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Sycamore High School. Battle of the Belt 2014. 09/06/2013 This was our 1 st unannounced seatbelt check. 335 vehicles entered the school campus that morning . 510 people were wearing their seat belt for a 76% usage rate.
Sycamore High School Battle of the Belt 2014
09/06/2013 This was our 1st unannounced seatbelt check. 335 vehicles entered the school campus that morning. 510 people were wearing their seat belt for a 76% usage rate. 158 people were NOT wearing their seat belt for a 24% non-usage rate. This included all vehicles, student drivers, faculty, and bus drivers.
Actions We began to pass out literature about seat belt use and seat belt laws. There were announcements made reminding students to buckle up. Information was also posted on the school website and local media about the Battle of the Belt contest. Announcements were also made at home football games reminding everyone to Buckle Up.
The Ashland City Times The Tennessean - Nashville, Tenn.Author:Moomaw, RandyDate:Sep 11, 2013Start Page:4Section:B Abstract (Document Summary) With the new traffic lights at Highway 49 and Old Clarksville Pike, Chris Gilmore, the school resource officer in the north cluster, is excited about opportunities to get students and the community involved in promoting highway safety through participation in a variety of programs that stress everything from seatbelt use to the consequences of driving impaired, driving distracted and speeding.
Driver safety is focus for Sycamore High students The Tennessean - Nashville, Tenn.Author:Moomaw, RandyDate:Feb 26, 2014Start Page:6Section:B Abstract (Document Summary) Gilmore has enlisted resources from the Governor's Highway Safety Office (GHSO) to help educate and reinforce safe practices and responsible behaviors that will help to reduce the number of teen driving crashes and infractions.
During basketball season announcements were made during half time reminding everyone to buckle up. HOSA students hosted a poster contest as well as a t-shirt contest. This work was displayed during two district home games. Literature was also handed out to guests at the game.
At various times throughout the year literature was also handed out to students as they left the school campus at the end of the day. Also teachers who were assigned traffic duty ensured that students were buckled up as they left campus.
03/13/2014 This was our 2nd unannounced seat belt check. 335 vehicles entered the school campus. 436 people were wearing their seat belt for a 79% seat belt usage. At this point we decided to take our program a step farther and break the numbers into drivers and passengers to try and determine the areas with the greatest need.
87% of drivers were wearing their seat belt. 116 people were not wearing their seat belt, 74 of these were passengers. Passengers made up 31% of those not wearing their seat belt.
03/31/2014 This was our 3nd unannounced seat belt check. 381 vehicles entered the school campus that morning. 420 people were wearing their seat belt for a 75% usage. 127 passengers were NOT wearing their seat belt for a 25% non-usage rate.
271 drivers and 149 passengers were wearing their seat belt. There were 75 drivers and 52 passengers NOT wearing their seat belt.
The end results of Battle of the Belt revealed that our seatbelt usage among passengers should be our largest area of focus. We continued to improve the number of drivers that wear their seatbelt. We will continue to focus on seat belt usage and educate drivers on the importance of making sure that passengers are wearing their seat belts. We also need to focus new drivers who get their license and begin to drive in the spring and transport passengers.