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Uncover the ultimate secrets of our world, revealed through divine inspiration, challenging preconceptions, and exploring the wonders of science. Discover ancient artifacts and unlock the power of hydrogen for groundbreaking innovations.
Hutchison-MilioneReality Show Beyond the Physical Worldor is it!Back to the Future and back!
Summary from Hutchison-Milione If you want to learn and understand the ultimate secrets of the world in which we live, secrets given to me by revelation from God, you must be willing to fight and overcome in yourself the demons of preconception, conceit, scientific pride, haughtiness, envy, and religious or national chauvinism. The science is given by God – through the revelations given to the scientific prophets – to all His children – human beings – for practical use and for satisfaction of one of the most important human features – the inborn curiosity to reveal the secrets of the surrounding world and our place in this world. Hutchison-Milione for BLAKE
ARK OF THE COVENANT RETURNS • All of the most ancient recorded writings throughout the cultures have a made reference to a certain box. This was a box of great magical power, this was a box that was used to transmutation the morning dew into seed to feed an army that went about the planet and killed those who would not follow them with this same magical box. I know what your thinking... no it was not a box of Nutra-Sweet (aspertame) nor was it a box of MSG... This particular magical box came to be known as the Ark Of The Covenant. Hutchison-Milione for BLAKE
The Mystery of Hydrogen and what we can do with it! • For instance, the the mystery gas itself burns at a baseline temperature of 259 degrees F, meaning that you can pass your hand through it without getting burned -- however, put the same flame on a hardened-steel ball-bearing, and the metal becomes molten in less than 3 seconds. Still not convinced? Hutchison-Milione other experiments have included cutting through tungsten like butter & melting pieces of firebrick. The temperature of the flame as it contacts these materials reportedly exceeds 10,000 degrees F, demonstrating the versatility of this gas for a number of applications. • A process of converting H20 to HHO, producing a gas that combines the atomic power of hydrogen with the chemical stability of water. Hutchison-Milione for BLAKE
The Race to Zero Point Energy! Demonstrations where pyramids made this way • Zero Free Energy is an unlimited source of high quality free energy. ZFE-HE Effect has no alternatives in the Field of Free Energy Sources. ZFE-HE has multiple applications including: unlimited source of inexpensive and safe energy for everyday needs; gama-lasers; nano-technology applications; very powerful and compact particle accelerators. Hutchison-Milione for BLAKE
Secrets of the PyramidsPart 1 of 2 • We have discovered the secrets of the pyramids, and have found out how the Egyptians and the ancient builders in Peru, Yucatan, and Asia, with only primitive tools, raised and set in place blocks of stone weighing many tons! Hutchison-Milione for BLAKE
Secrets of the PyramidsPart 1 of 2 • First, a survey is made of what was available. He had skills, primitive tools, and natural resources. There are many of each, and they form an alphabet. Next, the alphabet is used to synthesize a theory to build the pyramids. Once synthesized, the theory is fixed, and the direction is set. At this point we have decided how ancient man built the pyramids. Now we must make our theory work as well as possible. To allow ancient man to overcome the pluralities associated with our theory, evidence is speculated whenever necessary. The assumption is that irrefutable high-quality evidence has been destroyed by the ravages of time else it would have been found by now. Thus, there is no evidence, we speculate what we need, and our theory becomes part of a strategy. • We will attempt to prove this! Hutchison-Milione for BLAKE
