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Assessment and Evaluation. Holy Name of Mary Catholic Secondary School. 70 % TERM tests, quizzes, essays, projects, demonstrations, oral presentations, performance tasks, etc. always reflective of board-wide category weightings. 30 % FINAL
Assessment and Evaluation Holy Name of Mary Catholic Secondary School
70%TERM tests, quizzes, essays, projects, demonstrations, oral presentations, performance tasks, etc. always reflective of board-wide category weightings 30% FINAL exam, culminating performance task, EQAO*, etc. category weightings proportionally match those of the 70% TERM Determining the Final Grade
Assessment & Evaluation Evaluation
Assessment: Record Keeping • MarkBook is the calculation tool used by most teachers. • It is set up to reflect the 4 categories of achievement and skills, as per Ministry policy: Knowledge/Understanding Thinking Communication Application.
CPTs and the Final 30% Evaluation • A Culminating Performance Task (CPT) is a consolidation of learning and a demonstration of student achievement administered towards the end of the course. • The school will communicate to students and their parents/guardians the timelines for CPTs and the potential academic consequences for missing part or all of this final evaluation.
Sample CPT in Geography • The study of Canadian Geography is all about connections. It’s about who you are and how you relate to the world around you. Students in the grade 9 geography course have studied Canada’s natural diversity, natural resources and related environmental issues, economic diversity, people and population as well as Canada’s global connections. Canada is truly one of the best countries in the world in which to live .
Sample CPT continued… • As part of the grade nine program, you are required to complete a culminating performance task worth 10% of your final grade. • More precisely, you are to prepare a travel documentary on a region of Canada to illustrate why it is, in fact, one of the best places in the world in which to live.
Sample CPT continued… You are to include in your travel documentary the following overall expectations: • demonstrate an understanding of the natural and human systems of your region; • analyse ways in which natural systems interact with human systems and make predictions about the outcomes of these interactions; • report on global issues that affect Canadians.
Sample Rubric for a CPT Application
Proper Citation • All students are taught proper citation in grade 9 as a component of their religion CPT. • Students submit their works cited to Teacher-Librarian where it is individually corrected. • Students receive a level 4+ mark when the document is error free which shows mastery of the concept.
Plagiarism • Plagiarism is a serious academic offence. It is the act of claiming another’s work as one’s own. Some examples of plagiarism are, but not limited, to: • reusing an essay, assignment, etc. from another course • copying a friend’s homework or project • using another person’s ideas as one’s own • copying and pasting text from an electronic sources, online database, Internet without citing and identifying as a quotation • buying a paper from the Internet or another source.
Plagiarism • Other examples include: • finding an essay, assignment, etc. in another language and then translating it; • falsifying a citation; • quoting a source without citation; • paraphrasing but not citing the source; • copying and pasting graphics without citing the source. (Ontario Language Association 2003)
Plagiarism Depending on the offence, an appropriate consequence, such as a zero, may be assigned. The teacher will inform parent(s)/guardian(s) and administration of such an offence.
Achievement Chart • In Ontario, the achievement chart is a standard province-wide guide to be used by teachers. • It is divided into four broad categories of knowledge and skills and feedback within each category is provided to students: Knowledge/Understanding Thinking Communication Application. • It also outlines levels of achievement of the curriculum expectations.
Achievement Chart Level 3 (70–79%) is the provincial standard. Teachers and parents can be confident that students who are achieving at level 3 are well prepared for work in the next grade or the next course. (p. 14 Program Planning and Assessment 2000)
Level One • As writer of this assignment I would like to consider the consequences of “child labour”. Child labour is abuse to children who are working for 18 hours a day and only being payed 13 cents an hour. What are they working for? They are working for greedy, selfish, abusive people that don’t have the right to do that to children or anyone…Most of the children that work at these factories are abused if they do their work incorrectly or if they are taking a break. The children hardly get anything to eat.
Level Two • Their young, rich, beautiful and ‘skinny’. Who are they, they’re the people we see on TV and in magazines. Men want them and women want to be like them. So what do the girls do, to try to be like them, ‘diets’. If diets don’t work or take to long, they begin to have eating disorders. For example ‘anorexia’ or ‘bulemia’ . One in particular is ‘anorexia’. It is one of the leading causes of death in teens.
