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欢迎 Welcome. Acca-web.org. ACCA West Campus ACCA 西校园. 礼拜天下午 1 - 5 Sunday afternoons 1 - 5 at East Cobb Middle School 380 Holt Rd NE, Marietta, GA 30068. ACCA 西校上课时间地点 Schedule and Address. 2014 Fall semester 秋季学期 : First Day: Aug 10, 2014 Last Day: Dec 7, 2014
欢迎 Welcome Acca-web.org
ACCA West CampusACCA 西校园 礼拜天下午 1-5 Sunday afternoons1-5 at East Cobb Middle School 380 Holt Rd NE, Marietta, GA 30068
ACCA西校上课时间地点 Scheduleand Address 2014 Fall semester 秋季学期: • First Day: Aug 10, 2014 • Last Day: Dec 7, 2014 School Time: Sunday Afternoons • Chinese classes 1:00 – 3:20 pm and 3:00 – 4:50pm • Enrichment Classes, 1:50 – 2:50pm and 3:00 – 4:30pm Location: East Cobb Middle School 380 Holt Rd NE, Marietta, GA 30068 Website:ACCA-web.org
8月10日:中文开学日 8月17日:副科开学日 12月7日:学期结束
2014FClass Schedule P- 普通中文班 Chinese MLP-马力平班 Maliping Chinese Enrichment Class time 1:50 – 2:50 and 3:00 - 4:00 * Classroom number TBD.
中文课 • 普通中文班 普通中文1–10 年级,有完整的教学大纲;教材:暨南大学《中文》 • 中文学前班 pre-K 为4-5岁学前儿童所开;用北京华文学院编的《幼儿汉语》作教材。 • 马力平中文班 1–3年级,先认字后学拼音;用马力平博士编写的《中文》作教材。 • 双语中文班 为英文家庭背景的儿童所开。双语1–4 年级用《轻松学汉语》作教材。 双语班5年级使用的教材是美国出版的《中文听说读写》。 • AP Chinese教材: 《收获》
Chinese Classes • Chinese P01 – P10 We offer 1st to 10th grade Chinese classes , a systematic 10 years curriculum using the textbook 《中文》published by Jinan University .This textbook teaches Chinese phonic Pinyin in the 1st grade. • Pre-K Chinese We provide to the younger children age 4 to 5 the Pre-K Chinese class. The《幼儿汉语》 published by Beijing Huawen Institute is the textbook. • MLP Chinese MLP1 – MLP3 We offer 1st to 3rd grade Chinese classes using the MLP《中文》as the textbooks. This textbook teaches Chinese characters in the early grades and Pinyin later. • Bilingual Chinese 1st grade to 5th grade The Bilingual Chinese classes are opened for the children whose families do not speak Chinese on a daily bases. The textbooks are “Chinese Made Easy for Kids” for B-1 to B-4 grades and 《中文听说读写》for B-5 grade.
副科班 Enrichment Classes 1:50 – 2:50; 3:00 – 4:00 Sunday alternons We offer the following Enrichment Classes: 儿童绘画 I Arts I ----- basic level arts class 儿童绘画 II Arts II ---- higher level arts class Middle School Math --- A Math class taught at the middle school levels Mathcounts --------- A class preparing middle school students for Math competitions SAT Verbal --------------- SAT preparation, English. Ping Pong ----- Table Tennis class, open to children only. 毛笔字 ChineseCalligraphy ----- the arts of writing Chinese characters using brush pens. This class opens to both children and adults. 围棋 GO --------- Chinese chess, basic and competition. The class is also open to adults. 太极拳 Taichi------- A Chinese martial arts practicing the movements for the purpose of health and fitness. The 1 ½ hours class offered on Sunday 1:00 to 2:30pm, is open to both children and adult students.
在校生报名一览表Current Student RegistrationPleasemake check payable to ACCA. PTA $5 不在内,另交给班长
新生报名 New Students Registration 新生年龄要求: Age Requirements • 学前班Pre-K:2010年9月1日之前出生的4岁以上的孩子. Pre-K students must be 4years old. • 一年级:2009年9月1日之前出生的5岁以上的孩子. First grade students must be 5 years old. 新生学杂费 New Student Fees: sum(1,2,3,4) payable to ACCA, the sum (5,6) or $20 pay to PTA • $155 tuition 学费, $10 discount at pre-registration • $textbooks 书费, price varies by textbooks • $25 non-refundable registration fee 注册费 • $30 duty fee (refundable) 值班费 • $15 projector donationpay to PTA 设备费付给PTA • $5 PTA donationpay to PTA 家长协会会费付给PTA *只报名副科班的新生无需交设备费和PTA费。New students who register enrichment classes ONLY do not pay the equipment fee and PTA fee. 太极班 Taichi 学生和家长学费 $120, 校外人员也可参加,学费$150。开学后第二周开始上课。共15次课,每次一个半小时。太极班 必须招满9人才开班。The Taichi class is offered to both children and adults. The tuition is $120 for total of 15 classes. People from outside of the school can also come, the tuition is $150. Class starts in the 2nd week of Chinese school. each class lasts 1 ½ hours.The minimum number of students is 9. 书法班和围棋班:成人收费标准与儿童一样,$115
School Policy All Textbooks. 教科书和练习册成套教材不可以只买单册。 All Textbooks are sold by “sets”, no partial purchase of textbooks or practice books. Withdraw and Tuition Refund退学和退学费。学生因故退学,开学前100% 退学费。第一次课后退学费的75%,第二次课后退学费的50%,第三次课后不退学费。请到ACCA-web.orgdownload refund form. Full Refund is applicable before school starts. Students withdrawing after 1 class is refunded 75% tuition, after 2 classes, 50% tuition. There is no refund after the that. No refunds are provided to students who are failing or are in danger of failing. The TuitionRefundFormcanbedownloadedfrom the websiteacca-web.org.