The REWORKED of the “BAGHDAD BATTERY!” In 1936, while excavating ruins of a 2000-year-old village near Baghdad, workers discovered mysterious small vase. A 6-inch-high pot of bright yellow clay dating back two millennia contained a cylinder of sheet-copper 5 inches by 1.5 inches. The edge of the copper cylinder was soldered with a 60-40 lead-tin alloy comparable to today's solder. The bottom of the cylinder was capped with a crimped-in copper disk and sealed with bitumen or asphalt. Another insulating layer of asphalt sealed the top and also held in place an iron rod suspended into the center of the copper cylinder. The rod showed evidence of having been corroded with an acidic agent. The ancient battery in the Baghdad Museum, as well as those others which were unearthed in Iraq, are all dated from the Parthian occupation between 248 BCE and 226 CE. However, Dr. Konig also found copper vases plated with silver in the Baghdad Museum, excavated from Sumerian sites in southern Iraq, dating back to at least 2500 BCE. When the vases were lightly tapped, a blue patina or film separated from the surface, which is characteristic of silver electroplated onto copper base. It would appear then that the Parthians inherited their batteries from one of the earliest known civilizations. Hutchison-Milione for BLAKE
The REWORKED of the “BAGHDAD BATTERY!” • We will recreate it! Hutchison-Milione for BLAKE
The way the Aliens used Space Propulsion • Combination of cosmic electromagnetic fields (a cosmic source of energy), static magnetic fields (a 'restoring force' source in a flight vehicle converter), and cosmic charged particles (which have a general cosmic presence) can be used to accelerate charged particles to high energies in perform unreal space flight vehicle speeds... Hutchison-Milione for BLAKE
TAXI!TAXI! Quick Travel in Space? • What if it were possible to cover vast interstellar distances in arbitrary short periods of time? What if one could fabricate an Deus ex Machina that could be employed to accomplish such a goal? What would this machine look like? How would an engineer or physicist go about the process of fabricating such an apparatus? All daunting questions to be certain, but there are some potential answers - at least theoretical ones anyway. Making this system for the show will be fantastic! Hutchison-Milione for BLAKE
The Making of a Real UFO, Flying it around LA! The group velocities of the electromagnetic waves will consequently be slowed down. A packet of such electromagnetic waves when ejected tangentially out of that cavity will be a stretched wave-packet. When it leaves the rim and rounds the upper dome shell that stretched wave-packet begins to compress as it curls around the dome through smaller curvature toward the dome's apex. Magnetic pads situated around the apex by working on both the radial element of the electromagnetic wave-packet and on the craft's magnetic flux lines will allow the craft's flux lines to form into a collimated helical filament-tube with pre-designated pitch-angle and bore. The wave-packets curling round the dome can then curl round the apex and into that collimated filament-tube, and be accelerated ahead of the craft along that pre-designated trajectory which will lift and hello LA!. Hutchison-Milione for BLAKE
Bermuda Triangle Experiment at Sea and more… This will take actual new developed test gear (PORTABLE MAGNETOMETERS) aboard a vessel to be placed in the water at various points in the Bermuda Triangle. The units will transmit back via GPS to land locations and will monitor magnetic abnormal activities in real-time. This will be a first! More details to come. Hutchison-Milione for BLAKE
Technology of the Gods The world of ancient technology, from the computers of the ancient world to the "flying machines of the gods." Technology of the Gods explores the technology that was allegedly used in Atlantis and the theory that the Great Pyramid of Egypt was originally a gigantic power station. We will take you and show the demo’s that will also uncovers many other mysteries, including: - the technology of ancient flight - how the ancients used electricity - megalithic building techniques - the use of crystal lenses and the fire from the gods - ancient evidence of high-tech weapons, including atomic weapons - the role of modern inventors, such as Nikola Tesla, in bringing ancient technology into modern use - impossible artifacts, and more, much more. Hutchison-Milione for BLAKE
The REBUILDING of Tesla’s DEATH RAY MACHINE! • This feature will show and report that the new invention "will send concentrated beams of particles through the free air, of such tremendous energy that they will bring down a fleet of 10,000 enemy airplanes at a distance of 250 miles..." Tesla stated that the death beam would make war impossible by offering every country an "invisible Chinese wall."Also called the "Peace Ray" and "teleforce," the account refers to Tesla's macroscopic particle beam projector, first mentioned publicly in the New York Sun, July 10, 1934 [Tesla Said, p.108]. The device, which was based upon a large Van de Graaff generator of unique design and a special type of open ended vacuum tube, comprised a system for the acceleration of very small charged metallic particles to prodigiously high velocity—about 48 times the speed of sound—according to Tesla. The particles were projected out of the tube by means of electro-static repulsion. As can be seen from Tesla's words written in a letter to J.P. Morgan, Jr. on November 29, 1934 it was intended for use in national defense. Hutchison-Milione for BLAKE
