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VAAC Montréal

VAAC Montreal monitors volcanic ash transport, issues advisory statements, and forecasts the evolution of volcanic ash clouds using satellite imagery, computer models, and observational data.

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VAAC Montréal

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  1. VAAC Montréal Dov Bensimon, manager & operational coordinator, VAAC Montréal Biljana Bekcic, Physical Scientist, Environmental Emergency Response Section Environment and Climate Change Canada, Montréal, Québec, Canada

  2. Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre • Volcanic ash presents a significant hazard to aviation; particularly to aircraft in flight. Flight through an ash cloud can result in damage to engines, airframe, and electronics; potentially leading to partial or total loss of flight control and communications. • As a result of this danger, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) designated 9 centres as Volcanic Ash Advisory Centres (VAAC), including one in Montréal at the Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC) of Environment and Climate Change Canada.

  3. VAAC Montreal Operations: Overview • VAAC Montreal is a unit of the National Prediction Operations Branch of the Canadian Meteorological Centre. • The Environmental Emergency Response Section(EERS) works in concert with the Analysis and Prognosis Section of National Prediction Operations Branch, whose duties include continuous monitoring of volcanic activity, and the issuance of Volcanic Ash Advisory Statements. • VAAC Montreal monitors and advises on volcanic ash transport as part of the International Airways Volcano Watch (IAVW); a joint initiative of ICAO and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

  4. Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre • VAAC Montreal is one of nine centres worldwide: • Anchorage (Alaska), USA • Buenos Aires, Argentina • Darwin, Australia • London, United Kingdom • Montreal, Canada • Tokyo, Japan • Toulouse, France • Washington DC, USA • Wellington, New Zealand • The VAACs work together to coordinate responses to volcanic ash events and to harmonize products as much as possible.

  5. VAAC Montreal Operations: Overview • VAAC Montreal's area of responsibility includes Canada; Greenland & adjacent Arctic waters; and the North Atlantic Flight Information Region (Gander, Newfoundland FIR).

  6. Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre • Within Canadian-controlled airspace, the primary volcanic eruption hazard exists along the Pacific "Ring of Fire". VAAC Montreal is also impacted by volcanic activity along and east of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge; including Iceland.

  7. Volcanic eruptions • VAAC Montréal has no active volcanoes in its area of responsibility. • The number of advisories sent out by VAAC Montréal is quite variable. In the last year, 1 has been issued, but in the last 5 years, 106 have been sent out. • These were for volcanic ash originating in Kamchatka, Alaska and Iceland.

  8. Monitoring Volcanic Activity • VAAC Montreal receives direct notification of volcanic eruption from various sources: • Alaska Volcano Observatory of the US Geological Survey • Cascade Volcano Observatory of the US Geological Survey • Natural Resources Canada • Kamchatka Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT) • Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO)

  9. Monitoring Volcanic Activity • VAAC Montreal also maintains a continuous watch on WIS alphanumeric traffic; and is alerted in real-time to reports of volcanic eruption or airborne ash encounter. • Imagery from polar-orbiting and geostationary satellites is the major data source for detecting the boundaries of a volcanic ash cloud, and for estimating the current altitude and movement of an ash plume.

  10. Monitoring Volcanic Activity • Inclusion of satellite images from CLASS over Kamchatka and Iceland in the Terascansoftware (used to view satellite images), in addition to what is obtained from antennae in Resolute, Edmontonand Gander. The images above show the number of polar-orbiting satellite passes captured at VAAC Montréal over a one-month period. Warmer (cooler) colours indicate more (fewer) passes. The image on the left shows the passes received from the antennae in Resolute, Edmonton and Gander, while the one on the right shows the additional coverage obtained by adding satellite images from CLASS.

  11. Detection of volcanic ash • Subtracting temperatures from two infrared channels (10.7 and 12.0 microns) allows for detection of volcanic ash in certain conditions. • The example given here is from the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in 2010. Image valid 09 MAY 2010 @ 1425Z

  12. VAAC Montreal Operational Response • VAAC Montreal uses satellite imagery in combination with computer models and other observational data to forecast the evolution of a volcanic ash cloud. • VAAC Montreal products include Volcanic Ash Advisories (VAA), Volcanic Ash Graphics (VAG) and trajectory forecasts.

  13. Transport and Dispersion Modelling • A 4-panel VAAC layout is used to display model output. It shows forecast concentrations in different vertical layers, as well as total amounts of ash in a vertical column.

