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Tercer Seminario regional agricultura y cambio climático: nuevas tecnologías en la mitigación y adaptación de la agricultura al cambio climático. Arqueas metanógenas en al mitigación del cambio climático en la agricultura Flávia Talarico Saia
Tercer Seminario regional agricultura y cambio climático: nuevas tecnologías en la mitigación y adaptación de la agricultura al cambio climático Arqueasmetanógenas en al mitigación del cambioclimático en la agricultura FláviaTalarico Saia ChemistryInstitute, Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho – UNESP, Araraquara, SP, Brazil Email: ftsaia@yahoo.com.br
Methane accounts for about 20% of global warming Methane has global warming potential (GWP) 21-25 times more than CO2 METHANE Intergovernmental pane l on climate change (IPCC), 2007 19th century anthropogenic CH4 as a source of energy Anaerobic treatment of waste Methane concentration in the atmosphere CH4 as a greenhouse gas CH4 Recovered and used as clean energy Fonte: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Methane to Market
Mitigation strategies for methane emissions • Use of methane as a energy source • Sources of methane emission • Methanogenic microorganisms
Methanogenesis: The ProcessAnaerobic condition 1 • multi-step process carried out by different • groups of microorganisms • Hydrolytic Bacteria • Fermentative Bacteria • Acetogenic Bacteria • Methanogenic Archaea 2 3 Hydrogenotrophic H2, formate Acetoclastic Acetate Methilotrophic Methanol Methanobrevibacter Methanosaeta Methanosarcina • It is important for carbon cycle since methanogenesis prevents a build-up of organic matter, allowing the other microorganisms to support the oxidation of substrates
Rice fields Hydroeletric wetlands Landfill WHERE ARE METHANOGENIC ARCHAEA ? Methanogens are ubiquitous in anoxic environments Anaerobic digesters Livestock - cattle Termites
Agriculture - source ofmethane • Major sources of methane emissions: • Agriculture :In 2010 accounted for 53% of global methane emission • Energy: oil and natural gas systems • Waste: solid waste and wastewater treatment Yusulf et al. (2012) Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Agriculture sectors • Manure: stored or treated in liquid system • Top emmiting counties: • U.S., Germany, India, China, France, • Russia, Turkey and Brazil. Yusulf et al. (2012) Renewable and Sustenaible Energy Reviews
Agriculture sectors Agriculture - CH4emissionsin Brazil glogster.com Wastewater Treatment 7% Largest beef exporter in the world Manure Management 7% novotempo.com Landfills 10% greencleanguide.com Agriculture accounting for 45% of CH4emission 10
Sugarcane Vinasse – liquid waste from ethanol Ethanol Vinasse • Vinasse has been used as fertilizer to sugarcane fields • Emission of methane during storage of vinasse • Emission of N2O from soil Brazil is the largest producer of sugarcane ethanol in the world and immense volume of vinasse is generated – 10L vinasse/L ethanol In 2006/2007, 190 billions of liters of vinasse were produced Rego e Hernández (2006); Oliveira (2011); Carmo et al., 2012
Brazilian authorities announced that the country will target a reduction in its GHG between 36.1 and 38.9% from projected 2020 levels. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - IPCC (2007)
Mitigation Strategies: Enteric Fermentation • CH4 is not only GHG but it is also a waste of fed energy for the animal • Large number of MA are in the ruminal liquid: 107 to 109 cells/mL • (Kamra, 2005). • Hydrogenotrophic methanogens: Methanobacteriales, • Methanomicrobiales, Methanosarcinales have been found Methanosarcina barkeri Methanobrevibacter smithii Methanobacterium formicicum microbewiki
Enteric Fermentation – mitigation strategies (MS) to methane emission MS target the methanogens of the rumen directly or indirectly • Diet Composition: use of easy degradable carbohydrate – reduce pH in the rumen – decreases MA. However, accumulation of organic acids can occur, leading to subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) and disruption of the rumen microbiota (Plaizier et al., 2008). • Lipids: Fatty acids and oils (Johnson and Johnson, 1995; Hook et al., 2010). • - inhibition of protozoa which supply methanogens with hydrogen • - Increase the production of propionic acid - it is not used for methanogens • - Binding to the cell membrane of methanogens and interrupting membrane transport • Defaunation: decrease the number of protozoa by the use of copper, sulphate, acids, • (Hook et al., 2010) • Vaccines: target methanogens directly (Wedlock et al., 2010) Hook et al. (2010)
