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Dr. Chaitanya Ganapule MD considered the best Gynecologist in Pune, has designed a simple health check-up for couples who are unable to achieve pregnancy and complete their families as per their desired schedule. They wish to be free to subsequently take on other career responsibilities or simply have more time in life to enjoy with their children.<br>
Address:-1277,1stFloor,Renaissance,JangaliMaharajRd,Nextto McDonalds,DeccanGymkhana,Pune,Maharashtra411004 Phone:02025531209 http://pearlwomenshospital.com
BestIVFHospitalinPune–PearlWomen’sHospital This hospital for women, staffed almost entirely by women, was established in the year 2009 in line with the vision and mission to provide affordable treatment to women of all ages and from all walks of life, with minimal invasion. Providing a safe and comfortable pregnancy&birthingexperience,withafocusonnormalfull-termdelivery,isour hallmark. Almost all the routine health challenges in women of different age groups are managedthroughourHigh-endLaparoscopicsurgerycapabilities.Pearl Women’s HospitalisknownasoneoftheBestIVFHospitalinPune. AboutUs SEEMORE https://pearlwomenshospital.com/
Dr.ChaitanyaGanapuleMDconsideredthe best GynecologistinPune,hasdesignedasimplehealth toachieve aspertheir check-upforcoupleswhoareunable pregnancyandcompletetheirfamilies desired schedule. They wish to be free to subsequently take on other career responsibilities or simply have more timeinlifetoenjoywiththeirchildren. AccordingtoDr.ChaitanyaGanapule, ifyoutakea consensus of the top 10 Gynecologists in Pune they will tellyouthatinalmost 80%ofthecasesthereare underlyingundetectedoruncontrolledconditionsthat maybepreventingconceptionorprogressionof pregnancy. TheBestGynecologistInPuneIfYouAreFacing DifficultyInConceiving https://pearlwomenshospital.com/
stagebutalsohaveasuccessful,safe pregnancywithahealthy baby. Needless to say, it should be interpreted byan IVF expert well versed with the impact of these conditionsonyourfertility. A few easy to take blood tests can give a wealthofinformationwhetheranysuch condition or ailment is putting obstacles in your path to pregnancy. The following is a simple,affordablehealthscreening https://pearlwomenshospital.com/
Thiseasy-to-takehealth check-upcan help identify most of these common issues, ailments or conditions that may either prevent pregnancy, notallowitto gofullterm,orleadtolife- threatening conditionsforboth the mother and thebaby. If some issue is diagnosed, further investigations may be warranted, the results of which will enable yourPhysiciantoget theseconditionscuredor undercontrolsothatyoucanachieveyourdesire ofasafeandtimelypregnancywith ahealthy baby. https://pearlwomenshospital.com/
conceptionareAnemia,Diabetes,andThyroid abnormalities. Not only will these ailments interfere with conception but in women, they can lead to life- threateningsituationsifnotkeptundercontrol. Asimplenon-invasivebloodtestorHaemogram, whichisthecheapest,givesawealthof indicate disorders that need immediate and specialized the presence of an infection or blood Amongthe3mostcommonconditionsorailments seeninbothmenandwomenthatareahurdleto attention. https://pearlwomenshospital.com/
India is the Diabetes capital of the world and even a random Blood SugarTest isenoughtoscreen for thisailment. In women, if undiagnosed, there is a chance that some of the potentialcomplicationsofdiabetes,likeeyediseaseand kidney disease, may develop or worsen during pregnancy. In men Diabetes directly affects fertility. The DNA of the sperm gets impaired as aresult of the oxidative stress caused due tohighglucoselevels. Thyroid testing: The thyroid makes hormones that help your body function healthily. If it makes too little or too much of these hormones, you may have problems during pregnancy. Untreated thyroid conditions in women during pregnancy are linkedtoseriousproblems,includingprematurebirth, miscarriage,andstillbirth. https://pearlwomenshospital.com/
