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http://www.spencerinstitute.com - Ultimate Life Coach Business Book - http://www.johnspencerellis.com
1 UltimateLifeCoachBusiness Book– John Spencer Ellis and Topher Morrison
2 UltimateLifeCoachBusiness Book– John Spencer Ellis and Topher Morrison Meetthe authors andyour coaches: Topher Morrison-Forover 20years, Topher has traveled theworld as aprofessional speaker. Heis a best-sellingauthor, and has been featured in 3 movies as an expert in his field. Known as “Themotivationalspeakerforpeople whoaresick & tired ofmotivational speakers,”Topher‘s shockinglyhonest and irresistiblydown-to-earth approach is surprisinglyinfectious. His personalityand straightforward mannerareendearingto audienceswho aretired of fleetingsuccess in self-help sinkholes. You will beon the edgeofyour seat asTophergivesyou a proven, step-by-step system to become ahighly-paid and highly- respected professional fitness speaker and seminarleader.http://www.tophermorrison.com John SpencerEllis-John has helped tens ofthousands of fitness pros toearn moremoneyand livetheirdreams. Duringthis same time, hemadean award-winningpersonal development movie (and appeared in a second), co-authored 3 books, quoted in 40 magazines, founded 3 new fitness associations and theSpencerInstitute forLifeCoach Training,appeared several times on oneof thehighest ratedrealityshows in history, produced, hostedand appeared on manyTV programs, hosted two fitness infomercials,and has createdfitness trends used in over 50countries. Hewas also nominated forinduction into theFitness Hall ofFame. Each week, over 1million people aroundthe world use a fitness program hecreated. John operatesall of this from a laptop on an antique desk from his homeheshares with his wife and two teen daughters. http://www.johnspencerellis.com