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Performance Analysis of NGST "Yardstick" Concept

Investigating imaging performance, jitter, and system error budget for the NGST concept using integrated modeling techniques to analyze thermal-elastic deformation and stability.

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Performance Analysis of NGST "Yardstick" Concept

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  1. Performance Analysis of the NGST “Yardstick” Concept via Integrated ModelingGary Mosier, Keith Parrish, Michael FemianoNASA Goddard Space Flight CenterDavid Redding, Andrew Kissil, Miltiadis PapalexandrisJet Propulsion LaboratoryLarry Craig, Tim Page, Richard ShunkNASA Marshall Space Flight CenterAugust 2000

  2. Large (200m2) deployable sunshield protects from sun, earth and moon Deployable secondary mirror Space support module (attitude control, communications, power, data handling) is on warm side “Open” telescope (no external baffling) allows passive cooling to 50K Science Instruments Isolation truss Beryllium primary mirror NGST “Yardstick” Concept

  3. Observatory FEM Model contains ~5400 DOF

  4. IMOS Environment • Integrated model was applied to investigate three “focus” problems during concept development phase: • thermal-elastic deformation of OTA • line-of-sight stability (jitter) • wavefront sensing and control (not really addressed here)

  5. System imaging performance Jitter Stray light Wide-angle scatter Detection effects System Error Budget Overview System EE , SR budget Encircled Energy WFS&C Post-WFS&C optical aberrations WF error WF C subsystem WFE budget OTA actuator performance OTA figure & alignment IM figure & alignment Imaging performance IM optics OTA structure OTA mechanical OTA optics IM structure Non-WF C subsystem s WFE budget s

  6. Thermal-Elastic Analysis • Linear Systems Model • Optics Model • Thermal Model • OTA FEM • Results for launch-to-orbit cooldown • Results for transient (attitude re-orientation) • Results for transient with active thermal control

  7. xsegrot xsegtrans xIMrot x = xIMtrans xfig usegrot usegtrans w1 uSM u = w2 udm w = wN Linear Error Model for Thermal Analysis Linear optical model w0 = Cx x + Cu u0 WF sensing west = w0 + dwest Control u1 = -G west + du G = Cu+ = [CuTCu] -1 Cu xrb Alignment and figure states useg w udm xfig Wavefront sampled at N discrete points in the exit pupil Optical controls

  8. MACOS Ray Trace Model

  9. MACOS Spot Diagram

  10. Wavefront Error – Design Residual

  11. Wavefront Error – Segment Tilt

  12. Wavefront Error – FEM Node Translation

  13. OTA FEM • recover 1044 DOFs (344 nodes on PM, translation only, plus SM and SI) • 2.00mm thick face sheet by 4cm deep core orthogrid beryllium mirror shell • cells are 14.5 cm on a side equilateral triangles,cell wall are 1.00 mm thick • RBE2s used to attach SI kinematically to center main ring instead of CELAS • Three OTA to S/C I/F points instead of four • The petal reaction structure is a beryllium frame-work of I-beams • The center segment reaction structure is a flat Beryllium frame with a 1.3M dia inner ring. The frame is composed of a 152 mm deep I-beam inner ring and 152mm by 100mm wide box section outer ring and spokes.

  14. Observatory Thermal Model – Steady State

  15. Steady State Temps Mapped on OTA FEM Mapping made possible by one-to-one nodalization !!!

  16. Computing the Transformation from Nodal Temperatures to Displacements • Net Force Balance: {rnet} = 0 = -Ku + {rTemp} Where {rTemp} =  BT E {0} dV = Ku B = standard strain-displacement matrix {0}= temperature induced strain vector, f (,temp) • We can factor out nodal temperatures, generating a temp to load transformation matrix • {rTemp} = {rg} = [Agg] {tg} Where {tg} = nodal temperature (and/or gradient) vector (g-size) {rg} = nodal force (and/or moment) vector (g-size) • Reduce [Agg] to f-set size and transform to Local (NASTRAN global) system • [Afg] = [Tfg] [Agg] • Premultipy by the flexibility matrix [Kff]-1 to get the temperature to displacement transformation matrix G • [Gfg] = [Kff]-1 [Afg] • Expand to g-set, and transform back to the basic coordinate system • [Ggg] = [Tfg]T [Gfg] or • [Ggg] = [Tfg]T [Kff]-1 [Tfg] [Agg] • So we have the temperature to displacement transformation matrix • {ug} = [Ggg] {tg}

