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Explore the impact of the 18th Amendment Act 2010 on education, devolution, and fundamental rights in Pakistan. Discover the legal constitutional scenario and the shift in responsibilities to local governments. Learn about the provisions for free and compulsory education, right to information, and more. Understand the amendments to the Constitution and the devolution of political, administrative, and financial authority. Discover the implications on mental health, environment, population planning, labor welfare, and historical preservation. Dive into the retained matters in the Federal Legislative List and the changes in federal functions. Stay informed about the dissolution of ministries and the formation of new administrative bodies. Explore the evolving landscape of education governance post-devolution.
Education Devolution acrisis or an opportunity? 18th Amendment Act 2010 - New Articles 25-A Part II, Chapter 1. Fundamental Rights: 19 – A Right to Information 140 – A Local Government
The Legal Constitutional Scenario - A 18th Amendment Act 2010 - New Articles 25-A Part II, Chapter 1. Fundamental Rights: 19 – A Right to Information 140 – A Local Government Articles 25 A “The State* shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of five to sixteen years in such manner as may be determined by Law”. 19 – A Every citizen shall have the right to have access to information in all matters of public importance subject to regulation and reasonable restrictions imposed by law.“ 140 A – 1 Each Province shall, by law, establish a local government system and devolve political, administrative and financial responsibility and authority to the elected representatives of the local governments
The Legal Constitutional Scenario - B • Section 101 – Amendment of the Fourth Schedule to the Constitution • Parts III • Part II & • Part I [Article 70(4)] Federal Legislative Lists
Part III: The Concurrent Legislative List and the entries thereto from 1 to 47 (both inclusive) shall be omitted.
Part III Other relevant functions omitted from the Concurrent List – devolved to the provinces These too have impact and links to education so interface is needed. • 23. Mental illness and mental retardation, including places for the reception or treatment of the mentally ill and mentally retarded. • 24. Environmental pollution and ecology. • 25. Population planning and social welfare. • 26. Welfare of labor; conditions of labor, provident funds; employer's liability and workmen's compensation, health insurance including invalidity pensions, old age pensions. • 37. Ancient and historical monuments, archaeological sites and remains. • 45. Inquiries and statistics for the purpose of any of the matters in this List.
Fourth Schedule Part II Part II – Federal List Amendment of Fourth Schedule to the Constitution.- In the Constitution, in the Federal Legislative List,- 6. All regulatory authorities established under a Federal law. 7. National planning and national economic coordination including planning and coordination of scientific and technological research. 11. Legal, medical and other professions. 12. Standards in institutions for higher education and research, scientific and technical institutions. (Not School Education) 13. Inter-provincial matters and co-ordination.
Retained Matters in Federal Legislative List (Part I) Entry 3. External affairs; the implementing of treaties and agreements, including educational and cultural pacts and agreements, with other countries…” Entry 15. Libraries, museums, and similar institutions controlled or financed by the Federation Entry 16. Federal agencies and institutes for the following purposes, that is to say, for research, for professional or technical training, or for the promotion of special studies Entry 17. Education as respects Pakistani students in foreign countries and foreign students in Pakistan Entry 32. International treaties, conventions and agreements and International arbitration. Entry 57. Inquiries and statistics for the purposes of any of the matters in this part. Cont…..
Action: Ministry Dissolved – March 31 Notification – Formation of Capital Administration Development Division www.cabinet.gov.pk 20 departments/bodies