  14. Volcanic Ash Advisory Statements FVCN01 CWAO 110044 CCA VA ADVISORY DTG: 20080811/0044Z VAAC: MONTREAL VOLCANO: KASATOCHI 1101-13- PSN: N5210 W17530 AREA: ALEUTIAN IS SUMMIT ELEV: 314M ADVISORY NR: 2008/006 INFO SOURCE: AVO, POES, PIREPS AVIATION COLOUR CODE: RED ERUPTION DETAILS: ASH AND GASES FROM ERUPTION 07AUG08 OBS VA DTG: 11/0000Z OBS VA CLD: N5444 W13916 - N6026 W13604 - N6410 W13132 - N5 536 W12817 - N4837 W12413 - N4838 W12522 - N541 7 W13225 - N5310 W13616 - N5444 W13916 FCST VA CLD +6 HR: 11/0600Z FL320/FL390 N5741 W13953 - N6018 W1342 2 - N6633 W13204 - N6904 W12508 - N6253 W12906 - N5728 W12645 - N4936 W12247 - N4838 W12505 - N5504 W13418 - N5358 W13651 - N5408 W13956 - N5 741 W13953 FCST VA CLD +12 HR: 11/1200Z FL310/FL390 N5639 W13959 - N5944 W1293 9 - N6714 W12758 - N7059 W12046 - N7308 W10806 - N7012 W11042 - N6615 W12235 - N5923 W12609 - N4945 W12031 - N4952 W12333 - N5543 W12954 - N5 434 W13855 - N5639 W13959 FCST VA CLD +18 HR: 11/1800Z FL300/FL390 N6018 W14111 - N6430 W1294 6 - N7221 W12130 - N7421 W07154 - N7022 W07328 - N7134 W08701 - N6537 W11807 - N6207 W11851 - N5518 W11853 - N5014 W11451 - N4934 W11720 - N5 507 W12238 - N6117 W12523 - N5554 W13855 - N601 8 W14111 RMK: WILL BE ISSUED BY 20080811/0415Z VA GRAPHICAL PRODUCT AVAILABLE AT HTTP://METEO.EC.GC.CA/EER (ALL LOWER CASE) NXT ADVISORY: PLEASE ALSO REFER TO FVXX22 KNES 102216 FOR ASH OVER WASHINGTON VAAC AREA OF COVERAGE. ASH AND SO2 IS MOVING INTO VAAC MONTREAL AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY • VAA are (by definition) advisory in nature, and are meant to complement and support, but not replace, meteorological and aviation-related warnings and forecasts. • ICAO-designated Meteorological Watch Offices (MWOs) are responsible for issuing Volcanic Ash SIGMET bulletins. • VAAC Montreal provides the information needed for the SIGMET to the MWO in Edmonton.

  15. Volcanic Ash SIGMETs • MWO Edmonton (Alberta) issues volcanic ash SIGMETs for all Canadian Continental FIRs (Flight Identification Regions); including the Arctic Ocean and for the Gander Oceanic (Northwestern Atlantic Ocean) FIR. • Provision of Volcanic Ash SIGMETs for Canadian-controlled airspace is an essential part of the aviation weather forecast services provided by Environment Canada, under contract to Canada's air navigation corporation, NAV CANADA.

  16. Volcanic Ash Graphic (VAG)

  17. VAAC Montréal website • VAAC Montréalproducts are displayed on the VAAC website.

  18. Validation of dispersion modelling MLDP0 modelling output overlayed with the satellite observation. 15 April, 13:30Z Strong agreement shows the good quality of the CMC analysis as well as the dispersion model.

  19. Validation of dispersion modelling It is important to validate simulation results against satellite imagery so as to estimate a reasonable minimum threshold value for contouring the concentrations.

  20. ICAO involvement • VAAC Montréal is currently active in ICAO's Met Panel working groups, namely the Meteorology Operations Group and the Meteorology Information Services Development Group. • VAAC Montréal has been involved in other ICAO groups in the past, such as the International Airways Volcanic Watch Operations Group (IAVWOPSG) and the International Volcanic Ash Task Force (IVATF), which was set up in the wake of the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in 2010. • These working groups are responsible for developing and improving the response to volcanic ash events.

  21. Future work • Other changes will be made to the VAAC products website, including the capacity to animate model output maps. • Ability to ingest satellite images directly into our VAA production software so as to be able to more precisely specify where the VA is at T+0. • Improve coordination with the Canadian Meteorological Watch Office (MWO) in Edmonton so as to issue VAA and VA SIGMET simultaneously.

  22. Thank you!

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