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Prof. Dr. Amin Ismayilov¹ & Amil Aghayev²

T he E ffects of F loods on the Ecological State of Soils Based of R emote S ensing and G eographical I nformation S ystems. Prof. Dr. Amin Ismayilov¹ & Amil Aghayev²

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Prof. Dr. Amin Ismayilov¹ & Amil Aghayev²

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  1. The Effectsof Floodsonthe Ecological StateofSoils Basedof Remote Sensingand Geographical Information Systems Prof. Dr. Amin Ismayilov¹ & Amil Aghayev² ¹Head of the Laboratory of Soil-GISof Institute of Soil Science andAgrochemistry of Azerbaijan NationalAcademy of Sciences, ²PhD student at National Aviation Academy

  2. Study area Hydrologicalstations

  3. Footages of 2010 flooding

  4. Annual average precipitation during 2008-2012 in Azerbaijan

  5. The tendency of change of the average annual water level in the Kura river in for the period of 2008-2012 over different stations

  6. Average annual level in Mingachevir reservoir for the period of 2008-2012

  7. Bahramtapa hydro junction

  8. Metadata of the satellite images

  9. Used Landsat 5 satellite image for different dates for the assessment of the Kura river floods

  10. Assessment of the training samples via Training Sample Manager tool

  11. Comparison of the flooded areas of vectorised Landsat 5 satellite image with the SCLC map (24 May, 2010)

  12. Flooded area and the location of soil samples

  13. Geographical parameters of the soil profiles

  14. The core diagnostic indicators of soil of experimental section

  15. Conclusion Using Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems techniques in determing of the flood extent was very useful for this study. However, processing of Landsat satellite data through different modules of the ArcGIS software played a key role during the study. The method used in the article is widespread in a lot of developed countries. The flood extent areas and changes in the flooded soil after the flooding was determined in the article. It was determined that a certain part of the flooded land belonged to buried soil. Furthermore, clay and silt particles with high capacity of nutrients and water deposited in the area. It could positively affect formation of structural soil and developing and nutrition of vegetation in coming years. The results of the study revealed that, using RS and GIS techniques make possible to determine flood extent, to create and manage database of collected soil samples before and after the flooding from inundated areas, to identify environmental damage, especially damage to soil, to give reports, and to prepare diagrams (charts) compliance with demand in a short period. However, used methodology could be improved in future and be even more useful in development of a lot of specialized (related) fields. The results of this study could be substantial in preparing an action plan to protect soil not be exposed degradation and destruction from flooding, for the responsible agencies and institutions.

  16. Thank you for your attention!

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