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1. Love di - vine all love ex-cel-ing Joy of heav’n to earth come down!

1. Love di - vine all love ex-cel-ing Joy of heav’n to earth come down!. Fix in us Thy hum-ble dwell-ing all Thy faith-ful mer-cies crown;. Je - sus Thou art all compassion pure unbounded love Thou art;.

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1. Love di - vine all love ex-cel-ing Joy of heav’n to earth come down!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1. Love di- vineall love ex-cel-ing Joy of heav’n to earth come down! Fix in us Thy hum-ble dwell-ing all Thy faith-ful mer-ciescrown;

  2. Je - susThou art all compassionpure unboundedloveThouart; Vis - it us with Thy sal-va-tion, En-ter ev - ’ry trem-blingheart!

  3. 2. Breathe O breatheThy lov-ing Spi-rit In-to ev-’ry trou-bled breast! Let us all in Thee in-her - it; Let us findthe prom-ised rest;

  4. Take a - way the love of sin-ningtakeourloadof guilt a - way; End theworkof Thy be-gin-ning bring us to e - ter-nal day.

  5. 3. Fin - ish then Thy new cre-a-tion pureunspotted may we be; Let us see our whole sal-va-tion per-fect - ly se-cured by Thee;

  6. Changed from glo - ry in - to glo-ry, Till in heav’n we takeour place, Till we cast our crowns before Thee lost in won-der, love and praise.

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