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1Peter 4:7-11. “ As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. ” (vs.10). WHY I CAME TO WBC 40 YEARS AGO. Plurality of Leadership No such thing as one man ministry, no “Pastor”. Plurality of leadership.
1Peter 4:7-11. “As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”(vs.10).
Plurality of Leadership No such thing as one man ministry, no “Pastor”
Plurality of leadership Phil.1:1, “with the bishops (elders) and deacons” Titus 1:5, “appoint elders in every city” James 5:14, “call for the elders of the church” 1Peter 5:1, “the elders who are among you”.
II. The worship meeting - The Lord’s table - The Breaking of bread service - The Communion service - The Remembrance service - The Eucharist = the giving of thanks
III. The priesthood of ALL believers No such thing as one, or a few priests!
The priesthood of ALL believers 1. 1Peter 2:4-5, 9-10 2. Rev.1:5b-6; 5:9-10
O.T. GOD High Priest Priests Jewish people The world
N.T. GOD High Priest = CHRIST Priests = All believers The world
What did priests do in O.T.? A number of things, but the first and most important one was: offering sacrifices.
What do priests do in N.T.? Offer Sacrifices: 1. 1Peter 2:5 2. Heb.13:15-16
What did priests do in O.T.? They served: 1. The Lord 2. The temple 3. The people
What do priests do in N.T.? 1Peter 4:10-11 They serve! How? With the gifts God has given them!
Serving is not optional… it’s a matter of OBEDIENCE, “By love constrained”, 2Cor.5:14.
Why Do We Serve Anyway? - Glorify God - Edify Others
1Corinthians 12:1-11 “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant.”
What are Spiritual gifts? Spiritual Gifts are special abilities given by the Holy Spirit and distributed to every believer according to God’s design and grace for the common good of the body of Christ.
Spiritual Gifts are distributed to every believer according to God’s design and grace.
Spiritual Gifts are for the COMMON GOOD of the body of Christ.
Your Spiritual Gift is not for you, it is given to you for others.
"In Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all others." Romans 12:5 "Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it." I Corinthians 12:7
1 Corinthians 12 • Now to each one the manifestation (gift) of the Spirit is given. (v. 7) • He gives them to each one, just as he determines. (v. 11) • God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. (v. 18)
Spiritual gifts What are your spiritual gifts? What are the special abilities the Holy Spirit has enabled you with? How does the Holy Spirit want to manifest Himself through you? Do you have the Holy Spirit? Rom.8:9
A List of Spiritual Gifts 1. Wisdom 2. Knowledge 3. Faith 4. Healing 5. Miracles 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 6. Prophecy 7. Discernment 8. Tongues 9. Interpretation
A List of Spiritual Gifts 11. Apostleship 12. Teaching 13. Helps 14. Administration 1 Corinthians 12:28
A List of Spiritual Gifts Romans 12:6-8 14. Encouragement 15. Giving 16. Leadership 17. Mercy
A List of Spiritual Gifts Ephesians 4:11 18. Evangelism 19. Shepherding 1 Peter 4:9 20. Hospitality
A List of Spiritual Gifts Exodus 31:3–5 21. Craftsmanship 1 Timothy 2:1–2 22. Intercession Psalm 150:3–5 23. Creative Communication
Spiritual Gifts are NOT … • Natural talents • The fruit of the Spirit • Church positions • Christian disciplines
Romans 12:6-8 The 7 foundational gifts: 1. Prophecy 2. Serving (helps) 3. Teaching 4. Exhortation (encouragement) 5. Giving 6. Leadership 7. Mercy
Example Suppose a family of seven, all having one of these gifts, is sitting around the dinner table and a neighbour lady brings in a beautiful cake, but drops it. Each of them will probably react in this way:
Prophecy “See what happens when you’re not careful!”
Serving “Wait, I’ll help you clean up!”
Teaching “I watched you coming in and the reason for the cake falling was that you were not walking straight and holding it the right way.”
Exhortation “The next time you better have someone else help you.”
Giving “Here is $20, go buy another cake.”
Leadership “John, you get a mop. And Mary, you help with the cleaning up. Joanna, you go and buy another cake.”
Mercy “You poor thing, don’t worry about it, this could have happened to anybody.”
How to discover your spiritual gifts? Come tonight. (Bring pen or pencil)