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Embrace unity over division, rise above petty conflicts for a harmonious society. Spiritual enlightenment leads to social welfare and universal fraternity. Inspire social unity based on common ideals with Ananda Marga's principles.
Namaskar Baba had said … (4)
The people of one clan used to treat the people of other clans who lived on different hilltops or trees, as their enemies. Thus people began to identify themselves by their particular lineage on the basis of their habitation and locality. And with or without cause, one group would start fighting with another group. The more their groupism and numbers increased, the more conflict developed. AFPS-4
The prehistoric human beings remained involved in group and clan clashes. The present humanity is involved in crude wars for dogmas. Then how far have they advanced? Let the marching ahead towards the supreme desideratum, taking all together, be the only mission for today's human race, and let the pauseless fight against any and all opposing forces on the way to fullfilment of this mission be the sole fight befitting a human being. Let this very struggle be reckoned as the Supreme Expression. Ananda Vanii. 1978
One should always remember that in the interest of social welfare and unity, fissiparous tendencies should never be encouraged. Whenever differences arise, it would be wise to ignore them. If at all something should be said, then one should say that this is not the proper time to bother about petty differences. AFPS-2
Inner channelization and one-pointed conversion into psycho-spiritual pabulum brings about radical changes in individual and collective life. The psycho-spiritual approach makes a person deeply introversial, one-directional, strong and dynamic… Such a magnanimous and devotional mind rises above petty quarrels and inter-personal and inter-group conflicts. PNS-12
I have been saying for a long time that human society is a singular entity, that human society is indivisible. Human beings, because of their petty interests, prefer to remain oblivious to this truth caused by the spell of selfishness. AFPS-3
Each one of these groups became so engrossed in their own ideologies, doctrines and subdoctrines that they did not have any time to do any constructive work: they were always engaged in vindicating their own doctrines and maligning others. That is why we raise the slogans, “Mánava mánava ek hyáy” (All humans are one) and, “Mánav ká dharma ek hyáy” (The dharma of humans is one). AFPS-3
The unity in diversity amongst all the races and sub-races of the human society is the pinnacled entity, Parama Puruśa. Baba AFPS-9
Ananda Marga has formed a society which frames its laws on the basis of common ideals in order to develop the idea of the oneness of all humanity. AFPS-7
There is only one man in the world and his name is All Men. There is only one woman in the world and her name is All Women There is only one child in the world and the child’s name is All Children. Carl Sandburg ~American poet (AFPS-1)
By reviewing our past mistakes, we find the rectificatory measures which will help us gain enough strength to move ahead with new zeal. AFPS-5
Harsh social punishments such as creating outcasts...do not find any place in our society. AFPS-7
Both men and women are equally entitled to get salvation or emancipation. I support no distinction between males and females. Baba
Do all your works unitedly. No work is hard for you; no work is difficult. Move forward easily and smilingly, solving all the problems of the world. Your victory is assured. Baba
We will not be able to move ahead if we compromise with all the disparities and inequalities of collective life. The endeavour to advance towards the ultimate reality forming a society free from all inequalities with every one of the human race moving in unison is called ‘sama samaja tattva”. Baba
All fissiparous tendencies and group or clan philosophies which tend to create the shackles of narrow-mindedness are in no way connected with spirituality and should be discouraged. PNS-3
The entire society of A’nanda Ma’rga is founded on a common ideal, the goal of becoming one with Brahma…. The unity in a society founded on the ideal of Brahma will be everlasting. PNS-3.
Spiritual philosophy does not recognize any distinctions and differentiation unnaturally made between one human being and another, and stands for universal fraternity. APH-2
Social unity and solidarity are only possible if the members of society are inspired with the following ideals –a common ideology, a caste-less society, collective social functions and no capital punishment. In the Ananda Marga social system, all these four factors are present. • 24 February 1970 • Our Social Treatise
Human beings will realize the supreme truth that all of humanity is bound together by common ties of fraternity. A Few Problems Solved
Today you have to create Mahávishva (The Great Universe), and the guiding principle behind it will be that all human beings are the progeny of the Supreme Progenitor. Hence all are His children; hence all should live together – nay, will have to live together. Black or white, literate or illiterate, small or tall, all are the children of the same Father. Hence all will have to live together. Discourses on Mahabharata
One Cosmic Ideology will have to be adopted and that ideology is that one Supreme Entity-- the Cosmic Entity-- is the goal of all living beings. This spiritual sentiment will keep human beings united for all time to come. No other theory can save the human race. To The Patriots
This Universal Form of God, unity in all -- you will be able to see in this very life. Strive on -- go on doing your meditation intensively, you will succeed. Baba's Grace
The absence of social security may create disunity in the society. A society cannot last long if it does not guarantee the safety or security of its members against wrongs and injustice. 24 February 1970. Our Social Treatise
The unity of Ananda Margiis should not be allowed to be jeopardized for any reason. Unity should be maintained even at the risk of your life. If an Ananda Margi engages in harming another Ananda Margi he or she remains under the condemnation of Ánandamúrtijii till his/her conduct is reformed. Caryacarya Part-2