RECREATION of The Philadelphia ExperimentFULL SCALE Part 1 of 3 • The Philadelphia Experiment, otherwise known as Project Rainbow, has been a subject of long controversy and debate. It was an attempt by the Navy to create a ship that could not be detected by magnetic mines and-or radar. • There was also talk of invisibility projects and mind control experiments. The truth behind this project will never be known to the public. It is just one those triggers that we encounter that propels into awareness as who we are on a soul level. • However, results of these experiments became far different and much more dangerous than the Navy ever expected. Although the story itself seems too bizarre to be true, far too many coincidences have occurred for it to not be based upon some small iota of truth. The technical data that has also been presented upon the subject hold far too much credence to be ignored. Hutchison-Milione for BLAKE
RECREATION of The Philadelphia ExperimentFULL SCALE Part 2 of 3 • In 1943 the government conducted a test using domestic animals on a ship. The ship that was eventually used for the experiment, the USS Eldridge, was commissioned at the New York Navy Yard on August 27,1943 (Department of the Navy). The animals were placed in metal cages on the USS Eldridge. The ship became invisible but when it materialized many of the animals were missing on had radiation and other burn marks on them. Humans were not to be tested. • Yet on August 12, 1943 the USS Eldridge with a full crew aboard reportedly underwent the Philadelphia Experiment. The men did not know what was to happen. The generators were fired up. The switches were thrown. The ship disappeared and all seemed well. Hutchison-Milione for BLAKE
RECREATION of The Philadelphia ExperimentFULL SCALE Part 3 of 3 • Some researchers have erroneously concluded that degaussing has a connection with making an object invisible. Degaussing is a process in which a system of electrical cables are installed around the circumference of ship's hull, running from bow to stern on both sides. A measured electrical current is passed through these cables to cancel out the ship's magnetic field. Degaussing equipment was installed in the hull of Navy ships and could be turned on whenever the ship was in waters that might contain magnetic mines, usually shallow waters in combat areas. It could be said that degaussing, correctly done, makes a ship "invisible" to the sensors of magnetic mines, but the ship remains visible to the human eye, radar, and underwater listening devices. • We will do the same and much more. • Ship & Location - TBD Hutchison-Milione for BLAKE
The Hutchison EffectFULL SYSTEM EFFECTPart 1 of 2Full LARGE Demonstrations • First of all, the Hutchison Effect is a collection of phenomena which were discovered accidentally by John Hutchison during attempts to study the longitudinal waves of Tesla back in 1979. In other words, the Hutchison Effect is not simply a singular effect. It is many. • The Hutchison Effect occurs as the result of radio wave interferences in a zone of spatial volume encompassed by high voltage sources, usually a Van de Graff generator, and two or more Tesla coils. • The effects produced include levitation of heavy objects, fusion of dissimilar materials such as metal and wood (exactly as portrayed in the movie, "The Philadelphia Experiment"), the anomalous heating of metals without burning adjacent material, spontaneous fracturing of metals (which separate by sliding in a sideways fashion), and both temporary and permanent changes in the crystalline structure and physical properties of metals. Hutchison-Milione for BLAKE
