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Programme Communication in Nigeria Results to Date and the Way Forward

Programme Communication in Nigeria Results to Date and the Way Forward. 2008 WCAR Regional Programme Communication Network Meeting 8-11 April, 2008. Planned Results 2004-2007/8.

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Programme Communication in Nigeria Results to Date and the Way Forward

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  1. Programme Communication in NigeriaResults to Date and the Way Forward 2008 WCAR Regional Programme Communication Network Meeting8-11 April, 2008

  2. Planned Results 2004-2007/8 • 40% of Caregivers in the 111 focus LGAs correctly state appropriate child care information on immunisation, child nutrition, environmental sanitation and hygiene, primary education, and HIV/AIDS awareness by 2007 • Key partners at the national, state, and community levels raise awareness on the situation of Nigerian children and advocate for passage of the Child Rights Act • 70% of institutions that received capacity building support use the ACADA model to develop and implement communication interventions

  3. M&E Indicators • % of caregivers in 111 focus LGAs can state 3 key benefits of the 5 core household practices • % who report practicing the behaviours • # of States that pass the Child Rights Act • # of institutions using ACADA as a planning tool

  4. Results • MICS 2007 indicate reduction in mortality rates • Behaviour challenges still abound • Child Rights Law passed in 10 States • Assessment of institutions using ACADA set for 2008

  5. Community Dialogues for participation and ownership • Step by Step guidelines developed • Training of Trainers ppt in use • Checklist to ensure minimum operating standards • CD Reporting Form to monitor, number, where, when held (in use for IPDs) • CD Audit in 2007 to assess conduct, perception of participants and impact • CD has been applied to all behavioural problems. Community Dialogue Breaks Deadlock and Non-Compliance Wanfere, Duma Ward, Tureta LGA , Sokoto, 28 February 2008 J

  6. Results of Community Dialogue Audit Who moderates Opening & closing prayers Participants Where pre-dialogue meetings held Challenges a dialogue sessions Issues raised/discussed Actions Proposed Decisions taken Where IEC materials distributed Perception of satisfaction Confidence to counsel neighbours

  7. Peer Group DialoguePrevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) Dialogue with traditional leaders on PMTCT-Gombe LGA, 2005 Dialogue with People Living With HIV & AIDS in Kaduna, 2005 Interactive Forum on PMTCT, Fed. Medical Centre, Lokoja 2006

  8. Theatre for Development • Most communities have community troupes used for edutainment even on other community concerns • 15 functional per Field Office (CFO has 28)` • Partnership with 4 universities & TFD outfits (ABU,UNIMAID, UI, UNICAL, SPACE 2000) • Alliances with popular actors – Gringori, Chief Zebudaya, Baba Ramota • Reaching an average of 300 persons x 3 sessions /annum • Sessions are often complemented by dialogues and questions and answers. TfD on child participation and child survival, Aro Community, Ovia North LGA, Edo State, May 17, 2007

  9. Community VIEWING & LISTENNG SESSIONS • 4 viewing sessions/state per annum reaching about 300/session • 40 media institutions producing in local dialects (# of editions vary from 10 to 26 weeks on key household practices) • 7 episode video drama serial on KHHP for viewing centres

  10. Partnerships with Traditional & Religious Leaders Kekun Nauche facilitaiting dialogue Moderators of Dialogues in 6 States Izallah Leader

  11. Addressing knowledge gaps thru Social networks Federation of Muslim Women’s Association (FOAMWAN) and Traditional Birth Attendants during a Tafsir Session

  12. Promoting Social Change Following dialogue session on 25/4/07at Kawo Poultry Market, Kaduna poultry sellers agree to establish water points in markets for handwashing and to clean the market 2x/day

  13. Social Marketing Highly successful in: • 98% use of iodised salt • Strong partnership with industry for fortification of foods (flour, oil, sugar) • Alliance with regulatory agencies - National Agency for Food & drug Admin & Control (NAFDAC) and Standards ON)

  14. Partnership with Children Child-Child-Community % Children Identified % Identified Children Immunized

  15. IEC MATERIALS Guidelines for development Ppt for pre-testing Checklist for assessing usefulness To compliment dialogue

  16. KAP Research to guide planning Age a child should be vaccinated against measles Number of doses of DPT required by child in first year

  17. High Risk Programming Missed Children in Kano State Feb 2006 Social map Dala LGA in Kano State Sources of Information in Gobirawa

  18. Private Sector Partnership • Immunisation messages on V-mobile and MTN • HIV/AIDS messages on MTN

  19. Weaknesses • Going to scale has been a challenge in every programme communication initiative. • Monitoring and evaluation has been limited to immunization and Avian Influenza Prevention & Control. • Documentation has been limited, resulting in low visibility and credit for programme communication. • Funding has been insufficient, time bound and donor driven, focused on vertical approaches. • Too much focus on polio communication at the expense of other areas of the country programme. • Short time-frames for programme communication initiatives mean that results are difficult to demonstrate.

