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Using video and radio to improve rice quality in Africa . Jonas Wanvoeke, Paul Van Mele, Esperance Zossou CORAF/WECARD 2 nd SCIENCE WEEK 24-29 May 2010, Cotonou, Benin. Outline. Introduction Participatory and video approaches Zooming-in zooming-out Video and rice quality
Using video and radio to improve rice quality in Africa Jonas Wanvoeke, Paul Van Mele, Esperance Zossou CORAF/WECARD 2nd SCIENCE WEEK 24-29 May 2010, Cotonou, Benin
Outline • Introduction • Participatory and video approaches • Zooming-in zooming-out • Video and rice quality • Radio and rice quality • Conclusion CORAF/WECARD 2nd SCIENCE WEEK, 24-29 May 2010
1. Introduction • Use of mass media is very important for learning in agriculture. • Media products are helpful because farmers need information and need to express their view & share their experiences in agriculture. • Farmers need information from experts and from other well-informed farmers. This is why mass communication is useful for agriculture extension and learning • The Rice Rural Learning Initiative (RRLI) = combining video & radio to disseminate rice information CORAF/WECARD 2nd SCIENCE WEEK, 24-29 May 2010
2. Participatory and video approaches • Since 2000, AfricaRice uses Participatory Learning and Action Research (PLAR) • To promote technological and organizational change based on farmers’ knowledge and capacities • PLAR combines ideas from farmer field schools with tools such as cropping calendars and transect walks • To strengthen innovation systems, processes of participatory innovation development need to merge with mass media CORAF/WECARD 2nd SCIENCE WEEK, 24-29 May 2010,
2. Participatory and video approaches Methodologies Development Dissemination Video & Radio FFS OFR reached involvement FPR PLAR Demo Field Days CORAF/WECARD 2nd SCIENCE WEEK, 24-29 May 2010,
3. Zooming-in zooming-out Zooming in, zooming out approach to develop learning tools Identify generic topic Conduct participatory research Develop video with local actors Test tool in various contexts Scale-up and scale-out CORAF/WECARD 2nd SCIENCE WEEK, 24-29 May 2010,
Videos elaborated through the ZIZO approach • Easy to distribute and share • Easy to translate • Easy to modify to fit a specific context • Strengthen local ownership & partnerships CORAF/WECARD 2nd SCIENCE WEEK, 24-29 May 2010,
4. Video and rice quality • Trained by Countrywise Communication, local video teams developed 11 high quality videos • AfricaRice distributed videos to 175 partners who in turn shared them with over 474 local organizations • Gambian, Guinean, Nigerian, Ugandan and Burundi national TV broadcast the rice videos • Video distribution points on AfricaRice website • Rice videos translated into 33 African languages to strengthen national innovation systems • M&E system for video uptake established CORAF/WECARD 2nd SCIENCE WEEK, 24-29 May 2010,
Figure 1. Countries where videos are translated CORAF/WECARD 2nd SCIENCE WEEK, 24-29 May 2010,
Figure 2. Number of farmers reached with videos 33 Translations 20 15 5 CORAF/WECARD 2nd SCIENCE WEEK, 24-29 May 2010,
Impact of the video on rice quality Case study of parboiling video in Benin • Farmer-to-farmer video helped to diffuse the new technology and improved way of rice parboiling • Videos triggered technological, methodological and institutional innovations in rice processing communities • Women who saw the video improved their practices & changed their attitude towards parboiling • Strengthened post-harvest sector Improved rice quality CORAF/WECARD 2nd SCIENCE WEEK, 24-29 May 2010,
Impact of the video on rice quality Table 3. Impact of video on women rice parboilers, Benin 2008 (MSc, Esperance Zossou) CORAF/WECARD 2nd SCIENCE WEEK, 24-29 May 2010,
Strengthened post-harvest sector CORAF/WECARD 2nd SCIENCE WEEK, 24-29 May 2010,
5. Radio and rice quality CORAF/WECARD 2nd SCIENCE WEEK, 24-29 May 2010,
5. Radio and rice quality • Parallel series of 11 rice radio scripts • Reached over 300 radio stations across Africa and an estimated 850,000 rural people • Rice videos were distributed to 25 rural radio stations in Benin • Interactive programs on rural radios and a Q&A helped promote the videos and receive feedback • Hosted on Farm Radio International website • Media and gender study is ongoing in 9 African countries CORAF/WECARD 2nd SCIENCE WEEK, 24-29 May 2010,
6. Conclusion • Rice radio programs facilitated learning and increased awareness of farmers and service providers about the farmer-to-farmer videos • Combining high quality farmer-to-farmer video & rural radio revealed as a sustainable pathway to increase the quality of African rice and its competitiveness vis-à-vis imported rice • Access information is crucial for farmers to improve practices and attitudes CORAF/WECARD 2nd SCIENCE WEEK, 24-29 May 2010,
Thank you! Merci! j.wanvoeke@cgiar.org