Level Three • In Canada, you have to be over the age of 19 to smoke, yet teens are getting hold of cigarettes and influencing other kids to begin. In fact, more than 3000 kids become addicted to smoking each day. Would you consider that information, would you believe that’s over one million per year? To many teens are becoming smokers and are unaware of the affect it has on themselves and others.
Level Four • Many children’s stories describe one individual being singled out and tormented. It is always the poor relative, the step sister or the ugly duckling who suffers at the hands of others. This is discrimination. Discriminating is the act of prejudging and stereotyping people (Nelson 396). It may affect any one regardless of sex, race or beliefs. Discrimination is harmful and detrimental to all of society. It affects the way people feel about themselves and their self-esteem. In the poem “Two Prisoners” written by Raymond Souster, there is a verse that shows discrimination. …
Assessment and Evaluation Policy • Contents • Definition of key assessment terms Evaluation
Assessment and Evaluation Policy • Contents • Achievement Chart: 4 categories 4 levels of achievement • Final Evaluation/Final Grade • Reporting Methods • Learning Skills
Assessment and Evaluation Policy • Contents (continued) • Academic penalties and consequences • Missed assignments, presentations, and performances • Plagiarism • Cheating • Suspensions
Assessment and Evaluation Policy The Assessment and Evaluation Policy is outlined for students in the Student Agenda on pages 17-23.
Final Evaluations • The final evaluation is 30% of the course grade. • This can be a combination of the following: • a culminating performance task (CPT) • a formal exam. • These final examinations are an integral part of the evaluation process.
Final Evaluations • Students are expected to write the final examination within the timeframe of the exam schedule. • No term test or major projects will take place one week prior to the start of the formal exam period.
Final Evaluations: Illness • Students who are absent from an exam due to illness must provide a doctor’s certificate to the office before the end of the exam period. • Students who are absent due to illness and do not provide a doctor’s certificate will receive an exam mark of zero (0). • The teacher/administrator reserves the right to have a student write a final examination, even if the student produces a medical note.
Final Evaluations: Vacation • Exams will NOT be rescheduled to accommodate a student holiday and failure to write the exam will result in a mark of “0”.
Final Evaluations: Suspension • If a suspension falls into the exam schedule, Safe School Policies andProcedures will be followed.
Final Evaluations • SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES – Students with special circumstances must speak to a member of the administration team.
Final Evaluations • Students must be in proper uniform to write an exam. • An opportunity is provided for students each semester to review their final evaluation for each course. • Students are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity.
Reporting • Formal reports are issued twice each semester: one at mid-semester and one at the end of the course. • Each report will include attendance, lates, grade, course median, teachers’ comments and learning skills. • Parent/student/teacher interview night is scheduled shortly after the mid-semester report cards have been distributed.
The Ontario Secondary School Report Card Areas of Student Achievement The Provincial Report Card focuses on two distinct, but related, aspects of student achievement: • the achievement of curriculum expectations; • the development of learning skills.
Reporting • Percentage grades and comments are used to report on the student’s achievement of curriculum expectations in each course. • The percentage grades reflect the level of achievement of the curriculum expectations, • The comments focus on progress by describing strengths, areas for improvement, and next steps.
Learning Skills • The student’s learning skills in each course are evaluated using a four-point scale: E – Excellent G – Good, S – Satisfactory N – Needs Improvement. • Teachers may also include comments on the student’s learning skills when those skills have a particularly significant impact – positive or negative – on achievement.
Percentage Grade • Student achievement of the curriculum expectations is reported on the Provincial Report Card using percentage grades.
70% Term • 70% of the grade will be based on evaluations undertaken throughout the course. • This portion of the grade should represent the student’s most consistent level of achievement, with special consideration given to the more recent evidence of achievement.
30% Final • 30% of the grade will be based on a final evaluation in the form of one or a combination of the following: an examination, a performance, an essay, or another method of evaluation suitable to the course content and administered towards the end of the course.
Response Form • The Response Form is the last page of the first report card in semestered schools, and of the first and second report cards in non-semestered schools. It is not included in the final report card. • The completed Response Form must be returned to the school and filed in the OSR with the other pages of the report card.
Homework • Homework completion is a learning skill that is reported separately on the provincial report card.
Homework The purpose of homeworkfor students is to provide opportunities to: • complete work begun in class • apply and practise skills and knowledge taught in class • prepare for the next class • monitor their own learning • alert them to difficulties and the need to seek clarification.