Enteric Fermentation – mitigation strategies (MS) to methane emission • Other strategies: selection of high quality grasses, increase grain level and • increasing feed conversion efficiency to produce meat and milk • Researcheshaveshown: • MS are limited by the diet feed, the management conditions, physiological condition, use of the animal, and government laws. • Long-term experiments in vivo need to be done to implement MS • Economicviabilityoftheproducerneeds to beaddressed Brazil: diversty of methahogens related with diet – hay proportions (Neves et al., 2010) improvement of meat production related with sugarcane feeding in dry season (Primavesi et al., 2003) Hook et al. (2010); Yusuf et al., 2012
Rice fields CH4 is produced by anaerobic degradation of organic matter that occurs in soil and also in roots CH4 oxidation by methanotrophic bacteria Anaerobic CH4 oxidation www1.ethz.ch MS = net methane emission Phillipot et al. (2009), Dubey (2005)
Acetoclasticbutmainlyhydrogenotrofic methanogens Methanobacterium kanagiense Methanoculleus chikugoensis Methanolinea Dianou et al., 2011 Sakai et al., 2012 Kitamura et al., 2011 • Methanotrophic bacteria Methylomonas koyamae sp Adachi et al 2001 Methylosinus Ogiso et al., 2011
Mitigation Strategies: Rice field • Mitigation strategies include: • - reduction of methane production; increasing methane oxidation, lowering methane transport through the plant • Selectionofcultivarswith low exudation rates • To keep the soil as dry as possible in the off- rice season : adverse environmental condition for methanogenesis • Use of fertilizer: ammonium nitrate and sulphate instead of urea Current information is insufficient for the development of technology and strategy for reduction in methane emission To improvetheknowldgementofmethanogens and methanotrophic bacteria in soiland in roots Phillipot et al. (2009), Dubey (2005)
MitigationStrategy: anaerobictreatmentofmanureandvinasse Aim: to applyanaerobictechnology to PRODUCE METHANE for BIOENERGY PURPOSES Land applications (N, K, P) pathogenic microorganisms Methane has a high energy value (ΔHo= 816 kJ/mol or 102 kJ/e- eq) that can be captured through combustion and used for space heating or eletricity
Studies have been carried out to better understand the anaerobic • process in order to control the process and achieve optimum biogas yield. Support medium Configuration of reactors UASB Polyhurethane foam HAIB • Effect of inhibitory substances: • ammounium, salt content, sulphate, temperature Lettinga (1980) Foresti et al. (1995)
Microorganisms – biodigestors treating manure slurries • Methanosarcinaceae and Methanobacteriales are predominant in anaerobicreactors treating different kinds of manure • Due to high levels of ammonium, pointig out the importance of hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis (Netmman et al., 2010) Methanomicrobium Methanobrevibacter Methanosarcina
Microorganisms – biodigestors treating vinasse Methanosaeta Methanomicrobium sp • Acetoclastic andhydrogenothrophic methanogens Methanosarcina microbewiki Araújo et al. (2003) bacmap.wishartlab.com • Termophilicprocess– vinasse is producedathightemperatures (80-900C) • Souza et al. (1992); Viana (2006); Ribas (2006) - sludge stable among harvests - It is necessary to decrease temperature - process is faster than mesophilic
Hydrogen and methane production Use of two -stage bioreactors to produce hydrogen and methane Acidogenic reactor Methanogenic reactor Vinasse H2 and acids production Consumption of acids and production of methane Peixoto et al. (2012)
Conclusions • Emissionsofmethanefromagricultureactivities are a worlwideproblem, mainlyregardingentericfermentation, ricefieldandmanuremanagment • In Brazil: contributionofvinasseused as fertilizer • Studieshaveshownthatthere are mitigationstrategies, however a betterunderstandingofthemicroorganisms, thefactorsaffectingsymbioticrelationwithother microbial populationandtheirenvironment, alsolongtermexpriments are needed to implement MS
Brazil • Studies focused on microbial diversity: Amazon and Pantanal
Muchas gracias FláviaTalarico Saia ftsaia@yahoo.com.br 55 16 33019506