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Status Report 2 Senior Design, BME 273 Professor: Dr. Paul King February 16, 2000

Status Report 2 Senior Design, BME 273 Professor: Dr. Paul King February 16, 2000. Members: Wan-Yin Chan, Megan Lan, T.J. Payne Advisor: Dr. R. Steven Couch, M.D. (Assistant Medical Director for Pediatrics at Vanderbilt Stallworth Rehabilitation Hospital).

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Status Report 2 Senior Design, BME 273 Professor: Dr. Paul King February 16, 2000

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Status Report 2 Senior Design,BME 273Professor: Dr. Paul KingFebruary 16, 2000 Members: Wan-Yin Chan, Megan Lan, T.J. Payne Advisor: Dr. R. Steven Couch, M.D. (Assistant Medical Director for Pediatrics at Vanderbilt Stallworth Rehabilitation Hospital)

  2. Project Description: Hand-Operated Riding Lawnmower • Problem: Inability to safely operate Riding Lawnmower due to Absence of Leg Control in paraplegic subject • legs and body not restrained • mounting dangers • conventional braking system is foot-operated • Objectives: Modify a riding lawnmower to address both the physical limitations of a spinal injury and the constraints imposed by the topography of a lawn

  3. Definition of Project Components • Brake Conversion • Seat Modification • Mounting/Dismounting Design • Foot/Body Restraints • Additional Modifications

  4. Past Work • Met with Dr. Couch and Cris Moore • Met with a paraplegic subject to discuss specific needs • Divided project into parts • Assigned specific roles • Wan-Yin: Contact person/Consultant, Restraint System • Megan: Website Administrator, Taskmaster, Record Keeper, Mount and Dismount • T.J.: Lawnmower Expert, Braking System, Mechanics • Posted project proposal, Gant chart, and 4th Progress Report on web • Obtained Storage Space (5837 SC)

  5. Current Work • Transportation of lawnmower into storage space • DesignSafe analysis • Continue contact with new advisor • Continue contact with paraplegic subject • Post presentation on web

  6. Future Work • Obtain more information on paraplegia, specifically T-8 injuries • Study lawnmower mechanics • Study vehicles already produced for paraplegics • Preliminary design of lawnmower modifications • Purchase materials • Construct and test modifications

  7. Needs • Information on lawnmower mechanics • Tools and parts • Money • Assistance with mechanical concerns • Further consultation with paraplegic subject

  8. Contacts and Relevant Information • Advisor - Dr. Couch, M.D. • robert.couch@mcmail.vanderbilt.edu • Vanderbilt Stallworth Rehabilitation Hospital, MS Clinic • (615) 963 - 4000 • Subject - Mark Singer • msinger@eastersealstn.com • Easter Seals Tennessee • (615) 292 - 6640, ext. 104 • Our website: http://vubme.vuse.vanderbilt.edu/group14_99/

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