The Hutchison EffectFULL SYSTEM EFFECTPart 2 of 2Full LARGE Demonstrations • The fusion of dissimilar materials, which is exceedingly remarkable, indicates clearly that the Hutchison Effect has a powerful influence on Van der Waals forces. In a striking and baffling contradiction, dissimilar substances can simply "come together," yet the individual substances do not dissociate. A block of wood can simply "sink into" a metal bar, yet neither the metal bar nor the block of wood come apart. Also, there is no evidence of displacement, such as would occur if, for example, one were to sink a stone into a bowl of water. • The anomalous heating of metal without any evidence of burning or scorching of the adjacent materials (usually wood) is a clear indication that possibly the nature of heat may not be completely understood. This has far-reaching implications for thermodynamics, which hinges entirely on the presumption of such knowledge. It should be noted that the entirety of thermodynamics is represented by the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, which is insignificant in a context of 0 Hz to infinite Hz. The anomalous heating exhibited by the Hutchison Effect shows plainly that we have much to learn, especially where thermodynamics and electromagnetism meet. Hutchison-Milione for BLAKE
Mysteries of Fibonacci The Fibonacci numbers are Nature's numbering system. They appear everywhere in Nature, from the leaf arrangement in plants, to the pattern of the florets of a flower, the bracts of a pinecone, or the scales of a pineapple. The Fibonacci numbers are therefore applicable to the growth of every living thing, including a single cell, a grain of wheat, a hive of bees, and even all of mankind. The sequence, in which each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers is known as the Fibonacci series: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, ... (each number is the sum of the previous two). • The ratio of successive pairs tends to the so-called golden section(GS) - 1.618033989 . . . . . whose reciprocal is 0.618033989 . . . . . so that we have 1/GS = 1 + GS. • The Fibonacci sequence, generated by the rule f1 = f2 = 1 , fn+1 = fn + fn-1,is well known in many different areas of mathematics and science. However, it is quite amazing that the Fibonacci number patterns occur so frequently in nature ( flowers, shells, plants, leaves, to name a few) that this phenomenon appears to be one of the principal "laws of nature". Hutchison-Milione for BLAKE
Mysteries of Fibonacci - Continued • Plants do not know about this sequence - they just grow in the most efficient ways. Many plants show the Fibonacci numbers in the arrangement of the leaves around the stem. Some pine cones and fir cones also show the numbers, as do daisies and sunflowers. Sunflowers can contain the number 89, or even 144. Many other plants, such as succulents, also show the numbers. Some coniferous trees show these numbers in the bumps on their trunks. And palm trees show the numbers in the rings on their trunks. • Why do these arrangements occur? In the case of leaf arrangement, or phyllotaxis, some of the cases may be related to maximizing the space for each leaf, or the average amount of light falling on each one. Even a tiny advantage would come to dominate, over many generations. In the case of close-packed leaves in cabbages and succulents the correct arrangement may be crucial for availability of space. • Demonstrations and proved of this THEORY! Hutchison-Milione for BLAKE
Mysteries of Fibonacci - Continued Three petalled • One Petalled….. • Two Petalled flowers Thirteen petalled Hutchison-Milione for BLAKE
Proving the Electric Lights in Ancient Egypt? It is a widespread belief in alternative science that our forefathers possessed a much greater technological knowledge than our schoolbook science is willing to accept. Many of those theories are lacking serious foundation and are often based on overdrawn speculations. But the theory that electricity was known and used in antiquity seems to rest on a much more stable foundation. The key to the whole theory lies a few hundred kilometers east of Egypt, in today's Iraq. There some strange pots were found. Some contained watertight copper cylinders, glued into the opening with asphalt. In the middle of the cylinder was an iron rod, held in place also with asphalt. The excavator who found the first of these pots in 1936 was sure: this is a galvanic element, a primitive battery. Reconstructions did indeed show that it was possible to create electricity with it. Hutchison-Milione for BLAKE
Thank You from John & RonWe have plenty more, but just to get you started! The human mind is not capable of grasping the Universe. We are like a little child entering a huge library. The walls are covered to the ceilings with books in many different tongues. The child knows that someone must have written these books. It does not know who or how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. But the child notes a definite plan in the arrangement of the books - a mysterious order which it does not comprehend, but only dimly suspects. Hutchison-Milione for BLAKE