School Policy 家长听课: 1. 除了双语班家长外,学校不鼓励家长坐在教室里听课。只有值班家长在教室里协助老师管理课堂。家长们可以参加副科班,锻炼身体或在休息区等待。但不可在教学区走廊里讲话。 2. 双语班家长们可以坐在教室里听课。 1. Parents other than Bilingual students are not encouraged to sit in the classroom. The Parent-on Duty are in the classroom to help the teacher. 2. Bilingual class parents are allowed to sit in the classroom. 课堂人数规定:Class Size 1. 副科班必须招满七人才可开班。太极班最少为九人。 2. 中文班人数为5–25名学生。 TheEnrichment Classes need to meet the minimum of 7 students. Otherwise the class is not open. The size of Chinese classes is 5 -25 students per class.
School Policy 毕业标准 Graduation Policy: 凡符合以下标准的学生,可以申请毕业, 领取毕业证书。 1.凡在校 10 年级学生全年学习成绩 (包括两次期中和两次期末的考试成绩)都在 80分以上,并且 SATII 中文考试成绩在 700 分以上或 HSK 考试成绩达到 4 级以上者, 2. AP 年级: 凡在校学生读完中文提高班(AP 课)并且成绩合格的学生,可以申请毕业,并领取学校颁发的毕业证书。 3. 对于没有达到以上标准而本人又要求结业的 10 年级学生,学校可颁发结业证书。 1. Studentswhocompleted10thgradewith80%testscoresandpassedSATII(score ≥700) or HSK level 4 are honored the Graduation Certificate. 2. AP Students who completed the AP class and passed AP test are honored the Graduation Certificate. 3. Students at 10th grade who do not meet the above standards but wish to graduate obtain the “Certificate of Completion”.
为家长们提供的机会 Opportunities for Parents 等孩子的时候您可以做些什么?What to do at school? • Volunteer参加PTA组织的的服务项目: Serving in PTA programsincluding but not limited to Incentive program, celebration planning meetings, helping school administration. • 健身:我们有太极拳班和Zumba健身操。太极拳班须注册,Zumba class 是PTA提供的健身活动。每次课交$3 给PTA。Fitness classes: Taichi and Zumba. • 培养业余爱好:您可以参加围棋班,毛笔字班和乒乓球班。学员要在学校注册。Enrichment Classes: GO, Chinese Calligraphy and Ping Pong. • 听讲座。PTA 不定期地举办各种专题讲座,敬请您前来参加。Attending seminars. • 组织共同爱好者小组。Organize activity groups with like-minded people. • 与其他家长们联谊。学校有为家长们准备的休息区:cafeteria and the break room. 家长们可以在休息区谈话,但不可在教学区走廊里出声讲话。Chat with other parentsin the sitting area. Please pay attention not to talk in the corridors of the teaching area.
志愿者报名 Volunteering Opportunities PTA – the Parent-Teacher Association provides services to help the school in many areas: organize event celebrations, operate the incentive program (a student reward program), enforce school policies (road control and behavior management, etc), public relations, board member election and teacher appreciation. Board Member -- Serving as Parent Representatives in the ACCA board. The Board Members represent our campus to participate in the decision making in the ACCA Board Committee . The board meetings are held once in a month. The board members are elected by PTA. Help on Special Events. There are numerous opportunities in serving in the school events. The 2014 Fall semester has a Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 celebration event. Alumni Volunteer – Parents whose children have graduated or left the school are also welcome to participate in the volunteering opportunities.
Please Join the ACCAPTA yahoo groups email list ACCAPTA@yahoogroups.com If you are not in this email list, you are left out! please sign up the list with Jasper Chan at ny11558@yahoo.comASAP. The school management use the list to send out news, announcements, notifications and reports. The list is not used for advertisements. The school keeps the email addresses confidential to protect your privacy.
美好的心愿,难得的机会让孩子们试一试吧! 两只老虎,两只老虎,跑得快,跑得快 … 老虎? 怎么不是狮子呀?
ACCA 西校家长理事ACCAWest Campus Parent Representative 姚华明 Dr. Huaming Yao hust79@yahoo.com 孙天 Mr. Tian Sun home@rachelsun.com
ACCA 西校校务会Staff of ACCA West Campus 王晓梅 Mary Chian, Principal mary.chian@gmail.com, 770-757-2222 肖娉 PingXiao, Accountant/Staff 吕水音 Lynn Lv, Staff
ACCA 西校PTA Chairman:陈高源 Jasper Chan ny11558@yahoo.com Committee Member: Elena Bevan, Wendy Lu, Flora Ding, Soo See Tan, KeninShen, Ken Davison, Mac McCluer, Jiang Qi