  17. Steady State Wavefront Error with Control

  18. Thermal Transient following 22.5 degree slew • Initial attitude has sun normal to sunshield • Final attitude is 22.5 degree pitch away from sun • Thermal equilibrium takes DAYS to reach Cold Petal (space-side) DT = -0.8 K Hot Petal (sun-side) DT = -1.3 K

  19. Thermal Transient Wavefront Error – no Control

  20. Thermal Transient Wavefront Error with Control

  21. Jitter Analysis • Pointing Control Architecture • Linear Systems Model • Disturbance Model • Compensation Model • Results for parametric studies

  22. frequency sunshield modes isolation truss and SM support modes higher order modes Structure 0.025 Hz BW ACS FSM 2 Hz BW Disturbances >400 Hz The CSI Challenge for NGST • Lightweight, flexible structure with very low damping limits ACS bandwidth • FSM bandwidth limited due to guiding sensor noise • Thermal environment presents challenges to “smart structures” solutions for active damping and vibration suppression

  23. 3 External Torque 72 3 74 Wavefront 72 74 6 2 Dynamics Optics Centroid Vibration Isolation has not been designed in detail; model is a LP filter approximation ACS uses wheels, gyros & trackers 2 LOS Control 72 6 6 4 Image Stabilization loop uses NIR & FSM 3 Vibration Isolation ACS ACS Commands System Level Block Diagram

  24. State-Space Model

  25. Model size is ~ 5400 DOF; only 71 DOF are required for jitter model PM (900-908) These grid points are located at the center of the primary and in a circle with radius 2.8 meters, connected to mirror grid points by RBE2 elements ACS (10291) ST, IRU, RWA are co-located ISIM (825) FSM, DM, other optics are co-located SM (829) Dynamics Model Sensor & Actuator Locations

  26. Structural dynamics (mode shapes) and the associated optical distortions are displayed as animations for qualitative analysis Deformed FEM Image (log stretch) Wavefront Error Optomechanical Analysis

  27. Reaction Wheels are Dominant Disturbances

  28. 6000 1 4000 Speed, RPM 0.5 2000 Force, N 0 0 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 -0.5 Time, sec 20 -1 10 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 sec Force, N 0 0.03 -10 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 -3 Time, sec 0.02 x 10 4 Force PSD, N2/Hz 0.01 2 Force PSD, N2/Hz 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 0 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0 100 200 300 400 Freq, Hz Freq, Hz Wheel Disturbances - Discrete Speed vs Swept Speed

  29. Reaction Wheel Isolation

  30. 10 0 -10 Acts as a low-pass filter to guide star noise -20 dB -30 -40 -50 Acts as a high-pass filter to base-motion -60 -4 -2 0 2 4 10 10 10 10 10 Hz FSM Response Functions

  31. LOS Pointing Error vs. Wheel Speed 4 10 Nominal 1/10th scale wheels 1 Hz isolation 3s requirement 2 10 3s GS noise floor 0 10 Pointing Error (mas) -2 10 -4 10 -6 10 -1 0 1 2 10 10 10 10 Wheel Speed (Hz) Linear Analysis - Nominal Response, Effect of Isolation, Effect of Wheel Imbalance Amplitude

  32. LOS Pointing Error vs. Isolation Corner Frequency 3 10 2 10 3-s requirement 1 10 GS noise floor 0 O - linear analysis 10 RMS Pointing Error (mas) X - simulation -1 10 -2 10 nominal FEM, 0.001 damping, nominal wheel disturbances -3 10 -4 10 -2 -1 0 1 2 10 10 10 10 10 Isolation Corner Frequency (Hz) How Much Isolation Is Required?

  33. Conclusions • Development of end-to-end models using the IMOS environment was relatively painless, owing to the following factors: • translation from NASTRAN and SINDA was possible for FEM and TMM, as was output to FEMAP neutral format • geometric and material properties were easily parameterized, as were all other significant entities in the models • ray-trace code (MACOS) was open-source, so it could be integrated via Mex-function API • Matlab™ is a matrix-oriented language/tool, with integrated graphics and visualization • Questions remain about the ability to handle realistically-sized models within Matlab™ (eigenvalues, matrix inversion) • None of these models have been validated, of course…

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