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Menopause. Begins in your late 40s and early 50sDecrease in steroid production in the ovaries Decrease in Estrodial, (Esrtone) Increase in Androgens, (androstenedione). Symptoms of Menopause. Hot FlashesNight SweatsVaginal DrynessLoss of LibidoUrinary symptoms. Skin Changes Difficulty with i
1. Phytoestrogens Skip Wyss, Corey Roth, Leah Bonde,
Tessa Gryglewski, Carrie Mashl
Jaclyn Katers,
2. Menopause Begins in your late 40s and early 50s
Decrease in steroid production in the ovaries
Decrease in Estrodial, (Esrtone)
Increase in Androgens, (androstenedione)
3. Symptoms of Menopause Hot Flashes
Night Sweats
Vaginal Dryness
Loss of Libido
Urinary symptoms Skin Changes
Difficulty with intercourse
4. Treatment of Menopause Estrogen Replacement Therapy (ERT)
thought to cause cancer
Replaced by Phytoestrogens
Taken in through diet.
Better form of estrogen therapy
5. What are Phytoestrogens? chemicals found in plants that act similar to the female hormone estrogen
but are much weaker than estrogen
6. What are Cont... 2 Main Types of Phytoestrogens
believed to reduce the risk of certain cancers, like breast cancer
known for their effects on estrogen metabolism and female health
7. Sources of Phytoestrogens found in many common plants
soybeans and soy products
soymilk and tofu are the richest
red clover (richest in Isoflavones)
lentils and many beans
sunflower and sesame seeds
green and yellow vegetables (to some extent)
8. What Do They Do… Phytoestrogens have estrogenic and anti-estrogenic activities in humans.
They are structurally similar to mammalian estrogen, estradiol, and have estrogenic properties. However, their estrogenic activity is generally much less than that of human estrogens.
Phytoestrogens are seen to show a positive correlation with Asian women who eat a lot of them, and a lowered incidence of menopausal symptoms within the Asian population.
9. What Do They Do… Phytoestrogens have about 1/500 to 1/1000 the activity of estradiol.
Therefore, phytoestrogens can act as anti- estrogenic effects by blocking the estrogen receptors and exerting weaker estrogenic effects.
It is very important to appreciate that estrogenic compounds such as phytoestrogens can be agonistic or antagonistic to estradiol.
Most Studies done as of present are to review the effects of phytoestrogens in place of HRT.
10. Phytoestrogen Effects Studies are not conclusive at this time but show that eating a lot of soy, which contains phytoestrogens can lead to…
Moderately less bone loss
Lower total and LDL cholesterol
Slightly relieve the symptoms of menopause, but far less effectively than estrogen.
Lowered risks of cancers such as breast, ovarian, and prostate.
11. Phytoestrogens and Cancers Optimistic Findings
Incidence of hormone associated cancer is much higher in industrialized western societies when compared to Asian populations (believed to be linked with consumption of soy)
Study found significant reduction in breast-cancer risk among women with high intakes of some forms of phytoestrogens
Study found that women with breast cancer had generally lower levels of phytoestrogen in urine than healthy women
Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables containing phytoestrogens have been linked to the reduction of breast cancer
4-5 servings lowers risk by 46% instead of only 2 servings
12. Phytoestrogens and Cancers Cont… Negative Findings
Factors beside soy intake may contribute to Asian populations having a low cancer rate, while Western populations have a significantly greater rate of cancer, such as low fat diets
Study found that the some phytoestrogens stimulated growth of estrogen-dependent breast cancer cell lines
Some studies show soy has a week protective affect in regards to cancers
Animal studies show dietary soy may promote tumor growth
13. Phytoestrogens and Cancers Cont… Xenoestrogens (environmental oestrogens)
related to an increased rate of cancer
Related to an increase of breast tumors in women
Chlorinated hydrocarbons
Contraceptive pill
14. Phytoestrogens and Cancers Cont… Inconclusive Evidence
What can be generalized from the findings of these studies are inconclusive
Cannot determine which is the cause and which is the effect
Increased vegetable products at expense of animal fat may lead to decreased susceptibility to cancer
Do not know if taking soy and alfalfa concentrate supplements work
15. Effects of Phytoestrogens on Cholesterol Two types of Cholesterol
take LDL out of the blood back to the liver
can oxidize causing a build up of plaques and eventually lead to Cardiovascular Disease
16. Effects on Cholesterol Cont.. Due the decrease in Estrogen, the stored cholesterol will be released into the blood stream, thus causing an increase of LDL.
Testosterone has the same effect in men. This is why Cardiovascular Disease in most common in men until women hit menopause, then they will even out.
17. Effects on Cholesterol Cont.. Soya products reduce the LDL cholesterol
this will help out the HDL in reuptake
this must happen in order to ensure open/clear arteries and a healthy heart
18. Effects on Osteoporosis means “porous bone”
this is a result of the thinning of the bones
Decrease in Estrogen will cause an decrease in osteoblast production.
Increase in osteoclasts
Stimulate break down of bony matrix.
Increase in Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)
Phytoestrogens add a form of estrogen back into the blood stream.
Stimulation of Blast,
Inhibition of Clast & PTH
19. Toxicity of Phytoestrogens Have potential mutagenic, carcinogenic and teratogenic properties
Phytoestrogen absorption and metabolism must be taken into affect to account for their safety and efficacy
Recent study states that phytoestrogens can cause harm in animals and is being researched for potential damage to infants using Soya products
They have been shown to induce infertility in certain animals
Possible increase in colon and stomach cancer, depending on exposure and duration of product
20. Soya Products Soya is found in foods such as soya sauces, miso, and tempeh
These are considered safe to eat because of long fermentation process
Soya is the second most common allergen in the US
Can also be found in certain breakfast cereals, ice cream, convenience foods (hamburgers, fish), baked goods, tortillas, etc.
Some claim the importance of only eating organically processed foods whenever possible
21. Soya Products Cont. Contains high quantities of toxic chemicals that are not rendered down by the long cooking process
Block the body’s uptake of minerals, hinder protein ingestion, inhibits oxygen take up and growth
Women should be warned not to feed their babies soya products, there is a two fold increase of developing thyroid abnormalities, retarded physical maturation and early onset of puberty for girls
22. Sources used http://www.findarticles.com/cf_dls/m0813/1_27/59210038/p1/article.jhtml
Bauer, Class Notes, Biology of Women, 2004