  20. Participatory Social mapping and Microplaning Niwo Nchereng Community in Barkin Ladi LGA, Plateau State – April, 2007 Polio Participatory micro planning session Mashamari Ward, Jere LGA in Borno State

  21. Key lessons learned • Social marketing alone cannot do it • Intensity and consistency are required for behaviour results and impact • Data/evidence-based programming driven is sine-qua-non to behaviour change • Documentation is required to fuel learning and information sharing • Interactive media programming is to be strengthened for mass public education

  22. The Way Forward • Strengthen partnerships on CSD issues with religious/traditional leaders, adolescents and youth & CSOs • Build capacity of institutions, service providers and community networks for interpersonal communication • Promote use of community info boards to track wellbeing and rights of children & women • Strengthen capacity of community resource persons to initiate/facilitate discussion on CSD/ core household practices • Institutionalise community and peer group dialogue to concretise community participation and ownership • Document significant changes in the situation of children and women through partnerships with communities • Promote mass public education through community viewing and listening centres/groups • Invest in research, rolling data collection and analysis

  23. His highness, Alhaji, Dr Muhammadu Kabir Usman, the Emir of Katsina, making a speech for the people’s gathering for the sallah holiday on 21 Oct 2006 , estimated at more than 200, 000. He called on parents to allow their children to be immunized whenever the exercise begins.

  24. Thank You

  25. For discussion What is the preferred balance between quality and large scale to demonstrate results/ impact?

  26. 10 KEY HOUSEHOLD MESSAGES • Register Every Child: Register your baby shortly after birth to document his identity. This will help the Government to provide adequate services • Fully Immunize Babies: Every child needs a series of vaccinations before his/her first birthday to prevent diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, tuberculosis, polio and measles. These diseases prevent growth, and can cause disability or death. • Breastfeed for 6 months: Breast milk alone is the food and drink a baby needs for the first 6 months. After 6 months babies need a variety of other foods in addition to breast milk. • Boil or filter water: Boil or filter water regularly especially for use by children. • Wash hands regularly: Wash your hands with soap or ash after using the toilet, cleaning the baby, and before preparing food, to prevent disease.

  27. 10 KEY HOUSEHOLD MESSAGES 6. Use treated bednets: Make sure children and pregnant women sleep under an insecticide-treated net to prevent malaria. 7. Educate Every Child: Register and keep girls and boys in school until they complete their basic education. 8. Feed sick children regularly: During illness, children must eat and drink fluids regularly. After an illness, children need at least an extra meal a day for a week or two. 9. Learn about HIV/AIDS: There is no cure for HIV/AIDS; it kills. Learn how to protect yourself and your family against HIV/AIDS. 10. Protect Children’s Rights: Every child has the right to survive, to develop, to be protected and to participate in his community. Parents and leaders have a duty to fulfill these rights.

  28. COMMUNITY INFORMATION BOARD Our Children, Our Future Name of Community…………….….. Year………….. Total Population (Adult): Male….… Female…...… Total number of children less then one year old………. Total number of children under five years……...… Number of primary schools………..… Children (6-12 years) Male……… Female….…... Children (13-15 years) Male………… Female……….. Total enrolled in primary school at start of the school year Girls….… Boys…..… No of Community Improved water sources ….………… Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul- Sep Oct- Dec SN 1 Number of children born 2 Number of children registered at birth 3 Number of children under one year who have received first dose OPV at birth 4 Number of children under five years who have received DPT 3 5 Number of children not gaining weight 6 Number of orphans 7 Number of children attending primary school (boys … ….and girls…...) 8 Number of households with long lasting Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) 9 Number of households with latrines 10 Number of functional improved community water sources 11 Number of pregnant women attending antenatal clinic 12 Number of women who died during pregnancy or within 6 weeks of delivery 13 Number of children who died within one month of birth 14 Number of children who died before 5 years of age 15 Number of community dialogue sessions held 16 Number of Village Development Association meetings held

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