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Moduli Dynamics in Warped Compactification. YITP Hideo Kodama Based on the work in collaboration with Kunihito Uzawa. Introduction. Higher-Dimensional Unification Dark matter, flat inflaton potential ⇒ SUSY
Moduli Dynamics in Warped Compactification YITP Hideo Kodama Based on the work in collaboration with Kunihito Uzawa
Introduction Higher-Dimensional Unification • Dark matter, flat inflaton potential ⇒ SUSY • The repitition of generations with the same structurecan be naturally explained in higher-dimensional unification. • Superstring/M theory is the only (perturbatively) consistent higher-dimensional unfied theory at present. Compactification • Moduli stabilisation • No-Go theorem against accelerating expansion • The KKLT construction and the KKLMMT brane inflation model based on the flux compactification may provide a higher-dimensional cosmological model consistent with osbservations. • In these models, however, the warped structure of the geometry is not fully taken into accout, and the 10D structure of the model is not clear.
IIB SUGRA Bosonic field contents • 10D metric • Axion, dilaton: • 3-form flux: • 5-form flux: Action
Calabi-Yau Compactification Product-type compactification with no flux • N=2 SUSY vacuum on Moduli • Shape moduli • Dilaton-axion moduli τ: 1 • Complex structure moduli of CY: • Size moduli • Kaehler moduli of CY: this includes the volume modulus of CY
4D Effective Theory KK ansatz 4D effective action (tree) where and
Moduli Stabilisation Flux compactification • Discrete set of vacua • Stabilisation of all shape moduli[Giddings, Kachru & Polchinski(2002)] This privides constraints.
Difficulties • The size modulus is not stabilised KKLT construction: Instanton effects ⇒ Kaehler moduli stabilisation • The volume modulus is not stabilised in a model with a single Kaeher modulus [Denef, Douglas and Florea 2004] • There exist models in which all Kaeler moduli are stabilsed by the instanton effets, but they are not generic [Denef et al 2005, Aspinwall & Kallosh 2005] • Fluxes produce warped geometry • Warped structure is not taken into account in the volume modulus statilisation argument. • The orbifold singularity with negative charge • In order to evade the No-Go theorem, singular objects or branes/orientifold planes with negative tension are required
Warped Compactification Einstein equations If is y-dependent. Hence, the 4D metric depends not only on x but also on the internal coordinate y. Factorisation ansatz In order to preserve some supersymmetry, we often assume that the metrictakes the form
Conifold compactification • When Y is Ricci flat , 3-form flux vanishes and the 5-form flux takes the form the field equations are reduced to • For example, for the 5-form flux produced by D3 branes with flat X, we obtain a regular spacetime with full SUSY: • Note that when D3 branes and anti-D3 branes coexist, naked singularities appear, because
Klebanov-Strassler solution • Constant τ, 5-form flux and ISD 3-form flux • CY=deformed conifold regular at r=0 • Compactification of this solution was discussed by Giddings, Kachru and Polchinski (2002)
No-Go Theorem For any (warped) compactification with a compact closed internal space, if the strong energy condition holds in the full theory and all moludi are stabilized, no stationary accelerating expansion of the four-dimensional spacetime is allowed. • Proof For the geometry from the relation for any time-like unit vector V on X, we obtain Hence, if Y is a compact manifold without boundary, is a smooth function on Y, and the strong energy condition is satsified in the (n+4)-dimensional theory, then the strong energy condition is satisfied on X.
Moduli Instability: No Flux Case Assumptions • The 10D metric has the form (Einstein frame) • All moduli except for the size modulus are stabilised. • No flux Effective action Since the superpotential potential vanishes, the 4D effective action is given by
General solution s.t. h=h(t) and X is a flat Friedmann • There exist two types of general solutions due to the invariance of the action under the trasformation • The solution in which h increases with the cosmic expandion: • The solution in which h decreases with the cosmic expansion. . • We will see that only the first decompactifying solution survives in the warped compactification.
Moduli Instability: Warped Case Assumptions • Metric • All moduli except for the size modulus are stabilised • Form fields General solution[Kodama & Uzawa hep-th/0504193] If and the metric has no null Killing where
Implications • For and no null Killing, it is required that the 4D spacetime X is flat. Hence, in order to allow for a solution whose 4D metric is as in the KKLT construction by the instanton effect, the field equation for and the Einstein equations must be largely modified by the quantum effect. • For , the above solution is not a general solution. • In order to get a solution with compact Y, we have to introduce some singular sources, such as the orientifold O3with negative charge, to cancel the negative term in the right-hand side of the equation in accordance to the No-Go theorem. Such a source gives rise to a singular negative contribution to the warp factor h in general.
When is time-like, h can be written . • Therefore, when the volume modulus is x-dependent, the x-dependent part does not factor out from the warp factor as is assumed in most effective four-dimensional theories. • In the region where the y-dependence of h is small, the dynamical behavior of h is the same as that of the decompactifying solution in the no warp case. • However, in a strongly warped region where is large as at the KS throat, the volume modulus can be effectively stabilised for a long time. • The instability is associated with full SUSY breaking of the order • Hence, if we live in a brane at a deep KS throat, all moduli can be stabilised and SUSY is preserved for a sufficiently long time, even without quantum stabilisation effects. • When the instability grows, it produces a Big-Rip singularity if a<0.
Summary We have studied the moduli dynamics in the warped compactification of IIB SUGRA and have found • Warp produced by flux has significant effects on the moduli dynamics as well as on the 4D geometry. • In particular, in a region with strong warp, the volume modulus is effectively stabilised for a long time even in the classical framework. Further, its destabilisation can produce a Big-Rip type singularity and SUSY breaking. • These features may be used to construct a realistic cosmological model by combining it with the brane-world scenario, in which accelerated expansion is realised only in a brane. • In order to explore this possibility, we have to investigate various problems: the structure of KK-modes and the 10D description of quantum effects in the warped compactification, brane-world models in 10D framework, extensions of the analysis to more general cases and other string/M theories and so on.