In men, low thyroid hormone levels can lowerthequalityof semen, decrease thespermcount,andleadtoerectile dysfunctionandadropinlibido. In conclusion, this simple, easy to take and affordable health check screens for anymorbid conditions well inadvance & enables tackling the complications if any. https://pearlwomenshospital.com/
Finally, we check the Ovarian function in women and the Sperm count & quality in men. Are these 2 basic pillarsofconception sufficientenoughandgood enoughtofacilitatenaturalconceptionwithinayear, incouplesunder 35yearsofage, and within 6 months, in couples over 35 years of age? Is the quality sufficienttoensureanevent-free,safe pregnancy, and a healthy baby? After all, what do all parents look forwardto– Healthychildrenwhocanleadahappyzestfullife Asafeuneventfulpregnancy Aconceptionwhenthetimeisrightaspertheir desire https://pearlwomenshospital.com/
With these basic requirements in mind we check the AMHlevelintheblood,inwomen–Low levels indicatealoweredOvarian functionmeaning deterioration inboththequantityand qualityof the eggsintheovaries.Needlesstosay,wehavethe expertisetoovercomeabnormalAMH conditionsin womenbyusingappropriatetreatmentstrategies. Inmen,asimpleSemenanalysisindicateswhether thereisasufficientvolume,concentration, motility, and overall quality of the sperm to ensure pregnancy. Again, technologies are now available that can ensure pregnancy even in the apparent absence of sperm in thesemen. https://pearlwomenshospital.com/
A consultation with an expert during which your BMI and BP are also assessed is desirable. As we all are aware,highBP isbecoming commonevenin youngsters because of aggressive lifestyles, work, and peer pressures. During pregnancy, this can also result in high-risk conditions for the mother and the baby. If diagnosed prior to conception it can first be brought undercontroltoensureasafepregnancywith continuousassessmentandcompetentmanagement. In men the BMI is critical. Both overweight, as well as underweight men with BMI above or below 25 kg/sqm, can face a decrease in the sperm count, quality, and motility.The volumeof ejaculatealsodecreases as BMIincreases. https://pearlwomenshospital.com/
Fewotherrecommendedtests–All women who are planning for pregnancy must undergo screeningforThalassemia.Itbelongsto a groupof blooddisordersthatareamongthe mostcommoninheriteddiseases.Screening shouldbe done becausethatisthe simplest waytoavoidpassingit ontoyouroffspring. Thalassemiainthemothercanleadto termination of pregnancy, anaemic disorders in the baby, and passing on the trait to the baby. Worldwide 3 to 5 lac children are born with a severehaemoglobindisorderannually. https://pearlwomenshospital.com/
Why should the couple undergo this test when thereisnothingwrongwiththem?Yes, everyone would think the same thing. However, you could be a carrier. While you yourself will not have the disease, you may be acarrier of the genes for Thalassemia. If both the parents are carriers, the baby has a high probability of beingthalassemia. https://pearlwomenshospital.com/
Asimplewaytoavoidsuchaneventualityis priorto NOW!What asimplebloodtest conception.Whichmeans happensifyouareaknownThalassemic? There are ways and means to ensure you can have a safe pregnancy and your baby will be thalassemia-free.Undoubtedlypregnancyin Thalassemicwomen favorable outcomes ishighriskbut canbeachieved& Hereditarytransmissioncanbeavoided. https://pearlwomenshospital.com/
Continuousassessmentandcompetent management by an expert team must commence fromthepreconceptionstageandcontinue throughtilldelivery. Tosummarize,armedwith theresultsofyour health check and the availability of state-of-the-art technology, expert institutions like ours can help dealwithanyproblemthatmayshowup.We advise both the screenedandat partners Yash togetthemselves IVFweofferfree counselingtoenableyoutoundergothecheck-up andgetitinterpretedbyanexpert. https://pearlwomenshospital.com/
-Address- 1277,1stFloor,Renaissance,Jangali MaharajRd,NexttoMcDonalds,Deccan Gymkhana,Pune,Maharashtra411004 ContactUs Phone:02025531209 https://pearlwomenshospital.com/