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Biblioteca Técnica Marítima Informativo Nuevos Libros. CODEN: 14-CG-2121 HENSEN, Henk Tug use in port. A practical guide / Henk HENSEN. -- 2ª ed. -- London : The Nautical Institute, 2003. 13 p. 191 p. : Ilustradas ISBN: 1870077393
Biblioteca Técnica Marítima Informativo Nuevos Libros
CODEN: 14-CG-2121 HENSEN, Henk Tug use in port. A practical guide / Henk HENSEN. -- 2ª ed. -- London : The Nautical Institute, 2003. 13 p. 191 p. : Ilustradas ISBN: 1870077393 This definitive book, internationally researched and practical in outlook,is probably the most comprehensive operational guide ever produced on the use of tugs in ports. The guide covers: tug design; harbour tugs; assisting methods; capabilities and limitations;bollard pull; interaction and safety; equipment; training; escort tugs; new developments. It has extensive references and appendices and is illustrated throughout in colour with clear diagrams and worked examples. It is included on the IMO recommended reading list.
CODEN: 14-CG-2122 BUYSSE, Johan Handling ship in ice / Johan BUYSSE. -- London : The Nautical Institute, 2007. 8 p. 166 p. : Ilustradas ISBN: 1870077849 This is a practical guide to handling class 1A and 1AS ships in ice conditions. With global warming opening up ice-bound areas for longer periods, there is a growing demand for ice class ships and masters, officers and pilots to navigate them. This is a text on extreme seamanship, demonstrating the difficulties of navigating in ice and the precautions needed for safe passage. Chapters cover: Voyage preparation; In ice at sea; Navigating in fairways and under pilotage; Ice breaker assistance; Berthing and un-mooring.
CODEN: 14-CG-2123 NORRIS, Andy Integrating ships bridge systems. Radar and AIS / Andy NORRIS. -- London : The Nautical Institute, 2008. 4 in the series of maritime futures, 12 p. 147 p. : Ilustradas ISBN: 1870077814 From 2008 all new radars were required to display AIS information, and this book looks at the implications of integrating these functions. It explains how radar and AIS systems can be better integrated with overlay and underlay displays, to assist with decision making on board. The author draws on experience as a leading designer and industry chairman in the international arena.
CODEN: 14-CG-2124 CAHILL, Richard A. Collisions and their causes / Richard A. CAHILL. -- 3ª ed. -- London : The Nautical Institute, 2002. 8 p. 173 pág : Ilustradas ISBN: 1870077601 Over 90 court and inquiry cases are examined and described in this comprehensively illustrated book with diagrams drawn from court proceedings and other authoritative sources. The author uses his professional experience to explain the significance of the lessons learnt. The accidents are considered in the context of the relevant rule. A teaching text of great practical value, the book examines incidents and includes: Nearly end on; Restricted visibility; Forestalling close quarters in restricted visibility; The role of VHF and harbour radio.
CODEN: 14-CG-2125 CAHILL, Richard A. Stranding and their causes / Richard A. CAHILL. -- London : The Nautical Institute, 2002. 4 p. 175 p. : Ilustradas ISBN: 187007761X This book examines incidents through the written records of court cases and inquiries and covers: The Torrey Canyon; Negligent navigation; Casual attitudes and their consequences; Neglect of fundamentals; The unanticipated landfall; Lessons to be learnt from casualties at anchor; Stranding and salvage; Loss of propulsion; Inadequate manning; Seaworthiness; Care and correction of charts; Inadequacies of passage planning; Risk analysis; Master pilot relationship; Approaching pilot stations; Who has the conn; Techniques, technology and seamanship; Discipline and initiative; Conclusions, references and comprehensive index.
CODEN: 14-CG-2126 ANDERSON, Phil The mariner´s role in colleting evidence. In ligth of ISM. A practical guide. / Phil ANDERSON. -- 3ª ed. -- London : The Nautical Institute, 2006. 16 p. 400 p. : Ilustradas ISBN: 1870077768 A vital publication for Masters and other officers examining the way evidence is collected and recorded for use in making or defending maritime claims. There is a sobering section on how evidence will be used in a court of law and the impact on criminal prosecutions. Practical advice is given on processes, due diligence, the doctrine of privilege, taking statements, dealing with the media and giving evidence. The Master’s role is crucial and may influence the outcome of the dispute
CODEN: 14-CG-2127 HENSEN, Henk Ship bridge simulators. A project handbook / Henk HENSEN. -- London : The Nautical Institute, 1999. 13 p. 168 p. : Ilustradas ISBN: 1870077504 This book has been designed to address the difficult issues when deciding to use simulators for modelling ship manoeuvres in new port design or port modification. Port engineers are given checklists to help simulate accurately the key parameters to be experienced by the shiphandler for various ship types in realistic loaded conditions. This is a highly specialised book but of particular value to anybody using simulators for port development and training. Compiled with the Port of Rotterdam.