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Question: 1 Given the element from the web applicaton deployment descriptor: <jsp – property – group> <url – patern>>main>pagee1jsp<>url – patern> <scriptng – invalid>true<>scriptng – invalid> <>jsp—property—group> And given that >main>pagee1jsp contains: <% int i = e2; %> <b> <%= i %> <>b> What is the result? A1 <b> <b> B1 <b> l2 <>b> C1 The JSP fails to execute1 D1 <% int i = e2 %> <b> <%= i % > < b> Answer: C Question: 2 A web applicaton allows the HTML ttle banner to be set using a context initaliiaton parameter called ttlestr1 Which two properly set the ttle in the scenario? (Choose two) A1 <ttle> $ {ttlestrr <>ttle> B1 <ttle> $ {initparam1ttlestrr<>ttle> C1 <ttle> $ {param [0]1 ttlestrr <>ttle> D1 <ttle> $ {paramValues1ttleStrr <>ttle> E1 <ttle> $ {initParam [‘ttleStrr] r <>ttle> F1 <ttle> $ {servletParams1ttleStrr <>ttle> G1 <ttle> $ {request1get (“ttleStrr) r <>ttle> Answer: B, E Question: 3 Given: ee1 <% e21 e31 e41 %> e51 <% - - insert code here - - %> Which three EL expressions, inserted at line e5, are valid and evaluate to “3r? (Choose three) request1setAtribute (“valsr, new String[] {“er, “2r, “3r, “4rr); request1setAtribute (“indexr, “2r); A1 ${vals12r B1 ${vals [“2r] r
C1 ${vals1indexr D1 ${vals[index] r E1 ${valsr [index] F1 ${vals1 (vals1index) r G1 ${vals [vals[index-e]] r Answer: B, D, G Question: 4 Given: Which three EL expressions, inserted at line e6, are valid and evaluate to “dr? (Choose three) A1 ${map1cr B1 ${map1[c]r C1 ${map1[“cr]r D1 ${map1map1br E1 ${map1[map1b]r F1 ${map1 (map1b)r Answer: A, C, E Question: 5 You are building a datng service web site1 Part of the form to submit a client's profle is a group of radio butons for the person's hobbies: 201 <input type = ‘radior name = ‘hobbyEnumr value = ‘HIKINGr> Hiking <br> 2e1 <input type = ‘radior name = ‘hobbyEnumr value = ‘SKINGr> Sking <br> 221 <input type = ‘radior name = ‘hobbyEnumr value = ‘SCUBAr> SCUBA <br> 231 <! - - and more optons - - >> Afer the user submits this form, a confrmaton screen is displayed with these hobbies listed1 Assume that an applicaton-scoped hobbies, holds a map between the hobby enumerated type and the display name1 Which EL code snippet will display Nth element of the user's selected hobbles? A1 ${hobbies [hobbyEnum[N]r B1 ${hobbies [paramValues1hobbyEnum[N]]r C1 ${hobbies [paramValues @ ‘hobbyEnumr @N] D1 ${hobbies1get(paramValues1hobbyEnum[N]) r E1 ${hobbies [paramValues1hobbyEnum1get(N)] r
Answer: B Question: 6 Given: e1 <% int[] nums = {42,420,4200r; 21 request1setAtribute((foo(, nums); %> 31 ${5 + 3 It 6r 41 S(requestScope['foo'][0] ne e0 div0> 51 ${e0 div 0r What is the result? A1 true true B1 false true C1 false true 0 D1 true true Infnity E1 false true Infnity F1 An excepton is thrown G1 Compilaton or translaton fails Answer: E Question: 7 You are building a web applicaton with a scheduling component1 On the JSP, you need to show the current date, the date of the previous week, and the date of the next week1 To help you present this informaton, you have created the following EL functons in the ‘dr namespace: • Name : curData; signature: java1utl1utlDate CurrentDate() • Name : curData; signature: java1utl1utlDate addweek (java1utl1Date, int) • Name: dateString; signature: java1utl1String getDataString (jave1utl1Data) Which EL code snippet will generate the string for the previous week? A1 ${d:dateString(afWeek(curDate(), -e)) r B1 ${d:dateString [addWeek[curDate[], - ]] r C1 ${d:dateString [d:addWeek[d:curDate[], - e]] r D1 ${d:dateString (d:addWeek(d:curDate(), -e)) r Answer: D Question: 8 Given a header in an HI IP request: X-Retries: 4 A Which two retrieve the value of the header from a given HtpServletRequest request? (Choose two) A1 request-getHeader((X-Retries()
B1 request1getlntHeader((X-Retries() C1 request1getRequestHeader((X-Retries() D1 request1getHeaders{(X-Retries()1get(0) E1 request1getRequestHeaders((X-Retries()1get(0) Answer: A, B Question: 9 Given an HtpServletRequestrequest and HtpResponseresponse, which sets a cookie “usernamer with the value “joer in a servlet? A1 request1addCookie((username(, (joe() B1 request1setCookie((username(, (joe() C1 response1addCookie((username(, (joe() D1 request1addHeader(new Cookie((username(, (joe()) E1 request1addCookie(new Cookie((username(, (joe()) F1 response1addCookie(new Cookie((username(, (joe()) G1 response1addHeader(new Cookie((username(, (joe()) Answer: F Question: 10 Which annotaton enables a servlet to efciently process requests of typo multpart>form-data that involve large fles being uploaded by the client? A1 @AcceptMultpart B1 @MultPartConfg C1 @MultPartFormData D1 @WebServlet (multpart = true) Answer: B Explanaton: Reference: htp:>>www1scribd1com>ilinchen2000>d>30864287-Servlet3-0-Specs (page 22, last paragraph)
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