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QSR N6 簡介. 參考書目 N6 Reference Guide (2002). QSR International Pty 劉世閔(2003)。 裸體者 QSR N6 (NUD*IST)。 教育研究月刊,115,140-143. QSR N6 簡介. 壹、前言
QSR N6 簡介 參考書目 N6 Reference Guide (2002). QSR International Pty 劉世閔(2003)。裸體者QSR N6 (NUD*IST)。教育研究月刊,115,140-143
QSR N6 簡介 • 壹、前言 • Formed in 1994, privately owned QSR International is the world's largest qualitative research software company, with hundreds of thousands of customers worldwide. Our mission is to break barriers to qualitative research and open new opportunities for qualitative research worldwide. The industries we serve include health, government, social policy, market research, pharmaceutical, management consulting and education. (http://www.qsrinternational.com/)
貳、NUD*IST 與N6 • QSR N6 是非數值非結構性資料索引搜尋與理論化( Non-numerical Unstntctured Data Indexing Searching and Theorizing,0NUD*IST)此一軟體改良後的第六版。由澳洲La Trobe 大學的Lyn Richard所研發,用於質性研究。
NUD*IST之設計是要將有文件、晤談紀錄、田野調查筆記等有文字的稿件進行編碼,進而分析與探討。甚至焦點團體(focus groups)、結構性質的問卷、會話、雜誌等都可進行編碼與分析。甚至此一軟體能成功地支援人種誌、現象學等方面的研究。
參、NUD*IST的設計 NUD*IST之結構分成三個操作工具:內文搜尋( Text Search)、編碼器(Coders)類目搜尋( Node Search)(註二)。前者是所要搜尋的檔案,全部開啟於此工具中,以便依據研究主題,利用編碼器進行全文的搜尋與編碼。編完後,需利用後者呈現搜尋的結果。
此一軟體又將此三者分成二個互補系統:文件(document system)(即內文搜尋)與類目( node system)(如圖一)。前者能保留所有文件、資料和各種資料的註解與備忘錄。後者代表所有研究者依據研究目的自行分類的主題和目錄(categories)。
N6 提供眾多方法,可幫助研究者發展分類的目錄,或強化目錄間的關係,甚至當你隨著研究,越來越了解研究內容時,可隨時儲存、考驗、探索、修正編碼。 • 總之,N6是一以編碼為基礎,而管理、探究質性資料的簡潔程式,由兩個資料系統,參個工具所組成,而能讓你處理大量的資料。 • 即使是質性研究的菜鳥(novice) 。
肆、N6的功能簡介 • 一、開設專案資料檔 • A project in N6 corresponds to a research project in the "real world". That can be as large as a doctoral or university team research effort, or as confined as a "this week" pilot focus group. In it you can store all your data, your research notes and results, and all your ongoing work and analysis. N6 provides many tools for relating that information, analyzing it, and storing results of analysis for investigation and further analysis.
In short, N6: • 1. holds all your project data • 2. helps you manage your project and its data • 3. provides extensive exploration, analysis, and reporting tools for your data.
二、儲存與分析文件 Documents are the fundamental source of data in an N6 project, Documentation in any qualitative project occurs at all levels, from the initial field data to the analyses and reports. In N6, all of this is covered in the idea of an N6 document.
A project can have any number of documents in it, and they can be of any size. However there are practical limits imposed by the capacity of your computer and the ability of N6, as with any program, to handle ever larger amounts of data quickly and efficiently. In practice, on a large computer, an N6 project can handle very large numbers of documents.
三、編輯 • 1.註解備忘錄 • Every document in a project, and every node, can have an editable file of text associated with it, called its memo. Memos are intended for the researcher to record their thoughts and comments about the document or node. Memos are not only useful, they are methodologically important.
You can create the memo for a document or node at any time, and the memo can be read and edited at any time. A memo should not exceed about 24,000 characters in length, or about 400 lines. • Memos are not project documents they cannot be coded and they do not appear in the browsers. On the Other hand they are fully editable in N6's internal editor, which make them much easier to change than a project document.
2. 修改檔案 • Files of plain text play a significant role in N6. For example, producing reports and tables are an important way of studying one's data; and the memos attached to documents and nodes often need additions and changes. For these reasons, N6 provides for convenience an internal editor. Even a project's online documents can be edited, on a text unit by text unit basis , and the internal editor is used for that.
四、創造類目 • Nodes provide a way of cataloguing all the topics, ideas, people, things, places, etc in a project - in fact, anything in the project you want to record. If you think of the documents in a project as like the chapters in a book, then think of the nodes as like an index at the back of the book that lists anything important that occurs in the book.
Book indexes don't just list important items in the book, the entries also contain references, such as page numbers, to where the topic occurs in the book. N6's nodes are like that –nodes are said to code text units in the project's documents.
An Important aspect of qualitative research in N6 consists of building up the project's node system and giving the nodes coding. • 編類目有二種方式:free nodes and tree nodes.
五、編碼 • Documents contain all the data in a project, and the nodes are all the topics. Coding links topics and data by recording where in the data a topic occurs. The analogy of a book with an index helps: the documents are like the text chapters, the nodes are like the list of entries in the index, and the coding is like the page-number references against the index entries. • Index references in a book usually refer to page numbers. In N6, the coding refers to the text units in a document.
六、本文搜尋 • Text Search is one of the two main tools for exploring your documents and nodes, and automating the study of a project's data. The other is node search. • Text search finds text units in your project's data that contain a particular expression, and creates a node that codes them all. Its purpose, unlike the usual Find facility in a word processor (or in N6's editor) is to collect and code those text units. In this way it can help create topics and provide a topic-centered view of data.
七、類目搜尋 Node search is a set of seventeen tools, lather than just one tool, for automatically finding relationships between the coding of two or more nodes. You can think of it in two ways: • 1. It is a w ay of answering questions about your coding. • 2. It Is a way of building new nodes out of old, with the coding in the new node (or output node) being derived from the coding in the old nodes (or input nodes). • 有交集、聯集、重疊…..。
八、資料輸入與輸出 Much of the data in an N6 project can be presented in tabular format, for example tables of coding data relating documents in row to nodes in columns. Tables of data made in other programs can be brought into an N6 project (importing) or Saved as files from within an N6 project, for use in other programs (exporting). These tables can also be inspected within N6, a very important data display feature.
In addition, N6 Can export a project's tree node system to the tables and graphical visualization.
九、製作報告 • (Make Report):當研究者想把分析的結果予以彙整成報告時,可以在文件探勘者中將所分析或載入的文件予以呈現,這時將出現文件何時被載入、行碼及共計幾行數等之資料。