boch Mo. Rt., Hódmezővásárhely • WESCAST Kft., Oroszlány
BSc in Materials Engineering 7 semesters, practice oriented basic training. Aim: general knowledge and specialized training.
Process Metallurgy Foundry Eng. Metal Forming Heat Treatment Metallic Materials Specializations
Non-metallic Specializations Polymer Technology Silicate Technology Chemical technology Nanotechnology Thermal Energy Utilization
Major Specializations of MSc in Materials Eng. Ceramics and Silicates Engineering Polymer Engineering Energetics Chemical Technology
Process Metallurgy – Waste Treatment Energetics Metal Forming and heat treatment Foundry Engineering Major Specializations of MSc in Metallurgical Eng.
Materials Testing and Nanotechnology Environmental Protection and Waste Management Archeometallurgy Quality Assurance Minor Specializations of MSc Courses
Automotive foundry engineering Heat treatment and metal forming Metallurgical technology Polymer and chemical technology Thermal and silicate technology Metallurgy and metal forming Dual-Education Practice oriented training Real problems at real plants Good earning opportunity Pay + stipend Sure job Already working at the company
Partnership (student/staff mobility, research projects) in Metallurgy KU Leuven, Belgium (ERASMUS/SOCRATES mobility, 1 PhD student for 6 months, 1 staff for 3 weeks, 2000) HUT, Helsinki, Finland (ERASMUS/SOCRATES mobility 1 PhD student for 6 months, 2 students for 4 months and 2 staff for 2weeks 1999-2003) Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan (JSPS research fellowship, 1 staff, 2 years 1999-2001) University of Leeds, UK (TT cooperation, 1 staff mobility, 1 month, 2001) University of Toulouse, France (COST program, No.529, 1 staff mobility, 1 week, 2002) University of Oulu, Finland (SOCRATES, 2 undergr. and 2 PhD students for 4 months, 2002) Gerhard Mercator Universität, Duisburg, Germany (CDG project, 1 Hungarian undergr. student for 1 year, 2001-2002) CMRDI Kairo, Egypt (1 Egyptian researcher, 6 months, 2001-2002) University of Aalen, Erasmus – BW Scholarship, graduation thesis and PhD thesis (2002-2005) Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany Diploma thesis and graduation, more the 10 years old contact, 12 students from the Uni-Miskolc obtained there Dipl-Ing degrees 5 of them were Foundry Engineers. Otto von Guericke Universität, Magdeburg, Germany, DAAD, PhD research HUT